LS-DOS 6.3.1 - LBLINK Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2014 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance_2014 at
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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 01:02:14 LINK - LS-DOS 6.2            Page 00001 

              00001 ;LBLINK/ASM - LINK Command
              00003 ;
000D          00004 CR      EQU     13
0000          00005 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00006 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00007 *LIST   OFF
              00399 *LIST   ON
              00401 ;
2400          00402         ORG     2400H
              00403 ;
2400 11AA24   00404 LINK    LD      DE,FCB1         ;Fetch source spec
2403          00405         @@FSPEC
2403+3E4E     00406         LD      A,78
2405+EF       00407         RST     40
2406 2010     00408         JR      NZ,SPCERR1      ;Exit if bad name
2408 1A       00409         LD      A,(DE)          ;Must be a device
2409 FE2A     00410         CP      '*'
240B 207E     00411         JR      NZ,SPCERR
              00412 ;
              00413 ;       Fetch the second device spec
              00414 ;
240D 11AD24   00415         LD      DE,FCB2         ;Fetch destination spec
2410          00416         @@FSPEC
2410+3E4E     00417         LD      A,78
2412+EF       00418         RST     40
2413 2076     00419         JR      NZ,SPCERR       ;Exit if bad name
2415 1A       00420         LD      A,(DE)
2416 FE2A     00421         CP      '*'             ;Must also be a device
2418 2071     00422 SPCERR1 JR      NZ,SPCERR
              00423 ;
              00424 ;       Make sure source <> destination
              00425 ;
241A 2AAB24   00426         LD      HL,(FCB1+1)     ;If devices are the same,
241D ED5BAE24 00427         LD      DE,(FCB2+1)     ;  then quit
2421 ED52     00428         SBC     HL,DE
2423 2866     00429         JR      Z,SPCERR
              00430 ;
              00431 ;       Locate a spare DCB for the link
              00432 ;
2425 110000   00433         LD      DE,0
2428          00434         @@GTDCB
2428+3E52     00435         LD      A,82
242A+EF       00436         RST     40
242B 3E21     00437         LD      A,33            ;Init "No device space...
242D 2052     00438         JR      NZ,IOERR
242F 224A24   00439         LD      (LINKDCB+1),HL  ;Save pointer
              00440 ;
              00441 ;       Locate destination DCB address
              00442 ;
2432 ED5BAE24 00443         LD      DE,(FCB2+1)     ;Grab DCB name
2436          00444         @@GTDCB                 ;Locate its address
2436+3E52     00445         LD      A,82
2438+EF       00446         RST     40
2439 2046     00447         JR      NZ,IOERR        ;Jump if not found
243B 226824   00448         LD      (DSTDCB+1),HL   ;Save destination
              00449 ;
              00450 ;       Locate source DCB address
              00451 ;
243E ED5BAB24 00452         LD      DE,(FCB1+1)     ;Get 1st DCB name
2442          00453         @@GTDCB                 ;Locate in device tables
2442+3E52     00454         LD      A,82
2444+EF       00455         RST     40
2445 203A     00456         JR      NZ,IOERR        ;Jump if not found
2447 E5       00457         PUSH    HL              ;Save pointer we used
2448 F3       00458         DI                      ;Can't interrupt
              00459 ;
              00460 ;       Save the old device vector while stuffing new
              00461 ;
2449 010000   00462 LINKDCB LD      BC,$-$          ;P/u link DCB address
244C 2C       00463         INC     L               ;Bump to vector
244D 7E       00464         LD      A,(HL)          ;Save what's there
244E 71       00465         LD      (HL),C          ;Stuff link address
244F 4F       00466         LD      C,A             ;  into DCB of source
2450 2C       00467         INC     L               ;  while saving old
2451 7E       00468         LD      A,(HL)          ;  vector for storage
2452 70       00469         LD      (HL),B          ;  (could be a FCB)
2453 47       00470         LD      B,A
              00471 ;
              00472 ;       Now set LINK bit and rest of LINK DCB block
              00473 ;
2454 E1       00474         POP     HL              ;Rcvr ptr to source DCB+0
2455 7E       00475         LD      A,(HL)          ;Init the LINK bit
2456 F5       00476         PUSH    AF              ;Save old TYPE byte
2457 E607     00477         AND     7               ;Strip flags
2459 F620     00478         OR      20H             ;Set Link bit
245B 77       00479         LD      (HL),A          ;Show source is linked
245C 2A4A24   00480         LD      HL,(LINKDCB+1)  ;P/u link DCB address
245F F1       00481         POP     AF              ;Rcvr source TYPE
2460 77       00482         LD      (HL),A          ;New LINK TYPE
2461 2C       00483         INC     L
2462 71       00484         LD      (HL),C          ;Stuff source vector
2463 2C       00485         INC     L
2464 70       00486         LD      (HL),B
2465 2C       00487         INC     L               ;Bypass dest TYPE
2466 2C       00488         INC     L
2467 010000   00489 DSTDCB  LD      BC,$-$          ;P/u destination DCB addr
246A 71       00490         LD      (HL),C          ;  & stuff into link DCB
246B 2C       00491         INC     L
246C 70       00492         LD      (HL),B
246D 2C       00493         INC     L
246E E5       00494         PUSH    HL              ;Save name field pointer
246F 114C2F   00495         LD      DE,'/L'         ;Let's find a link name
2472 14       00496 NAMLP   INC     D               ;Bump "2nd" character
2473          00497         @@GTDCB                 ;If we find this name
2473+3E52     00498         LD      A,82
2475+EF       00499         RST     40
2476 28FA     00500         JR      Z,NAMLP         ;  look for another
2478 E1       00501         POP     HL              ;Get name pointer
2479 73       00502         LD      (HL),E          ;  & stuff in the
247A 2C       00503         INC     L               ;  selected link name
247B 72       00504         LD      (HL),D
247C FB       00505         EI                      ;Start tasks again
247D 210000   00506         LD      HL,0            ;Show no error
2480 C9       00507         RET
              00508 ;
              00509 ;       Error processing
              00510 ;
2481 6F       00511 IOERR   LD      L,A             ;Move error # into HL
2482 2600     00512         LD      H,0
2484 F6C0     00513         OR      0C0H            ;Abbrev & return
2486 4F       00514         LD      C,A
2487          00515         @@ERROR
2487+3E1A     00516         LD      A,26
2489+EF       00517         RST     40
248A C9       00518         RET
248B 219524   00519 SPCERR  LD      HL,SPCERR$      ;Bad devspec found
248E          00520         @@LOGOT
              00521         IFEQ    00H,1
              00522         LD      HL,
              00523         ENDIF
248E+3E0C     00524         LD      A,12
2490+EF       00525         RST     40
2491 21FFFF   00526         LD      HL,-1
2494 C9       00527         RET
2495 44       00528 SPCERR$ DB      'Device spec required',CR
     65 76 69 63 65 20 73 70
     65 63 20 72 65 71 75 69
     72 65 64 0D 
24AA          00529 FCB1    DS      3               ;Only 3-bytes needed
24AD          00530 FCB2    DS      32
2400          00531         END     LINK
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors
              00001 ;LBLINK/ASM - LINK Command
              00003 ;
000D          00004 CR      EQU     13
0000          00005 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00006 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00007 *LIST   OFF
              00399 *LIST   ON
              00401 ;
2400          00402         ORG     2400H
              00403 ;
2400 11AA24   00404 LINK    LD      DE,FCB1         ;Fetch source spec
2403          00405         @@FSPEC
2403+3E4E     00406         LD      A,78
2405+EF       00407         RST     40
2406 2010     00408         JR      NZ,SPCERR1      ;Exit if bad name
2408 1A       00409         LD      A,(DE)          ;Must be a device
2409 FE2A     00410         CP      '*'
240B 207E     00411         JR      NZ,SPCERR
              00412 ;
              00413 ;       Fetch the second device spec
              00414 ;
240D 11AD24   00415         LD      DE,FCB2         ;Fetch destination spec
2410          00416         @@FSPEC
2410+3E4E     00417         LD      A,78
2412+EF       00418         RST     40
2413 2076     00419         JR      NZ,SPCERR       ;Exit if bad name
2415 1A       00420         LD      A,(DE)
2416 FE2A     00421         CP      '*'             ;Must also be a device
2418 2071     00422 SPCERR1 JR      NZ,SPCERR
              00423 ;
              00424 ;       Make sure source <> destination
              00425 ;
241A 2AAB24   00426         LD      HL,(FCB1+1)     ;If devices are the same,
241D ED5BAE24 00427         LD      DE,(FCB2+1)     ;  then quit
2421 ED52     00428         SBC     HL,DE
2423 2866     00429         JR      Z,SPCERR
              00430 ;
              00431 ;       Locate a spare DCB for the link
              00432 ;
2425 110000   00433         LD      DE,0
2428          00434         @@GTDCB
2428+3E52     00435         LD      A,82
242A+EF       00436         RST     40
242B 3E21     00437         LD      A,33            ;Init "No device space...
242D 2052     00438         JR      NZ,IOERR
242F 224A24   00439         LD      (LINKDCB+1),HL  ;Save pointer
              00440 ;
              00441 ;       Locate destination DCB address
              00442 ;
2432 ED5BAE24 00443         LD      DE,(FCB2+1)     ;Grab DCB name
2436          00444         @@GTDCB                 ;Locate its address
2436+3E52     00445         LD      A,82
2438+EF       00446         RST     40
2439 2046     00447         JR      NZ,IOERR        ;Jump if not found
243B 226824   00448         LD      (DSTDCB+1),HL   ;Save destination
              00449 ;
              00450 ;       Locate source DCB address
              00451 ;
243E ED5BAB24 00452         LD      DE,(FCB1+1)     ;Get 1st DCB name
2442          00453         @@GTDCB                 ;Locate in device tables
2442+3E52     00454         LD      A,82
2444+EF       00455         RST     40
2445 203A     00456         JR      NZ,IOERR        ;Jump if not found
2447 E5       00457         PUSH    HL              ;Save pointer we used
2448 F3       00458         DI                      ;Can't interrupt
              00459 ;
              00460 ;       Save the old device vector while stuffing new
              00461 ;
2449 010000   00462 LINKDCB LD      BC,$-$          ;P/u link DCB address
244C 2C       00463         INC     L               ;Bump to vector
244D 7E       00464         LD      A,(HL)          ;Save what's there
244E 71       00465         LD      (HL),C          ;Stuff link address
244F 4F       00466         LD      C,A             ;  into DCB of source
2450 2C       00467         INC     L               ;  while saving old
2451 7E       00468         LD      A,(HL)          ;  vector for storage
2452 70       00469         LD      (HL),B          ;  (could be a FCB)
2453 47       00470         LD      B,A
              00471 ;
              00472 ;       Now set LINK bit and rest of LINK DCB block
              00473 ;
2454 E1       00474         POP     HL              ;Rcvr ptr to source DCB+0
2455 7E       00475         LD      A,(HL)          ;Init the LINK bit
2456 F5       00476         PUSH    AF              ;Save old TYPE byte
2457 E607     00477         AND     7               ;Strip flags
2459 F620     00478         OR      20H             ;Set Link bit
245B 77       00479         LD      (HL),A          ;Show source is linked
245C 2A4A24   00480         LD      HL,(LINKDCB+1)  ;P/u link DCB address
245F F1       00481         POP     AF              ;Rcvr source TYPE
2460 77       00482         LD      (HL),A          ;New LINK TYPE
2461 2C       00483         INC     L
2462 71       00484         LD      (HL),C          ;Stuff source vector
2463 2C       00485         INC     L
2464 70       00486         LD      (HL),B
2465 2C       00487         INC     L               ;Bypass dest TYPE
2466 2C       00488         INC     L
2467 010000   00489 DSTDCB  LD      BC,$-$          ;P/u destination DCB addr
246A 71       00490         LD      (HL),C          ;  & stuff into link DCB
246B 2C       00491         INC     L
246C 70       00492         LD      (HL),B
246D 2C       00493         INC     L
246E E5       00494         PUSH    HL              ;Save name field pointer
246F 114C2F   00495         LD      DE,'/L'         ;Let's find a link name
2472 14       00496 NAMLP   INC     D               ;Bump "2nd" character
2473          00497         @@GTDCB                 ;If we find this name
2473+3E52     00498         LD      A,82
2475+EF       00499         RST     40
2476 28FA     00500         JR      Z,NAMLP         ;  look for another
2478 E1       00501         POP     HL              ;Get name pointer
2479 73       00502         LD      (HL),E          ;  & stuff in the
247A 2C       00503         INC     L               ;  selected link name
247B 72       00504         LD      (HL),D
247C FB       00505         EI                      ;Start tasks again
247D 210000   00506         LD      HL,0            ;Show no error
2480 C9       00507         RET
              00508 ;
              00509 ;       Error processing
              00510 ;
2481 6F       00511 IOERR   LD      L,A             ;Move error # into HL
2482 2600     00512         LD      H,0
2484 F6C0     00513         OR      0C0H            ;Abbrev & return
2486 4F       00514         LD      C,A
2487          00515         @@ERROR
2487+3E1A     00516         LD      A,26
2489+EF       00517         RST     40
248A C9       00518         RET
248B 219524   00519 SPCERR  LD      HL,SPCERR$      ;Bad devspec found
248E          00520         @@LOGOT
              00521         IFEQ    00H,1
              00522         LD      HL,
              00523         ENDIF
248E+3E0C     00524         LD      A,12
2490+EF       00525         RST     40
2491 21FFFF   00526         LD      HL,-1
2494 C9       00527         RET
2495 44       00528 SPCERR$ DB      'Device spec required',CR
     65 76 69 63 65 20 73 70
     65 63 20 72 65 71 75 69
     72 65 64 0D 
24AA          00529 FCB1    DS      3               ;Only 3-bytes needed
24AD          00530 FCB2    DS      32
2400          00531         END     LINK
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

[Copyright 1999,2002,2014 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance_2014 at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2014 at]

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