LS-DOS 6.3.1 - SYS10 Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 21:40:12 SYS10 - LS-DOS 6.2           Page 00001 

              00001 ;SYS10/ASM - LS-DOS 6.2
              00003 ;
000D          00004 CR      EQU     13
              00005 ;
              00006 *LIST   OFF                     ;Get SYS0/EQU
              00322 *LIST   ON
0000          00323 *GET    COPYCOM:3               ;Copyright message
              00324 ; COPYCOM - File for Copyright COMment block
              00325 ;
0000          00326 *GET BUILDVER/ASM:3
              00327 ;
              00328 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00329 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00330 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00331 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00332 ;
FFFF          00333 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00334 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00335 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00336 ;       patch is enabled.
              00337 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00338 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00339 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00340 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00341 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00342 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00343 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00344 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00345 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00346 ;
              00347 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
              00348         IF      @BLD631
              00350         ELSE
              00351         COM     '<*(C) 1982,3,4,6 by LSI*>'
              00352         ENDIF
              00353 ;
1E00          00354         ORG     1E00H
              00355 ;
1E00 E670     00356 SYS10   AND     70H             ;Strip bit 7
1E02 C8       00357         RET     Z               ;Back on zero entry
1E03 FE10     00358         CP      10H             ;Remove all for now
1E05 C0       00359         RET     NZ              ;Ret if any other entry
1E06 1A       00360         LD      A,(DE)          ;Test device/file
1E07 CB7F     00361         BIT     7,A             ;File open or device?
1E09 2860     00362         JR      Z,CLOSDCB       ;Jump if device
1E0B CD6815   00363         CALL    CKOPEN@         ;Test for open file
1E0E DD7E01   00364         LD      A,(IX+1)        ;  & link the FCB to IX
1E11 E607     00365         AND     7               ;Test for remove access
1E13 FE02     00366         CP      2
1E15 3804     00367         JR      C,REMOV1        ;Jump if access granted
1E17 3E25     00368         LD      A,25H           ;  else init errcod
1E19 B7       00369         OR      A
1E1A C9       00370         RET
1E1B DD4E06   00371 REMOV1  LD      C,(IX+6)        ;P/u drive #
1E1E DD4607   00372         LD      B,(IX+7)        ;P/u DEC
1E21 CD7418   00373         CALL    @GATRD          ;Read GAT => DIRBUF$
1E24 CCBB18   00374 REMOV2  CALL    Z,@DIRRD        ;Read dir for this DEC
1E27 C0       00375         RET     NZ              ;Ret if read error
1E28 3E16     00376         LD      A,22            ;Point to 1st extent
1E2A 85       00377         ADD     A,L
1E2B 6F       00378         LD      L,A
1E2C 5E       00379 REMOV3  LD      E,(HL)          ;P/u relative cylinder
1E2D 2C       00380         INC     L
1E2E 56       00381         LD      D,(HL)          ;P/u granule allocation
1E2F ED53541E 00382         LD      (EXTINFO+1),DE  ;Modify later instruction
1E33 7B       00383         LD      A,E             ;Ck if extent in use
1E34 FEFE     00384         CP      0FEH
1E36 3006     00385         JR      NC,FIXDIR       ;Jump if not used
1E38 2C       00386         INC     L
1E39 CD891E   00387         CALL    RMVEXT          ;Deallocate ext from GAT
1E3C 18EE     00388         JR      REMOV3          ;Loop to next extent
              00389 ;
              00390 ;       Deallocated last extent; clean up directory
              00391 ;
1E3E 7D       00392 FIXDIR  LD      A,L             ;Point to 1st byte
1E3F E6E0     00393         AND     0E0H            ;  of DIR entry
1E41 6F       00394         LD      L,A
1E42 CBA6     00395         RES     4,(HL)          ;Show dir entry spare
1E44 CD0318   00396         CALL    @DIRWR          ;Write the dir record
1E47 CC9718   00397         CALL    Z,@HITRD        ;Grab HIT => SBUFF$
1E4A 261D     00398         LD      H,SBUFF$<-8     ;Point to HIT entry
1E4C 68       00399         LD      L,B             ;  & zero out DEC pos
1E4D 3600     00400         LD      (HL),0
1E4F CC9818   00401         CALL    Z,@HITWR        ;Write HIT back to disk
1E52 C0       00402         RET     NZ              ;Ret if read/write error
1E53 110000   00403 EXTINFO LD      DE,0            ;P/u last extent info
              00404 ;
              00405 ;       If extended directory record in use,
              00406 ;       D -> DEC of FXDE record
              00407 ;       E -> FE if FXDE, FF if extent unused
              00408 ;
1E56 42       00409         LD      B,D             ;Ck for FXDE in use
1E57 7B       00410         LD      A,E
1E58 FEFE     00411         CP      0FEH            ;X'FE' => FXDE in use
1E5A 28C8     00412         JR      Z,REMOV2        ;Jump if FXDE in use
1E5C CD7518   00413         CALL    @GATWR          ;  else write the GAT
1E5F C0       00414         RET     NZ              ;Ret if write error
1E60 DDE5     00415         PUSH    IX              ;Transfer FCB address
1E62 E1       00416         POP     HL              ;  to HL & zero out FCB
1E63 0620     00417         LD      B,32            ;Init for 32 byte field
1E65 AF       00418         XOR     A               ;Zero the accumulator
1E66 77       00419 ZERLP1  LD      (HL),A          ;Go for it!
1E67 23       00420         INC     HL
1E68 10FC     00421         DJNZ    ZERLP1
1E6A C9       00422         RET
              00423 ;
              00424 ;       REMOVE will only close a logical device
              00425 ;
1E6B FE10     00426 CLOSDCB CP      10H             ;Is this an open DCB?
1E6D 3E26     00427         LD      A,38            ;Init "file not open
1E6F C0       00428         RET     NZ
1E70 CD6615   00429         CALL    LNKFCB@         ;Link to DCB (DE->IX)
1E73 DD4E06   00430         LD      C,(IX+6)        ;Get device name
1E76 DD4607   00431         LD      B,(IX+7)
1E79 DD36002A 00432         LD      (IX+0),'*'      ;Stuff device indicator
1E7D DD7101   00433         LD      (IX+1),C        ;Stuff 1st char of name
1E80 DD7002   00434         LD      (IX+2),B        ;Stuff 2nd char of name
1E83 DD360303 00435         LD      (IX+3),3        ;Terminate with ETX
1E87 AF       00436         XOR     A
1E88 C9       00437         RET
              00438 ;
              00439 ;       Deallocate an extent
              00440 ;
1E89 E5       00441 RMVEXT  PUSH    HL
1E8A C5       00442         PUSH    BC
1E8B 3E08     00443         LD      A,8             ;P/u the # of grans per
1E8D CD2B1A   00444         CALL    @DCTBYT         ;  cylinder into reg A
1E90 07       00445         RLCA                    ;Shift into bits 0-2
1E91 07       00446         RLCA
1E92 07       00447         RLCA
1E93 E607     00448         AND     7               ;Remove all else
1E95 3C       00449         INC     A               ;Adjust for zero offset
              00450 ;
              00451 ;       Ck for 2-sided operation
              00452 ;
1E96 6F       00453         LD      L,A             ;Save current grans/cyl
1E97 3E04     00454         LD      A,4
1E99 CD2B1A   00455         CALL    @DCTBYT         ;Get 2-sided flag
1E9C CB6F     00456         BIT     5,A             ;Test 2-sided
1E9E 7D       00457         LD      A,L             ;Xfer value back
1E9F 2801     00458         JR      Z,$+3           ;Bypass if 1-sided
1EA1 87       00459         ADD     A,A             ;  else multiply by 2
1EA2 32BA1E   00460         LD      (GRNSCYL+1),A   ;Modify later instruction
1EA5 6B       00461         LD      L,E             ;Relative cylinder -> L
1EA6 2623     00462         LD      H,DIRBUF$<-8    ;Point to GAT byte
1EA8 7A       00463         LD      A,D             ;Rel gran & # of grans
1EA9 E61F     00464         AND     1FH             ;Get # of grans
1EAB 4F       00465         LD      C,A             ;  into reg C & adjust
1EAC 0C       00466         INC     C               ;  for zero offset
1EAD AA       00467         XOR     D               ;Get rel gran & shift
1EAE 07       00468         RLCA                    ;  into bits 0-2
1EAF 07       00469         RLCA
1EB0 07       00470         RLCA
1EB1 F5       00471 RMVEX1  PUSH    AF              ;Save rel starting gran
1EB2 46       00472         LD      B,(HL)          ;P/u allocation byte
1EB3 CDC51E   00473         CALL    RMVGRN          ;Turn off bit for a gran
1EB6 70       00474         LD      (HL),B          ;Update GAT byte
1EB7 F1       00475         POP     AF              ;Recover starting gran
1EB8 3C       00476         INC     A               ;Bump up
1EB9 FE00     00477 GRNSCYL CP      0               ;Ck with grans per cyl
1EBB 2002     00478         JR      NZ,DECGRNS      ;Go if still on this cyl
1EBD AF       00479         XOR     A               ;  else zero gran counter
1EBE 2C       00480         INC     L               ;Bump to next cyl in GAT
1EBF 0D       00481 DECGRNS DEC     C               ;Decrement # of grans
1EC0 20EF     00482         JR      NZ,RMVEX1       ;Go if more to deallocate
1EC2 C1       00483         POP     BC              ;  else recover regs
1EC3 E1       00484         POP     HL              ;  & go home
1EC4 C9       00485         RET
              00486 ;
              00487 ;       Remove a bit to deallocate & free up a gran
              00488 ;
1EC5 E607     00489 RMVGRN  AND     7               ;Max 8-grans per cyl
1EC7 07       00490         RLCA                    ;Shift to create RES
1EC8 07       00491         RLCA
1EC9 07       00492         RLCA
1ECA F680     00493         OR      80H             ;Merge rest of RES code
1ECC 32D01E   00494         LD      (RMVGRN1+1),A   ;Stuff into the inst
1ECF CB80     00495 RMVGRN1 RES     0,B             ;Reset proper bit
1ED1 C9       00496         RET
              00497 ;
1ED2          00498 LAST    EQU     $
              00499         IFGT    $,DIRBUF$
              00500         ERR     'Module too big'
              00501         ENDIF
23FE          00502         ORG     MAXCOR$-2
23FE D200     00503         DW      LAST-SYS10      ;Overlay size
              00504 ;
1E00          00505         END     SYS10
1E00 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at]

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