LS-DOS 6.3.1 - LBRESET Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]
MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 02:16:21 RESET - LS-DOS 6.2           Page 00001 

              00001 ;LBRESET/ASM - RESET Command
              00003 ;
000D          00004 CR      EQU     13
0000          00005 *GET    BUILDVER:3
              00006 ;
              00007 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00008 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00009 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00010 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00011 ;
FFFF          00012 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00013 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00014 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00015 ;       patch is enabled.
              00016 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00017 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00018 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00019 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00020 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00021 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00022 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00023 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00024 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00025 ;
              00026 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
0000          00027 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00028 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00029 *LIST   OFF
              00421 *LIST   ON
              00423 ;
2400          00424         ORG     2400H
              00425 ;
              00426 ;       Save stack & call reset code
              00427 ;
2400 ED732624 00428 RESET   LD      (SAVESP+1),SP   ;Save Stack ptr
              00429         IF      @BLD631
2404          00430         @@CKBRKC                ;<631>
2404+3E6A     00431         LD      A,106
2406+EF       00432         RST     40
2407 2019     00433         JR      NZ,ABORT
              00434         ENDIF
2409 CD2C24   00435         CALL    RESET1          ;Call Reset routine
240C 210000   00436         LD      HL,0            ;Init successful
240F 2814     00437         JR      Z,SAVESP        ;Z - Exit clean
              00438 ;
              00439 ;       I/O Error Processing
              00440 ;
2411 6F       00441 IOERR   LD      L,A             ;Error # to HL
2412 2600     00442         LD      H,0
2414 F6C0     00443         OR      0C0H            ;Abbrev, return
2416 4F       00444         LD      C,A
2417          00445         @@ERROR
2417+3E1A     00446         LD      A,26
2419+EF       00447         RST     40
241A 1809     00448         JR      SAVESP          ;P/u stack & return
              00449 ;
              00450 ;       Internal Message Exit
              00451 ;
241C 217325   00452 SPCREQ  LD      HL,SPCREQ$      ;"Devspec req...
241F          00453         @@LOGOT
              00454         IFEQ    00H,1
              00455         LD      HL,
              00456         ENDIF
241F+3E0C     00457         LD      A,12
2421+EF       00458         RST     40
2422 21FFFF   00459 ABORT   LD      HL,-1           ;Set abort code
              00460 ;
              00461 ;       P/u stack & clear any pending 
              00462 ;
2425 310000   00463 SAVESP  LD      SP,$-$          ;P/u stack ptr
2428          00464         @@CKBRKC                ;Clear any Break
2428+3E6A     00465         LD      A,106
242A+EF       00466         RST     40
242B C9       00467         RET
              00468 ;
              00469 ;       RESET1 - Reset a Filespec or Devspec
              00470 ;
              00471 RESET1
              00472         IF      @BLD631
242C E5       00473         PUSH    HL              ;<631>
242D 7E       00474 NXTCHAR LD      A,(HL)          ;<631>
242E FE28     00475         CP      '('             ;<631>
2430 2807     00476         JR      Z,ISPAREN       ;<631>
2432 FE0E     00477         CP      0EH             ;<631>
2434 380B     00478         JR      C,ISEOL         ;<631>
2436 23       00479         INC     HL              ;<631>
2437 18F4     00480         JR      NXTCHAR         ;<631>
              00481 ISPAREN                         ;<631>
              00482         ENDIF
              00483         IF      @BLD631
2439 116225   00484         LD      DE,PRMTBL$      ;<631>
243C          00485         @@PARAM                 ;<631>
243C+3E11     00486         LD      A,17
243E+EF       00487         RST     40
243F 20D0     00488         JR      NZ,IOERR        ;<631>Must reset something
2441 E1       00489 ISEOL   POP     HL              ;<631>
2442 118825   00490         LD      DE,FCBDEV       ;<631>
2445          00491         @@FSPEC                 ;<631>
2445+3E4E     00492         LD      A,78
2447+EF       00493         RST     40
2448 20D2     00494         JR      NZ,SPCREQ       ;<631>
              00495         ELSE
              00496         LD      DE,FCBDEV       ;Get file/device spec
              00497         @@FSPEC
              00498         JP      NZ,SPCREQ       ;Must reset something
              00499         ENDIF
244A 1A       00500         LD      A,(DE)          ;File reset used to
244B FE2A     00501         CP      '*'             ;  reset the
244D C28024   00502         JP      NZ,RESFIL       ;  "file open bit
2450 ED5B8925 00503         LD      DE,(FCBDEV+1)   ;P/u the device name
2454          00504         @@GTDCB                 ;Find in device tables
2454+3E52     00505         LD      A,82
2456+EF       00506         RST     40
2457 C0       00507         RET     NZ              ;NZ - "Device not Avail"
2458 E5       00508         PUSH    HL              ;Save pointer to table
2459 CDEC24   00509         CALL    CLSFILS         ;Reset routes to files
245C E1       00510         POP     HL              ;Get DCB pointer
245D C0       00511         RET     NZ              ;NZ - I/O Error
              00512 ;
              00513 ;       Unhook the device chain
              00514 ;
245E E5       00515         PUSH    HL
245F F3       00516         DI                      ;Don't stop me now
2460 CD0825   00517         CALL    FIXDCB          ;Fixup the DCB
2463 FB       00518         EI                      ;Now you can interrupt
2464 218825   00519         LD      HL,FCBDEV       ;Determine if system
2467 54       00520         LD      D,H             ;  device by attempting
2468 5D       00521         LD      E,L             ;  to rename it
2469          00522         @@RENAM                 ;The error code will be
2469+3E38     00523         LD      A,56
246B+EF       00524         RST     40
246C E1       00525         POP     HL              ;  either 19 or 40
246D FE28     00526         CP      40              ;Protected system device?
246F 2804     00527         JR      Z,SYSDVC
2471 3608     00528         LD      (HL),8          ;Show device is NIL
2473 AF       00529         XOR     A               ;Set Z
2474 C9       00530         RET                     ;Z - successful
              00531 ;
              00532 ;       RESET of system device
              00533 ;
2475 E5       00534 SYSDVC  PUSH    HL              ;Save DCB ptr
2476 2C       00535         INC     L               ;If DCB vector is X'0000'
2477 7E       00536         LD      A,(HL)          ;  then do NOT reset the
2478 2C       00537         INC     L               ;  NIL bit
2479 B6       00538         OR      (HL)
247A E1       00539         POP     HL
247B C8       00540         RET     Z               ;Z - return
247C CB9E     00541         RES     3,(HL)          ;Make sure NIL is off
247E AF       00542         XOR     A               ;Set Z & Return
247F C9       00543         RET
              00544 ;
              00545 ;       Reset the "file open bit" of a file
              00546 ;
2480          00547 RESFIL  @@FLAGS                 ;Get flag table pointer
2480+3E65     00548         LD      A,101
2482+EF       00549         RST     40
2483 FDCB12C6 00550         SET     0,(IY+'S'-'A')  ;Inhibit file open bit
2487          00551         @@OPEN
2487+3E3B     00552         LD      A,59
2489+EF       00553         RST     40
248A C0       00554         RET     NZ              ;NZ - I/O Error
              00555         IF      @BLD631
248B D5       00556         PUSH    DE              ;<631>
248C DDE1     00557         POP     IX              ;<631>
248E DD7E01   00558         LD      A,(IX+1)        ;<631>Make sure access level
2491 E607     00559         AND     7               ;<631>is at least UPDATE
2493 FE05     00560         CP      5               ;<631>
2495 3016     00561         JR      NC,L24AD        ;<631>
2497 3A6725   00562         LD      A,(LRLBYT)      ;<631>
249A E680     00563         AND     80H             ;<631>
249C 47       00564         LD      B,A             ;<631>
249D 3A6F25   00565         LD      A,(DATBYT)      ;<631>
24A0 E640     00566         AND     40H             ;<631>
24A2 B0       00567         OR      B               ;<631>
24A3 200C     00568         JR      NZ,L24B1        ;<631>
24A5 DDCB00F6 00569 L24A5:  SET     6,(IX+0)        ;<631>
24A9          00570         @@CLOSE                 ;<631>
24A9+3E3C     00571         LD      A,60
24AB+EF       00572         RST     40
24AC C9       00573         RET                     ;<631>
24AD 3E25     00574 L24AD:  LD      A,37            ;<631>Init "Illegal access...
24AF B7       00575         OR      A               ;<631>
24B0 C9       00576         RET                     ;<631>
24B1 ED4B8E25 00577 L24B1:  LD      BC,(FCBDEV+6)   ;<631>Get DEC and drive number info
24B5          00578         @@DIRRD                 ;<631>
24B5+3E57     00579         LD      A,87
24B7+EF       00580         RST     40
24B8 C0       00581         RET     NZ              ;<631>
24B9 E5       00582         PUSH    HL              ;<631>
24BA FD       00583         DB      0FDH            ;<631>
24BB E1       00584 L24BB:  POP     HL              ;<631>
24BC 3A6725   00585         LD      A,(LRLBYT)      ;<631>
24BF E680     00586         AND     80H             ;<631>
24C1 2806     00587         JR      Z,L24C9         ;<631>
24C3 110000   00588 LRLPRM: LD      DE,0            ;<631>
24C6 FD7304   00589         LD      (IY+4),E        ;<631>
24C9 3A6F25   00590 L24C9:  LD      A,(DATBYT)      ;<631>
24CC E640     00591         AND     40H             ;<631>
24CE 2818     00592         JR      Z,L24E8         ;<631>
24D0 110000   00593 DATPRM: LD      DE,0            ;<631>
24D3 FD361296 00594         LD      (IY+12H),96H    ;<631>Default password
24D7 FD361342 00595         LD      (IY+13H),42H    ;<631>
24DB DDE5     00596         PUSH    IX              ;<631>
24DD 7A       00597         LD      A,D             ;<631>
24DE B3       00598         OR      E               ;<631>
24DF D1       00599         POP     DE              ;<631>
24E0 DDCB00D6 00600         SET     2,(IX+0)        ;<631>
24E4 C4A524   00601         CALL    NZ,L24A5        ;<631>
24E7 C0       00602         RET     NZ              ;<631>
24E8          00603 L24E8   @@DIRWR                 ;<631>
24E8+3E58     00604         LD      A,88
24EA+EF       00605         RST     40
24EB C9       00606         RET                     ;<631>
              00607         ELSE
              00608         LD      A,(HL)          ;Make sure access level
              00609         AND     7               ;  is at least UPDATE
              00610         CP      5
              00611         LD      A,37            ;Init "Illegal access...
              00612         RET     NZ              ;NZ - I/O error
              00613         EX      DE,HL
              00614         SET     6,(HL)          ;Set "close authority
              00615         EX      DE,HL           ;  to reset dir bit
              00616         @@CLOSE
              00617         RET                     ;Return w/ condition
              00618         ENDIF
              00619 ;
              00620 ;       Find the last device route & close any open file
              00621 ;
24EC CB66     00622 CLSFILS BIT     4,(HL)          ;Jump if no route
24EE 2807     00623         JR      Z,CLSFIL1
24F0 23       00624         INC     HL              ;Else p/u link address
24F1 7E       00625         LD      A,(HL)          ;  and test that one
24F2 23       00626         INC     HL              ;  for a chain
24F3 66       00627         LD      H,(HL)
24F4 6F       00628         LD      L,A
24F5 18F5     00629         JR      CLSFILS
24F7 CB7E     00630 CLSFIL1 BIT     7,(HL)          ;A file?
24F9 C8       00631         RET     Z               ;Ret if not
24FA 11A825   00632         LD      DE,FCBFIL       ;Pt to fcb area
24FD D5       00633         PUSH    DE
24FE 012000   00634         LD      BC,32
2501 EDB0     00635         LDIR                    ;Fill from device vector
2503 D1       00636         POP     DE              ;Recover start
2504          00637         @@CLOSE                 ;Close the file
2504+3E3C     00638         LD      A,60
2506+EF       00639         RST     40
2507 C9       00640         RET                     ;Ret with Z, NZ status
              00641 ;
              00642 ;       Routine to fix up a system DCB
              00643 ;
2508 CB66     00644 FIXDCB  BIT     4,(HL)          ;If routed, recover the
250A 2810     00645         JR      Z,FIX1          ;  original data from
250C E5       00646         PUSH    HL              ;  DCB+3 to DCB+5
250D 54       00647         LD      D,H             ;DCB start to DE
250E 5D       00648         LD      E,L
250F 2C       00649 FIX0    INC     L               ;Pt to old stored
2510 2C       00650         INC     L               ;  information
2511 2C       00651         INC     L
2512 010300   00652         LD      BC,3
2515 EDB0     00653         LDIR                    ;Xfer to DCB
2517 E1       00654         POP     HL
2518 CBA6     00655         RES     4,(HL)          ;Reset Routed bit
251A 18EC     00656         JR      FIXDCB
251C CB6E     00657 FIX1    BIT     5,(HL)          ;If linked, recover the
251E 2818     00658         JR      Z,FIX2          ;  original data from
2520 E5       00659         PUSH    HL              ;  the LINK DCB source &
2521 2C       00660         INC     L               ;  clear the LINK DCB
2522 5E       00661         LD      E,(HL)          ;P/u the LINK vector
2523 2C       00662         INC     L
2524 56       00663         LD      D,(HL)
2525 E1       00664         POP     HL              ;Recover DCB ptr
2526 E5       00665         PUSH    HL
2527 EB       00666         EX      DE,HL           ;Link to HL, DCB to DE
2528 E5       00667         PUSH    HL              ;Save for clearing
2529 010300   00668         LD      BC,3
252C EDB0     00669         LDIR
252E E1       00670         POP     HL
252F 0608     00671         LD      B,8
              00672         IF      @BLD631
2531 71       00673 FIX1A   LD      (HL),C          ;<631>Clear the LINK DCB (C=0)
              00674         ELSE
              00675 FIX1A   LD      (HL),0          ;Clear the LINK DCB
              00676         ENDIF
2532 2C       00677         INC     L
2533 10FC     00678         DJNZ    FIX1A
2535 E1       00679         POP     HL              ;Rcvr DCB pointer
2536 18D0     00680         JR      FIXDCB
2538 CB76     00681 FIX2    BIT     6,(HL)          ;If filtered, recover the
253A C8       00682         RET     Z               ;  original data by
253B E5       00683         PUSH    HL              ;  swapping back the
253C 54       00684         LD      D,H
253D 5D       00685         LD      E,L
253E 2C       00686         INC     L               ;  1st three bytes with
253F 7E       00687         LD      A,(HL)          ;  the FILTER DCB
2540 2C       00688         INC     L
2541 66       00689         LD      H,(HL)
2542 6F       00690         LD      L,A
2543 010400   00691         LD      BC,4            ;HL now points to the
2546 09       00692         ADD     HL,BC           ;  entry point. Get its
2547 4E       00693         LD      C,(HL)          ;  DCB address by peeking
2548 0C       00694         INC     C               ;  past the name field
2549 09       00695         ADD     HL,BC
254A 7E       00696         LD      A,(HL)          ;Get low-order
254B 23       00697         INC     HL
254C 66       00698         LD      H,(HL)          ;Get hi-order
254D 6F       00699         LD      L,A
254E E5       00700         PUSH    HL              ;If DCB is itself, then
254F ED52     00701         SBC     HL,DE           ;  bring in the NIL
2551 E1       00702         POP     HL
2552 28BB     00703         JR      Z,FIX0
2554 0603     00704         LD      B,3             ;  else swap the 1st three
2556 4E       00705 FIX2A   LD      C,(HL)          ;  bytes of the DCBs
2557 1A       00706         LD      A,(DE)
2558 77       00707         LD      (HL),A
2559 79       00708         LD      A,C
255A 12       00709         LD      (DE),A
255B 2C       00710         INC     L
255C 1C       00711         INC     E
255D 10F7     00712         DJNZ    FIX2A
255F E1       00713         POP     HL
2560 18A6     00714         JR      FIXDCB
              00715 ;
              00716 ;       Data area
              00717 ;
              00718         IF      @BLD631
2562 80       00719 PRMTBL$ DB      80H             ;<631>
2563 93       00720         DB      93H             ;<631>
2564 4C       00721         DB      'LRL'           ;<631>
     52 4C 
2567 00       00722 LRLBYT  DB      0               ;<631>
2568 C424     00723         DW      LRLPRM+1        ;<631>
256A 54       00724         DB      54H             ;<631>
256B 44       00725         DB      'DATE'          ;<631>
     41 54 45 
256F 00       00726 DATBYT  DB      0               ;<631>
2570 D124     00727         DW      DATPRM+1        ;<631>
2572 00       00728         DB      0               ;<631>
              00729         ENDIF
2573 44       00730 SPCREQ$ DB      'Device spec required',CR
     65 76 69 63 65 20 73 70
     65 63 20 72 65 71 75 69
     72 65 64 0D 
              00731         IF      @BLD631
              00732         ELSE
              00733         DC      32,0            ;Patch space
              00734         ENDIF
2588 00       00735 FCBDEV  DB      0
2589          00736         DS      31
25A8 00       00737 FCBFIL  DB      0
25A9          00738         DS      31
              00739 ;
2400          00740         END     RESET
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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