The LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project
Odds and Ends

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The LS-DOS 6.3.1 source tree is available on LS-DOS 6 format or MS-DOS format floppy diskettes, including all tools and TRSDOS 6/LS-DOS 6 utilities needed to assemble the entire operating system. This can be obtained from M. A. D. Software


This page lists a collection of programs developed by Logical Systems for the TRSDOS 6 or LS-DOS 6 platform that were not included in the LS-DOS 6.3.x releases. This includes important items like the Radio Shack hard disk drivers, as well as some utilities that probably didn't get included for good reason.

Since these programs were not part of LS-DOS 6.3.1, there was no way to determine if they assembled correctly and are infact properly working programs. They do assemble without warnings or errors.


CMDFILE6 allows Model I and Model III tape-based programs to be converted to diskette, and in some cases, for the base address of the program to be relocated to higher memory locations, an important issue when trying to run certain Model I programs on a Model III, as the Model III user RAM area started at a higher memory location.

CMDFILE6 was not an official part of TRSDOS6 or LS-DOS 6.3 and was never included on any Tandy, LSI or Misosys releases. Since CMDFILE6 was part of the source tree provided by Logical Systems, it is included here.

The source code for CMDFILE6/CMD was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0.

CMDFILE6 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CMDFILE6/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

CMDFILE6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CMDFILE6/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 column paper.)
CMDFILE6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

CMDFILE6, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=CMDFILE6/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 DW (/FLT)

DW is a printer filter written for the Radio Shack Daisywheel II printer. It was shipped only with the international versions of TRSDOS 6. This was one of the pieces of software Tandy forced LSI to write for free in 1983 when the Tandy-LSI relationship really came apart, claiming it was a necessary part of the international releases and thus was part of the contract to release a version for a German and French keyboard and video system.

The source code for DW/FLT was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0.

DW source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DW/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)

DW source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=DW/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 column paper.)
DW source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

DW, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=DW/FLT)


TRSFORM6/CMD is the hard disk formatter, created for use with the Radio Shack hard disk systems which were based on the Western Digital 1000 (or its emulation), or the 1010 hard disk controllers.

The source code for TRSFORM6/CMD was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0 and the executable was not included in any 6.3. release. However, it is an important piece of the Model 4/4D/4P platform, so it is included here.

HDFORM6 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFORM6/ASM)
HDFORM5 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFORM5/ASM)
HDFORM5/ASM is used to assemble the LDOS 5 version of this program. It is not needed to generate the LS-DOS 6.3.1 system.
HDFORM source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFORM/ASM)
HDFORM/ASM is apparently a bit of junk left on the Logical Systems distribution diskettes. It generates a version of the format program marked for TRSDOS 6.2, but is essentially the same as the version marked 6.3. It is included here only for completeness.
HDFMT1 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFMT1/ASM)
HDFMT2 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFMT2/ASM)
HDFMT3 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDFMT3/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

TRSFORM6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TRSFORM6/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 column paper.)
TRSFORM6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

TRSFORM6, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=TRSFORM6/CMD)

LS-DOS 6.3.1 TRSHD6 (/DCT)

TRSHD6/DCT is the hard disk driver for the Radio Shack hard disk systems. which were based on the Western Digital 1000 (or its emulation), or the 1010 hard disk controllers.

The source code for TRSHD6/DCT was not published in "The Source" for TRSDOS 6.2.0 and the executable was not included in any 6.3. release. However, it is an important piece of the Model 4/4D/4P platform, so it is included here.

HDDVR6 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDDVR6/ASM)
HDWD6A source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDWD6A/ASM)
HDWD6B source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDWD6B/ASM)
SVCMAC source code, Macros and SVC declarations, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=SVCMAC/ASM)
BUILDVER source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=BUILDVER/ASM)
CLIENT source code, conditional assembly directives, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=CLIENT/ASM)

TRSHD6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=TRSHD6/LST)
(The assembly listing is formatted for standard 132 column x 66 column paper.)
TRSHD6 source code, full assembly listing, Z80 Assembler (HTML)
(The assembly listing is formatted for display on a HTML viewer.)

TRSHD6, executable, executable loader, Z80 Machine Code (BINARY, NAME=TRSHD6/DCT)

The source code to the LDOS 5 version of the Radio Shack hard disk driver, TRSHD5/DCT was also found in the Logical Systems source tree. It is included here for completeness, but is not part of the 6.3.1 release.

HDDVR5 source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDDVR5/ASM)
HDWD5A source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDWD5A/ASM)
HDWD5B source code, routines, Z80 Assembler (ASCII, NAME=HDWD5B/ASM)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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