LS-DOS 6.3.1 - LBSETKI Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/19/99 01:23:55 SETKI - LS-DOS 6.2           Page 00001 

              00001 ;LBSETKI/ASM - Set Keyboard Parameters
              00003 ;
0004          00004 OFFSET  EQU     4               ;Length: end of name to data area
0006          00005 DELAY   EQU     OFFSET+2
0007          00006 RPEAT   EQU     OFFSET+3
000A          00007 DMIN    EQU     10
0001          00008 RMIN    EQU     1
0016          00009 DDFALT  EQU     22
0002          00010 RDFALT  EQU     2
0003          00011 ETX     EQU     03H
000D          00012 CR      EQU     0DH
000A          00013 LF      EQU     0AH
002C          00014 PAR_ERR EQU     44              ;Parameter Error
              00015 ;
0040          00016 FLAG    EQU     01000000B
0010          00017 ABB     EQU     00010000B
0080          00018 NUM     EQU     10000000B
              00019 ;
0000          00020 *GET    BUILDVER/ASM:3          ;<631>
              00021 ;
              00022 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00023 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00024 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00025 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00026 ;
FFFF          00027 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00028 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00029 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00030 ;       patch is enabled.
              00031 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00032 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00033 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00034 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00035 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00036 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00037 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00038 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00039 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00040 ;
              00041 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
0000          00042 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00043 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00044 *LIST   OFF
              00436 *LIST   ON
              00438 ;
2400          00439         ORG     2400H
              00440 ;
2400          00441 BEGIN   EQU     $
2400 ED730B24 00442         LD      (SAVESP+1),SP
2404 CD2E24   00443         CALL    PGRM            ;Exit via RET
              00444 ;
              00445 ;       Set exit conditions 
              00446 ;
2407 210000   00447 $EXIT   LD      HL,0            ;Init to no error
240A 310000   00448 SAVESP  LD      SP,$-$          ;P/u original SP
240D          00449         @@CKBRKC                ;Clear any 
240D+3E6A     00450         LD      A,106
240F+EF       00451         RST     40
2410 C9       00452         RET
2411 21FFFF   00453 $ABORT  LD      HL,-1           ;Set abort code
2414 18F4     00454         JR      SAVESP
              00455 ;
2416          00456 $DSP    @@DSP                   ;Display a character
2416+3E02     00457         LD      A,2
2418+EF       00458         RST     40
2419 C8       00459         RET     Z               ;Back if good
241A 1807     00460         JR      IOERR
241C          00461 $DSPLY  @@DSPLY                 ;Display a line
              00462         IFEQ    00H,1
              00463         LD      HL,
              00464         ENDIF
241C+3E0A     00465         LD      A,10
241E+EF       00466         RST     40
241F C8       00467         RET     Z               ;Back if good
2420 21       00468         DB      21H             ;Skip LD A,##
2421 3E2C     00469 PRMERR  LD      A,PAR_ERR       ;Parameter Error
              00470 ;
              00471 ;       I/O Error Processing
              00472 ;
2423 2600     00473 IOERR   LD      H,0
2425 6F       00474         LD      L,A             ;Save error #
2426 F6C0     00475         OR      0C0H
2428 4F       00476         LD      C,A     
2429          00477         @@ERROR                 ;Display message
2429+3E1A     00478         LD      A,26
242B+EF       00479         RST     40
242C 18DC     00480         JR      SAVESP          ;Exit
              00481 ;
              00482 ;       PGRM - Set Keyboard Parameters
              00483 ;
242E E5       00484 PGRM    PUSH    HL              ;Save cmdline ptr
242F 113925   00485         LD      DE,MDNAME       ;Name of keyboard driver
2432          00486         @@GTMOD                 ;Find module header
2432+3E53     00487         LD      A,83
2434+EF       00488         RST     40
2435 3E08     00489         LD      A,8             ;Device not available
2437 C22324   00490         JP      NZ,IOERR        ;Exit if not found
243A D5       00491         PUSH    DE              ;Point to next byte
243B DDE1     00492         POP     IX              ;  after module name
              00493 ;
243D E1       00494         POP     HL              ;=>cmd line
243E CD1725   00495         CALL    SKSP            ;Move to non-space
2441 7E       00496         LD      A,(HL)          ;Char fm cmd line
2442 FE28     00497         CP      '('             ;Any params?
2444 CA6224   00498         JP      Z,GETNEW        ;Get/set new values
              00499 ;
              00500 ;       Display old values
              00501 ;
2447 CD5024   00502         CALL    SETMSG          ;Move old values for dsply
244A 211E25   00503         LD      HL,DMSG         ;Pt to dsply string
244D C31C24   00504         JP      $DSPLY          ;Dsply and exit
              00505 ;
              00506 ;       Set up values in string
              00507 ;
2450 DD7E06   00508 SETMSG  LD      A,(IX+DELAY)    ;P/u old Wait value
2453 112725   00509         LD      DE,DDELAY       ;=>buffer to receive
2456 CD6625   00510         CALL    HEXDEC          ;Convert to ASCII decimal
2459 DD7E07   00511         LD      A,(IX+RPEAT)    ;P/u old Rate value
245C 113525   00512         LD      DE,DRPEAT       ;Pt to dsply area
245F C36625   00513         JP      HEXDEC          ;Convert to decimal ASCII
              00514 ;
2462 114025   00515 GETNEW  LD      DE,PRMTBL$      ;Check user parameters
2465          00516         @@PARAM
2465+3E11     00517         LD      A,17
2467+EF       00518         RST     40
2468 C22124   00519         JP      NZ,PRMERR       ;Go on "Parm error
246B 110000   00520         LD      DE,$-$          ;P/u D parm
246C          00521 DFPARM  EQU     $-2
246E 7A       00522         LD      A,D             ;Default setting wanted?
246F B3       00523         OR      E
2470 2808     00524         JR      Z,SETSTR        ;Keep existing if not
2472 DD360616 00525         LD      (IX+DELAY),DDFALT       ;Stuff defaults
2476 DD360702 00526         LD      (IX+RPEAT),RDFALT
247A CD5024   00527 SETSTR  CALL    SETMSG          ;Put numbers in string
247D 110000   00528 QCHK    LD      DE,$-$
247E          00529 QPARM   EQU     $-2             ;Query parm used?
2480 7A       00530         LD      A,D
2481 B3       00531         OR      E
2482 2834     00532         JR      Z,CKPARM        ;Go if not
              00533 ;
2484 3A5925   00534         LD      A,(WRESP)       ;P/u Wait response byte
2487 E680     00535         AND     NUM             ;If a "W" number given,
2489 2013     00536         JR      NZ,CKR          ;  then ask for R only
248B 211E25   00537 GETD    LD      HL,DMSG         ;Pt to Wait prompt msg
248E CDDE24   00538         CALL    SHOW            ;Ask for W time
2491 CD8225   00539         CALL    GETIT           ;Get it (in DE)
2494 2808     00540         JR      Z,CKR           ;Don't change if CR only
2496 CD7925   00541         CALL    DCHECK          ;Check if good value
2499 20F0     00542         JR      NZ,GETD         ;Don't change if not
249B DD7706   00543         LD      (IX+DELAY),A    ;Store new Wait
              00544 ;
249E 3A5125   00545 CKR     LD      A,(RRESP)       ;P/u Rate resopnse byte
24A1 E680     00546         AND     NUM             ;  and go if Rate
24A3 2013     00547         JR      NZ,CKPARM       ;  entered on cmdline
24A5 212C25   00548         LD      HL,RMSG         ;Pt to Rate prompt msg
24A8 CDDE24   00549         CALL    SHOW
24AB CD8225   00550         CALL    GETIT           ;Get new Rate
24AE 2808     00551         JR      Z,CKPARM        ;Don't change if CR only
24B0 CD7525   00552         CALL    RCHECK          ;Check range & don't
24B3 20E9     00553         JR      NZ,CKR          ;  change if out of range
24B5 DD7707   00554         LD      (IX+RPEAT),A    ;Store new Rate
              00555 ;
              00556 ;       Check entries given on cmd line
              00557 ;
24B8 3A5925   00558 CKPARM  LD      A,(WRESP)
24BB E680     00559         AND     NUM             ;W parm response
24BD 280C     00560         JR      Z,CKRP          ;Go if not entered
24BF 110000   00561         LD      DE,$-$          ;P/u Wait value
24C0          00562 WPARM   EQU     $-2
24C2 CD7925   00563         CALL    DCHECK          ;Check value
24C5 C22124   00564         JP      NZ,PRMERR       ;Go if bad
24C8 DD7706   00565         LD      (IX+DELAY),A    ;  else store it
              00566 ;
24CB 3A5125   00567 CKRP    LD      A,(RRESP)       ;Rate response
24CE E680     00568         AND     NUM
24D0 C8       00569         RET     Z               ;Done if none
24D1 110000   00570         LD      DE,$-$          ;P/u Rate value
24D2          00571 RPARM   EQU     $-2
24D4 CD7525   00572         CALL    RCHECK          ;Check value
24D7 C22124   00573         JP      NZ,PRMERR       ;  and go if bad
24DA DD7707   00574         LD      (IX+RPEAT),A    ;  else store it
24DD C9       00575         RET                     ;Done
              00576 ;
24DE 060C     00577 SHOW    LD      B,12            ;Col posn
24E0 4E       00578 SH2     LD      C,(HL)          ;Get char in C
24E1 CD1624   00579         CALL    $DSP            ;Print byte fm string
24E4 05       00580         DEC     B               ;Dec chars to print
24E5 23       00581         INC     HL              ;Bump string ptr
24E6 3E3D     00582         LD      A,'='
24E8 B9       00583         CP      C
24E9 20F5     00584         JR      NZ,SH2          ;Display up to =
24EB 0E20     00585         LD      C,' '           ;Then space
24ED CD1624   00586         CALL    $DSP
24F0 CD1725   00587         CALL    SKSP            ;Move to number
24F3 0E7B     00588         LD      C,'{'
24F5 CD1624   00589         CALL    $DSP            ;Dsply opening brace
24F8 4E       00590 SH3     LD      C,(HL)          ;P/u character
24F9 3E2F     00591         LD      A,'0'-1         ;Check C for numeric value
24FB B9       00592         CP      C
24FC 3007     00593         JR      NC,SH4          ;Go if not
24FE CD1624   00594         CALL    $DSP            ;  else dsply,
2501 05       00595         DEC     B               ;  dec chars remaining,
2502 23       00596         INC     HL              ;  pt to next char in string
2503 18F3     00597         JR      SH3             ;  and loop
2505 0E7D     00598 SH4     LD      C,'}'           ;Display closing brace
2507 CD1624   00599         CALL    $DSP
250A 0E20     00600         LD      C,' '
250C CD1624   00601 SH5     CALL    $DSP            ;Tab remaining distance
250F 10FB     00602         DJNZ    SH5
2511 213D25   00603         LD      HL,ENDSTR       ;Print "?"
2514 C31C24   00604         JP      $DSPLY
              00605 ;
2517 3E20     00606 SKSP    LD      A,' '           ;Bypass all leading spaces
2519 BE       00607 SKP2    CP      (HL)
251A C0       00608         RET     NZ
251B 23       00609         INC     HL
251C 18FB     00610         JR      SKP2
              00611 ;
              00612 ;
              00613 ;
251E 57       00614 DMSG    DB      'Wait   = '
     61 69 74 20 20 20 3D 20
2527 20       00615 DDELAY  DB      '   , '
     20 20 2C 20 
252C 52       00616 RMSG    DB      'Rate   = '
     61 74 65 20 20 20 3D 20
2535 20       00617 DRPEAT  DB      '   ',CR
     20 20 0D 
2539 24       00618 MDNAME  DB      '$KI',ETX
     4B 49 03 
253D 3F       00619 ENDSTR  DB      '? ',ETX
     20 03 
              00620 ;
2540 80       00621 PRMTBL$ DB      80H
              00622 ;
2541 57       00623         DB      FLAG!ABB!7
2542 44       00624         DB      'DEFAULT'
     45 46 41 55 4C 54 
2549 00       00625         DB      0
254A 6C24     00626         DW      DFPARM
              00627 ;
254C 94       00628         DB      ABB!NUM!4
254D 52       00629         DB      'RATE'          ;Repeat key rate
     41 54 45 
2551 00       00630 RRESP   DB      0
2552 D224     00631         DW      RPARM   
              00632 ;
2554 94       00633         DB      ABB!NUM!4
2555 57       00634         DB      'WAIT'          ;Delay before repeat
     41 49 54 
2559 00       00635 WRESP   DB      0
255A C024     00636         DW      WPARM
              00637 ;
255C 55       00638         DB      ABB!FLAG!5
255D 51       00639         DB      'QUERY'
     55 45 52 59 
2562 00       00640         DB      0
2563 7E24     00641         DW      QPARM
              00642 ;
2565 00       00643         NOP                     ;Note end of parm table
              00644 ;
              00645 ;
              00646 ;       HEXDEC - Convert Hex Number to Decimal ASCII
              00647 ;       A => 8-bit Hex Number to Convert
              00648 ;       DE => Destination of ASCII characters
              00649 ;
              00650 ;
2566 C5       00651 HEXDEC  PUSH    BC              ;Save regs
2567 E5       00652         PUSH    HL
2568 F5       00653         PUSH    AF
              00654 ;
              00655 ;       Xfer number to HL
              00656 ;
2569 2600     00657         LD      H,0             ;Set HL = #
256B 6F       00658         LD      L,A
              00659         IF      @BLD631
256C 0603     00660         LD      B,3             ;<631>
256E          00661         @@HEXD                  ;<631>
256E+3E5F     00662         LD      A,95
2570+EF       00663         RST     40
              00664         ELSE
              00665 ;
              00666         LD      A,' '           ;Character if leading 0
              00667         LD      BC,100          ;Set 10's power
              00668         CALL    CVD1            ;Convert to ASCII
              00669         LD      BC,10
              00670         CALL    CVD1
              00671         LD      A,L             ;Get remainder
              00672         ADD     A,'0'           ;Make ASCII and
              00673         LD      (DE),A          ;  stuff in buffer
              00674 ;
              00675         ENDIF
2571 F1       00676         POP     AF              ;Recover #
2572 E1       00677         POP     HL              ;And other regs
2573 C1       00678         POP     BC
2574 C9       00679         RET
              00680 ;
              00681         IF      @BLD631
              00682         ELSE
              00683 CVD1    PUSH    DE              ;Save user buffer
              00684         LD      E,A             ;Save pad character
              00685         LD      D,0FFH          ;Init digit count to -1
              00686         XOR     A
              00687 CVD2    INC     D               ;Inc digit count and
              00688         SBC     HL,BC           ;  sub 10' power untill
              00689         JR      NC,CVD2         ;  underflow
              00690         ADD     HL,BC           ;Add back last sub
              00691         LD      A,E             ;Recover pad char
              00692         LD      B,D             ;Count to B
              00693         POP     DE              ;Recover buffer ptr
              00694         LD      (DE),A          ;Tempy store pad char
              00695         INC     B               ;See if char a 0
              00696         DEC     B
              00697         JR      Z,CVD3          ;Go if so
              00698         LD      A,B             ;  else make digit ASCII
              00699         ADD     A,'0'
              00700         LD      (DE),A          ;  and put in buffer
              00701         LD      A,'0'           ;Change the pad char
              00702 CVD3    INC     DE              ;Bump buffer
              00703         RET
              00704         ENDIF
              00705 ;
2575 1601     00706 RCHECK  LD      D,RMIN          ;Rate minimum value
2577 1802     00707         JR      CHECK
2579 160A     00708 DCHECK  LD      D,DMIN          ;Wait minimum value
257B 7B       00709 CHECK   LD      A,E             ;Get number
257C E67F     00710         AND     7FH             ;Keep positive
257E BA       00711         CP      D               ;Lowest allowed
257F D8       00712         RET     C               ;Too low
2580 BF       00713         CP      A               ;Set Z if good value
2581 C9       00714         RET
              00715 ;
2582 219625   00716 GETIT   LD      HL,INBUF        ;Key buffer
2585 010003   00717         LD      BC,3<8          ;3 chars max
2588          00718         @@KEYIN
2588+3E09     00719         LD      A,9
258A+EF       00720         RST     40
258B DA1124   00721         JP      C,$ABORT        ;Quit if Break
              00722         IF      @BLD631
              00723         IF      @BLD631C
              00724 ;       Hmm, did we forget something...  (See FIX631B/JCL & SETKI1/FIX)
258E          00725         @@DECHEX                ;<631C>
258E+3E60     00726         LD      A,96
2590+EF       00727         RST     40
2591 50       00728         LD      D,B             ;<631C>
2592 59       00729         LD      E,C             ;<631C>
2593 79       00730         LD      A,C             ;<631C>
2594 B7       00731         OR      A               ;<631C>
2595 C9       00732         RET                     ;<631C>
              00733         ENDIF
              00734         ELSE
              00735 ;
              00736 ;       DECHEX - Decimal ASCII to Hex
              00737 ;       DE <= returns the Hex num
              00738 ;       HL => points to the start of Dec asc string
              00739 ;       A <= # of characters converted
              00740 ;
              00741 ;
              00742 DECHEX  LD      B,0             ;Init counter to 0
              00743         LD      D,B             ;Init ret valu to 0
              00744         LD      E,B
              00745 CVDEC   LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u a character
              00746         SUB     30H             ;Make binary
              00747         CP      10
              00748         JR      NC,DONECON      ;Leave when non-decimal found
              00749         PUSH    HL
              00750         LD      H,D
              00751         LD      L,E             ;Prev. total to HL
              00752         ADD     HL,HL           ;X2
              00753         ADD     HL,HL           ;X4
              00754         ADD     HL,DE           ;X5
              00755         ADD     HL,HL           ;X10
              00756         EX      DE,HL           ;Result back to DE
              00757         ADD     A,E             ;Add in newest digit
              00758         LD      E,A
              00759         LD      A,0
              00760         ADC     A,D
              00761         LD      D,A
              00762         POP     HL              ;Get buffer posn
              00763         INC     HL
              00764         INC     B               ;Inc chars found
              00765         JR      CVDEC           ;  and continue next
              00766 ;
              00767 DONECON LD      A,B
              00768         OR      A
              00769         RET
              00770         ENDIF
2596          00771 INBUF   EQU     $
              00772 ;
2400          00773         END     BEGIN
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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