LS-DOS 6.3.1 - SYS3 Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 22:44:33 SYS3 - LS-DOS 6.3            Page 00001 

              00001 ;SYS3/ASM - LS-DOS 6.3
              00003 ;
              00004 *LIST   OFF                     ;Get SYS0/EQU
              00320 *LIST   ON
000A          00321 LF      EQU     10
000D          00322 CR      EQU     13
              00323 ;
0000          00324 *GET    COPYCOM:3               ;Copyright message
              00325 ; COPYCOM - File for Copyright COMment block
              00326 ;
0000          00327 *GET BUILDVER/ASM:3
              00328 ;
              00329 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00330 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00331 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00332 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00333 ;
FFFF          00334 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00335 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00336 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00337 ;       patch is enabled.
              00338 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00339 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00340 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00341 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00342 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00343 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00344 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00345 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00346 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00347 ;
              00348 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
              00349         IF      @BLD631
              00351         ELSE
              00352         COM     '<*(C) 1982,3,4,6 by LSI*>'
              00353         ENDIF
              00354 ;
1E00          00355         ORG     1E00H
              00356 ;
1E00 E670     00357 SYS3    AND     70H
1E02 C8       00358         RET     Z               ;Back on zero entry
1E03 FE10     00359         CP      10H
1E05 280B     00360         JR      Z,CLOSE         ;Jump if close
1E07 FE20     00361         CP      20H
1E09 CA6420   00362         JP      Z,FNAME         ;Jump if filespec recover
1E0C FE30     00363         CP      30H
1E0E CA3621   00364         JP      Z,DOID          ;Get CS id number
1E11 C9       00365         RET
1E12 1A       00366 CLOSE   LD      A,(DE)          ;Test for device
1E13 CB7F     00367         BIT     7,A
1E15 CA9D20   00368         JP      Z,CLOSDEV       ;Jump if closing device
1E18 CD6815   00369         CALL    CKOPEN@         ;Test for open file
1E1B DD4E06   00370         LD      C,(IX+6)        ;P/u drive #
              00371 ;
              00372 ;       Special MINI check drive routine
              00373 ;
1E1E FDE5     00374         PUSH    IY              ;Save IY
1E20 CD1E1A   00375         CALL    @GTDCT          ;Pick up DCT for drive
1E23 CDD419   00376 CKAGN   CALL    @RSLCT          ;Wait until not busy
1E26 C2C820   00377         JP      NZ,HOLDUP       ;Go to error handler
1E29 FDCB035E 00378         BIT     3,(IY+3)        ;If hard drive, bypass
1E2D 2024     00379         JR      NZ,SAWBLK
1E2F FDCB0466 00380         BIT     4,(IY+4)        ;If "ALIEN" by pass
1E33 201E     00381         JR      NZ,SAWBLK
1E35 FDCB047E 00382         BIT     7,(IY+4)        ;Ck if CKDRV inhibit
1E39 2018     00383         JR      NZ,SAWBLK       ;Go if so
              00384 ;
              00385 ;       Test for diskette in drive (no index)
              00386 ;
1E3B D5       00387         PUSH    DE
1E3C FD5605   00388         LD      D,(IY+5)        ;P/u current track
1E3F 1E00     00389         LD      E,0             ;Set to sector 0
1E41 CDD019   00390         CALL    @SEEK           ;Do a command
1E44 D1       00391         POP     DE
1E45 0630     00392         LD      B,30H           ;Set up count (short)
1E47 CDD419   00393 BLACK   CALL    @RSLCT          ;Check for index pulse
1E4A CB4F     00394         BIT     1,A             ;Test index
1E4C 2805     00395         JR      Z,SAWBLK        ;Saw black, seems OK
1E4E 10F7     00396         DJNZ    BLACK
1E50 C3C820   00397         JP      HOLDUP          ;Close fault handler
              00398 ;
              00399 ;       Diskette is there, let's continue
              00400 ;
1E53 FDE1     00401 SAWBLK  POP     IY              ;Restore IY
1E55 DD4607   00402         LD      B,(IX+7)        ;P/u DEC of fpde
1E58 CDBB18   00403         CALL    @DIRRD          ;Read the directory
1E5B C0       00404         RET     NZ              ;Quit if error there
1E5C CB66     00405         BIT     4,(HL)          ;Ck for killed file
1E5E C8       00406         RET     Z               ;Quit if killed file
1E5F E5       00407         PUSH    HL
1E60 C5       00408         PUSH    BC
1E61 CDA213   00409         CALL    RWRIT@          ;Write last buffer?
1E64 C1       00410         POP     BC
1E65 E1       00411         POP     HL
1E66 C0       00412         RET     NZ              ;Ret on i/o error
1E67 DDCB0076 00413         BIT     6,(IX+0)        ;If user does not have
1E6B CA0D20   00414         JP      Z,RCVN0         ;  close authority...
1E6E 2C       00415         INC     L               ;  else reset possible
1E6F CBAE     00416         RES     5,(HL)          ;  file-open bit in DIR+1
1E71 2C       00417         INC     L               ;Determine if the EOF
1E72 2C       00418         INC     L               ;  byte has changed
1E73 DD7E08   00419         LD      A,(IX+8)        ;P/u EOF byte offset
1E76 E5       00420         PUSH    HL              ;Save ptr to DIR+3
1E77 BE       00421         CP      (HL)
1E78 2014     00422         JR      NZ,CLOS1        ;Go if moved
1E7A 3E11     00423         LD      A,11H
1E7C 85       00424         ADD     A,L
1E7D 6F       00425         LD      L,A
1E7E DD7E0C   00426         LD      A,(IX+12)       ;P/u lo-order ERN
1E81 BE       00427         CP      (HL)
1E82 200A     00428         JR      NZ,CLOS1        ;Go if moved
1E84 2C       00429         INC     L
1E85 DD7E0D   00430         LD      A,(IX+13)       ;P/u hi-order ERN
1E88 BE       00431         CP      (HL)
1E89 2003     00432         JR      NZ,CLOS1        ;Go if moved
1E8B F1       00433         POP     AF
1E8C 181A     00434         JR      CLOS2           ;Didn't move
              00435 ;
              00436 ;       Routine to change the 3-byte EOF marker
              00437 ;
1E8E E1       00438 CLOS1   POP     HL              ;Pop DIR+3
1E8F DD7E08   00439         LD      A,(IX+8)        ;Xfer the eof offset
1E92 77       00440         LD      (HL),A
1E93 3E11     00441         LD      A,11H
1E95 85       00442         ADD     A,L
1E96 6F       00443         LD      L,A
1E97 DD7E0C   00444         LD      A,(IX+12)       ;  and the ERN from the FB
1E9A 77       00445         LD      (HL),A
1E9B 2C       00446         INC     L
1E9C DD7E0D   00447         LD      A,(IX+13)       ;  to the DIR entry
1E9F 77       00448         LD      (HL),A
1EA0 DDCB0056 00449         BIT     2,(IX+0)        ;If file was updated
1EA4 2010     00450         JR      NZ,CLOS3        ;  then update mod date
1EA6 186F     00451         JR      CLOS5           ;  else don't
              00452 ;
              00453 ;       Three-byte EOF marker did not change
              00454 ;
1EA8 DDCB0056 00455 CLOS2   BIT     2,(IX+0)        ;If file was updated
1EAC 2008     00456         JR      NZ,CLOS3        ;  then update mod date
1EAE DDCB0076 00457         BIT     6,(IX+0)        ;If close authority then
1EB2 2063     00458         JR      NZ,CLOS5        ;  write back the DIR
1EB4 1867     00459         JR      CLOS6           ;  else continue
              00460 ;
              00461 ;       Routine to insert packed date into directory
              00462 ;
1EB6 E5       00463 CLOS3   PUSH    HL              ;Save ptr to DIR+21
1EB7 7D       00464         LD      A,L             ;Pt to start of dir rec
1EB8 E6E0     00465         AND     0E0H
1EBA 6F       00466         LD      L,A
1EBB 2C       00467         INC     L               ;Pt to DIR+1
1EBC CBF6     00468         SET     6,(HL)          ;Set the MOD flag
1EBE 113300   00469         LD      DE,DATE$        ;Point to year
1EC1 1A       00470         LD      A,(DE)          ;P/u year and save
1EC2 F5       00471         PUSH    AF              ;Save year
1EC3 C5       00472         PUSH    BC              ;Must save BC
1EC4 13       00473         INC     DE              ;Pt to day
1EC5 2C       00474         INC     L               ;DIR+2
1EC6 E607     00475         AND     7               ;Old year mod 8
1EC8 47       00476         LD      B,A             ;Save bits 0-2
1EC9 1A       00477         LD      A,(DE)          ;Get day
1ECA 07       00478         RLCA                    ;Shift to bits 3-7
1ECB 07       00479         RLCA
1ECC 07       00480         RLCA
1ECD B0       00481         OR      B               ;Merge old bits 0-2
1ECE 77       00482         LD      (HL),A          ;Save day and old year
1ECF 2D       00483         DEC     L               ;DIR+1
1ED0 13       00484         INC     DE              ;Pt to month
1ED1 1A       00485         LD      A,(DE)          ;Get month
1ED2 47       00486         LD      B,A             ;Save tempy
1ED3 7E       00487         LD      A,(HL)
1ED4 E6F0     00488         AND     0F0H            ;Mask old month
1ED6 B0       00489         OR      B               ;Merge new
1ED7 77       00490         LD      (HL),A          ;Back in DIR+1
              00491 ;
              00492 ;       If old disk, dont do the rest
              00493 ;
1ED8 79       00494         LD      A,C             ;Get drive
1ED9 E607     00495         AND     7
1EDB 47       00496         LD      B,A             ;Save in B
1EDC 04       00497         INC     B               ;Always do once
1EDD 3E3F     00498         LD      A,47H-8         ;Set to make bit x,a
1EDF C608     00499 CLOS3A  ADD     A,8
1EE1 10FC     00500         DJNZ    CLOS3A          ;Add to get opcode
1EE3 32EA1E   00501         LD      (CLOS3B),A      ;Stuff opcode
1EE6 3A8200   00502         LD      A,(YFLAG$)      ;Get date flag byte
1EE9 CB47     00503         BIT     0,A             ;Test the bit
1EEA          00504 CLOS3B  EQU     $-1
1EEB 2004     00505         JR      NZ,CLOS3C       ;Go if new style
1EED C1       00506         POP     BC              ;Clean off stack
1EEE F1       00507         POP     AF              ;  cause we're done
1EEF 1825     00508         JR      CLOS4
1EF1 7D       00509 CLOS3C  LD      A,L             ;Now pt to
1EF2 C611     00510         ADD     A,17            ; DIR+18, time locn
1EF4 6F       00511         LD      L,A
1EF5 ED5B2E00 00512         LD      DE,(TIME$+1)    ;Get hours, mins
1EF9 7A       00513         LD      A,D             ;Hours to A
1EFA 53       00514         LD      D,E             ;Mins to D
1EFB 1E00     00515         LD      E,0             ;Init fresh
1EFD 0603     00516         LD      B,3
1EFF CB3A     00517 CLOSD1  SRL     D
1F01 CB1B     00518         RR      E
1F03 10FA     00519         DJNZ    CLOSD1          ;Split mins to DE
1F05 07       00520         RLCA                    ;Shif hours bits 3-7
1F06 07       00521         RLCA
1F07 07       00522         RLCA
1F08 B2       00523         OR      D               ;Merge into D
1F09 57       00524         LD      D,A
1F0A C1       00525         POP     BC              ;Restore BC
1F0B F1       00526         POP     AF              ;Get back year
1F0C B7       00527         OR      A               ;Was year set?
1F0D 2804     00528         JR      Z,CLOSD2        ;No, use 0
1F0F D650     00529         SUB     80              ;Get year offset
1F11 B3       00530         OR      E               ;Merge w/mins
1F12 5F       00531         LD      E,A
1F13 72       00532 CLOSD2  LD      (HL),D          ;Save hours/mins
1F14 23       00533         INC     HL
1F15 73       00534         LD      (HL),E          ;Save mins/year
1F16 E1       00535 CLOS4   POP     HL              ;Rcvr DIR+21
1F17 E5       00536 CLOS5   PUSH    HL
1F18 CD0318   00537         CALL    @DIRWR          ;Write back DIR entry
1F1B E1       00538         POP     HL
1F1C C0       00539         RET     NZ
1F1D 2C       00540 CLOS6   INC     L               ;Pt to DIR+22 which is
1F1E E5       00541         PUSH    HL              ;  the 1st extent
1F1F 7D       00542         LD      A,L
1F20 D615     00543         SUB     15H             ;Backup to DIR+1
1F22 6F       00544         LD      L,A
1F23 CB7E     00545         BIT     7,(HL)          ;Test if created
1F25 E1       00546         POP     HL
1F26 C20D20   00547         JP      NZ,RCVN0        ;Bypass if created
1F29 110000   00548         LD      DE,0            ;Init gran counter
1F2C 7E       00549 CLOS7   LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u cyl indicator
1F2D 2C       00550         INC     L               ;Pt to gran alloc
1F2E FEFE     00551         CP      0FEH            ;Extent in use?
1F30 300C     00552         JR      NC,CLOS8        ;Jump if spare or FXDE
1F32 7E       00553         LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u granule allocation
1F33 2C       00554         INC     L               ;Pt to next extent
1F34 E61F     00555         AND     1FH             ;Strip off # of grans &
1F36 3C       00556         INC     A               ;  adjust for zero offset
1F37 83       00557         ADD     A,E             ;Accumulate the number of
1F38 5F       00558         LD      E,A             ;  grans in this extent
1F39 30F1     00559         JR      NC,CLOS7        ;Any previous quantity
1F3B 14       00560         INC     D
1F3C 18EE     00561         JR      CLOS7
1F3E 200B     00562 CLOS8   JR      NZ,CLOS9        ;Found all grans in this
1F40 46       00563         LD      B,(HL)          ;  extent, ck for FXDE
1F41 CDBB18   00564         CALL    @DIRRD
1F44 C0       00565         RET     NZ
1F45 7D       00566         LD      A,L             ;Point to extents in FXDE
1F46 C616     00567         ADD     A,16H
1F48 6F       00568         LD      L,A
1F49 18E1     00569         JR      CLOS7           ;Go to continue count
              00570 ;
              00571 ;       Routine to determine need to deallocate
              00572 ;
1F4B E5       00573 CLOS9   PUSH    HL              ;Save ptr to last extent
1F4C DD6E0C   00574         LD      L,(IX+12)       ;P/u ending record #
1F4F DD660D   00575         LD      H,(IX+13)
1F52 3E08     00576         LD      A,8             ;Get # sectors/gran
1F54 CD2B1A   00577         CALL    @DCTBYT
1F57 E61F     00578         AND     1FH             ;Remove other data
1F59 F5       00579         PUSH    AF              ;Save the #
1F5A 85       00580         ADD     A,L             ;Round up to next
1F5B 6F       00581         LD      L,A             ;  higher gran
1F5C 3001     00582         JR      NC,CLOS10
1F5E 24       00583         INC     H
1F5F F1       00584 CLOS10  POP     AF              ;Rcvr # sectors/gran
1F60 3C       00585         INC     A               ;Adjust for division
1F61 CDE306   00586         CALL    @DIV16          ;Calculate # grans in use
1F64 AF       00587         XOR     A               ;Subtract the # of grans
1F65 EB       00588         EX      DE,HL           ;  used from the # of
1F66 ED52     00589         SBC     HL,DE           ;  grans allocated in the
1F68 EB       00590         EX      DE,HL           ;  directory, and move DE
1F69 E1       00591         POP     HL              ;Rcvr ptr to last extent
1F6A CA0D20   00592         JP      Z,RCVN0         ;Jump if same quantity
1F6D DA0D20   00593         JP      C,RCVN0         ;Jump if now more
              00594 ;
              00595 ;       Need to deallocate space
              00596 ;
1F70 CD7418   00597         CALL    @GATRD          ;Read GAT
1F73 C0       00598         RET     NZ
1F74 1841     00599         JR      BAKUP           ;B/u to last used extent
1F76 D5       00600 CLOS11  PUSH    DE              ;Sv count of excess grans
1F77 7E       00601         LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u alloc info
1F78 E6E0     00602         AND     0E0H            ;Get starting relative
1F7A 07       00603         RLCA                    ;  gran into reg-E
1F7B 07       00604         RLCA
1F7C 07       00605         RLCA
1F7D 5F       00606         LD      E,A
1F7E 7E       00607         LD      A,(HL)          ;# of contiguous grans
1F7F E61F     00608         AND     1FH             ;Remove unneeded data
1F81 83       00609         ADD     A,E             ;Calculate ending
1F82 5F       00610         LD      E,A             ;  relative gran #
1F83 3E08     00611         LD      A,8             ;P/u the # of grans
1F85 CD2B1A   00612         CALL    @DCTBYT         ;  per cylinder
1F88 07       00613         RLCA
1F89 07       00614         RLCA
1F8A 07       00615         RLCA
1F8B E607     00616         AND     7               ;Move into bits 0-2
1F8D 3C       00617         INC     A               ;Adjust for zero offset
1F8E 57       00618         LD      D,A             ;Save count
1F8F 3E04     00619         LD      A,4
1F91 CD2B1A   00620         CALL    @DCTBYT
1F94 CB6F     00621         BIT     5,A             ;2-sided disk?
1F96 7A       00622         LD      A,D             ;Rcvr count
1F97 2801     00623         JR      Z,$+3           ;Bypass if 1-sided
1F99 07       00624         RLCA                    ;Double count
1F9A CD2719   00625         CALL    @DIV8           ;A=quotient, E=remainder
1F9D 2D       00626         DEC     L               ;Pt to starting cylinder
1F9E 86       00627         ADD     A,(HL)          ;Bump cyl pointer by how
1F9F 57       00628         LD      D,A             ;  many excessive cyls to
1FA0 E5       00629         PUSH    HL              ;  start from the rear
1FA1 C5       00630         PUSH    BC
1FA2 2623     00631         LD      H,DIRBUF$<-8    ;Pt to that cyl's GAT
1FA4 6A       00632         LD      L,D
1FA5 46       00633         LD      B,(HL)          ;P/u the GAT allocation
1FA6 7B       00634         LD      A,E
1FA7 CDBB20   00635         CALL    CALCBIT         ;Deallocate a gran
1FAA 70       00636         LD      (HL),B          ;Repl GAT byte
1FAB C1       00637         POP     BC
1FAC E1       00638         POP     HL
1FAD 2C       00639         INC     L               ;Repoint to alloc info
1FAE 35       00640         DEC     (HL)            ;Reduce by 1 gran
1FAF 7E       00641         LD      A,(HL)          ;Get info on contig gran
1FB0 3C       00642         INC     A               ;Adj for zero offset
1FB1 E61F     00643         AND     1FH             ;Strip unneeded
1FB3 D1       00644         POP     DE              ;Rcvr excess gran count
1FB4 1B       00645         DEC     DE              ;  and count down
1FB5 2043     00646         JR      NZ,CLOS12       ;Go if extent still used
1FB7 36FF     00647 BAKUP   LD      (HL),0FFH       ;  else extent is spare
1FB9 2D       00648         DEC     L
1FBA 36FF     00649         LD      (HL),0FFH
1FBC 2D       00650         DEC     L
1FBD 7D       00651         LD      A,L             ;Chack if backed all the
1FBE E61F     00652         AND     1FH             ;  way thru this entry
1FC0 FE15     00653         CP      15H
1FC2 2036     00654         JR      NZ,CLOS12       ;Go if not
1FC4 AD       00655         XOR     L               ;Deallocate this FXDE
1FC5 6F       00656         LD      L,A
1FC6 CB7E     00657         BIT     7,(HL)          ;Was it the FPDE?
1FC8 2830     00658         JR      Z,CLOS12        ;Bypass if FPDE
1FCA 3600     00659         LD      (HL),0          ;Show dir is spare
1FCC CD0318   00660         CALL    @DIRWR          ;Write back
1FCF C0       00661         RET     NZ
1FD0 78       00662         LD      A,B             ;P/u deallocated DEC
1FD1 E6E0     00663         AND     0E0H
1FD3 3C       00664         INC     A               ;Pt to DIR+1
1FD4 6F       00665         LD      L,A
1FD5 7E       00666         LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u previous DEC
1FD6 32E51F   00667         LD      (STUFDEC+1),A   ;Save in instruction
1FD9 CD9718   00668         CALL    @HITRD          ;Read the HIT
1FDC C0       00669         RET     NZ
1FDD 68       00670         LD      L,B             ;Point to deallocated HIT
1FDE 3600     00671         LD      (HL),0          ;Deallocate space in HIT
1FE0 CD9818   00672         CALL    @HITWR          ;Write back
1FE3 C0       00673         RET     NZ
1FE4 0600     00674 STUFDEC LD      B,0             ;P/u previous DEC
1FE6 CDBB18   00675         CALL    @DIRRD          ;Read its dir entry
1FE9 C0       00676         RET     NZ
1FEA 78       00677         LD      A,B
1FEB F61F     00678         OR      1FH             ;Pt to end of entry
1FED 6F       00679         LD      L,A
1FEE 36FF     00680         LD      (HL),0FFH       ;Erase pointer
1FF0 2D       00681         DEC     L               ;  to deallocated FXDE
1FF1 36FF     00682         LD      (HL),0FFH
1FF3 2D       00683         DEC     L               ;Point to previous extent
1FF4 E5       00684         PUSH    HL              ;Save pointer
1FF5 CD0318   00685         CALL    @DIRWR          ;Write back
1FF8 E1       00686         POP     HL
1FF9 C0       00687         RET     NZ
1FFA 7A       00688 CLOS12  LD      A,D             ;Loop if still more to
1FFB B3       00689         OR      E               ;  deallocate
1FFC C2761F   00690         JP      NZ,CLOS11
1FFF CD0318   00691         CALL    @DIRWR
2002 2805     00692         JR      Z,CLOS13        ;Go if no write error
2004 FE0F     00693         CP      15              ;"write protected...
2006 C0       00694         RET     NZ              ;Bad if not
2007 1804     00695         JR      RCVN0
              00696 ;
2009 CD7518   00697 CLOS13  CALL    @GATWR          ;Write back the altered GAT
200C C0       00698         RET     NZ
              00699 ;
              00700 ;       Routine starts to recover file spec
              00701 ;
200D DD7E07   00702 RCVN0   LD      A,(IX+7)        ;P/u DEC of FPDE
2010 DD4E06   00703         LD      C,(IX+6)        ;P/u drive
2013 A8       00704         XOR     B               ;Check if its directory
2014 E61F     00705         AND     1FH             ;  record is resident
2016 DD4607   00706         LD      B,(IX+7)        ;P/u DEC of FPDE
2019 C4BB18   00707         CALL    NZ,@DIRRD       ;Get FPDE dir if needed
201C C0       00708         RET     NZ
201D DDE5     00709         PUSH    IX              ;Transfer FCB to DE
201F D1       00710         POP     DE
2020 79       00711 RCVNAM  LD      A,C
2021 E607     00712         AND     7               ;Convert drive to ASCII
2023 F630     00713         OR      '0'
2025 325C20   00714         LD      (RCVN5+1),A
2028 261D     00715         LD      H,SBUFF$<-8     ;Pt to DIR+5 (name)
202A 78       00716         LD      A,B
202B E6E0     00717         AND     0E0H
202D F605     00718         OR      5
202F 6F       00719         LD      L,A
2030 E5       00720         PUSH    HL              ;Save name start posn
2031 0608     00721         LD      B,8             ;Init 8 chars max
2033 7E       00722 RCVN1   LD      A,(HL)          ;Move filename from
2034 FE20     00723         CP      ' '             ;  direc to fcb
2036 2805     00724         JR      Z,RCVN2
2038 12       00725         LD      (DE),A
2039 23       00726         INC     HL
203A 13       00727         INC     DE
203B 10F6     00728         DJNZ    RCVN1           ;Loop up to 8
203D E1       00729 RCVN2   POP     HL
203E 7D       00730         LD      A,L
203F C608     00731         ADD     A,8             ;Pt to extension
2041 6F       00732         LD      L,A
2042 7E       00733         LD      A,(HL)
2043 FE20     00734         CP      ' '
2045 2810     00735         JR      Z,RCVN4         ;Jump if none
2047 3E2F     00736         LD      A,'/'
2049 12       00737         LD      (DE),A          ;Stuff separator into fcb
204A 13       00738         INC     DE
204B 0603     00739         LD      B,3             ;Init 3-char extension
204D 7E       00740 RCVN3   LD      A,(HL)          ;Stuff the ext
204E FE20     00741         CP      ' '             ;  into fcb
2050 2805     00742         JR      Z,RCVN4
2052 12       00743         LD      (DE),A
2053 23       00744         INC     HL
2054 13       00745         INC     DE
2055 10F6     00746         DJNZ    RCVN3
2057 3E3A     00747 RCVN4   LD      A,':'           ;Stuff drive indicator
2059 12       00748         LD      (DE),A
205A 13       00749         INC     DE
205B 3E00     00750 RCVN5   LD      A,0             ;P/u drive in ASCII
205D 12       00751         LD      (DE),A          ;  & stuff it
205E 13       00752         INC     DE
205F 3E03     00753         LD      A,3             ;Close FCB with ETX
2061 12       00754         LD      (DE),A
2062 AF       00755         XOR     A
2063 C9       00756         RET
              00757 ;
              00758 ;       Routine to recover the filespec
              00759 ;
2064 E5       00760 FNAME   PUSH    HL
2065 D5       00761         PUSH    DE
              00762 ;
              00763 ;       Calculate the number of directory sectors
              00764 ;       = (#sectors x #heads) - 2 for GAT & HIT
              00765 ;
2066 3E07     00766         LD      A,7             ;Get highest # sector
2068 CD2B1A   00767         CALL    @DCTBYT
206B 57       00768         LD      D,A             ;Store heads & sectors
206C E61F     00769         AND     1FH             ;Rake off # sectors
206E 5F       00770         LD      E,A             ;  & stuff into E
206F 1C       00771         INC     E               ;Bump for 0 offset
2070 AA       00772         XOR     D               ;Recover # heads
2071 07       00773         RLCA                    ;  into bits 0-2
2072 07       00774         RLCA
2073 07       00775         RLCA
2074 3C       00776         INC     A               ;Bump for 0 offset
2075 CD0A19   00777         CALL    @MUL8           ;Multiply sectors x heads
2078 5F       00778         LD      E,A             ;Now check double bit
2079 3E04     00779         LD      A,4
207B CD2B1A   00780         CALL    @DCTBYT
207E CB6F     00781         BIT     5,A             ;Set if 2-sided
2080 7B       00782         LD      A,E
2081 2801     00783         JR      Z,ONESID        ;Go if not set else
2083 87       00784         ADD     A,A             ;  double value
2084 D602     00785 ONESID  SUB     2               ;Reduce for GAT & HIT
2086 57       00786         LD      D,A
2087 78       00787         LD      A,B
2088 E61F     00788         AND     1FH             ;Calc req sector #
208A BA       00789         CP      D
208B 3805     00790         JR      C,FNAM1
208D 3E10     00791         LD      A,16            ;"Illegal logical file #
208F B7       00792         OR      A
2090 1808     00793         JR      FNAM2
2092 D1       00794 FNAM1   POP     DE
2093 D5       00795         PUSH    DE
2094 CDBB18   00796         CALL    @DIRRD
2097 CC2020   00797         CALL    Z,RCVNAM        ;Rcvr the filespec
209A D1       00798 FNAM2   POP     DE
209B E1       00799         POP     HL
209C C9       00800         RET
              00801 ;
              00802 ;       Close a logical device
              00803 ;
209D FE10     00804 CLOSDEV CP      10H             ;If not open device,
209F 3E26     00805         LD      A,38            ;  return "file not open...
20A1 C0       00806         RET     NZ
20A2 CD6615   00807         CALL    LNKFCB@         ;Link to FCB
20A5 DD4E06   00808         LD      C,(IX+6)        ;Get device name
20A8 DD4607   00809         LD      B,(IX+7)
20AB DD36002A 00810         LD      (IX+0),'*'      ;Stuff device indicator
20AF DD7101   00811         LD      (IX+1),C        ;Stuff 1st char of name
20B2 DD7002   00812         LD      (IX+2),B        ;Stuff 2nd char of name
20B5 DD360303 00813         LD      (IX+3),3        ;Terminate with ETX
20B9 AF       00814         XOR     A
20BA C9       00815         RET
              00816 ;
              00817 ;       Calculate GAT bit to deallocate
              00818 ;
20BB E607     00819 CALCBIT AND     7               ;Make binary bit # into
20BD 07       00820         RLCA                    ;  the proper RES
20BE 07       00821         RLCA                    ;  opcode
20BF 07       00822         RLCA
20C0 F680     00823         OR      80H
20C2 32C620   00824         LD      (CALC1+1),A
20C5 CB80     00825 CALC1   RES     0,B             ;Reset bit in GAT
20C7 C9       00826         RET
              00827 ;
              00828 ;       User removed disk with an open file
              00829 ;
20C8 E5       00830 HOLDUP  PUSH    HL
20C9 D5       00831         PUSH    DE
20CA 21EE20   00832         LD      HL,HOLDUP$      ;Pt to message
20CD CD2D05   00833         CALL    @DSPLY          ;Display to console
20D0 CD5305   00834         CALL    @CKBRKC         ;Clear out break bit
20D3 CD3506   00835 WAITING CALL    @KBD            ;Scan the keyboard
20D6 20FB     00836         JR      NZ,WAITING      ;Keep looking
20D8 FE0D     00837         CP      CR              ;Check for 
20DA 280D     00838         JR      Z,TRYNOW
20DC CD5305   00839         CALL    @CKBRKC         ;Check for a break
20DF 28F2     00840         JR      Z,WAITING
20E1 D1       00841 ABRT    POP     DE
20E2 E1       00842         POP     HL
20E3 FDE1     00843         POP     IY              ;Restore from above
20E5 3E20     00844         LD      A,32            ;Show illegal drive #
20E7 B7       00845         OR      A               ;Set NZ condition
20E8 C9       00846         RET                     ;Go back now
20E9 D1       00847 TRYNOW  POP     DE
20EA E1       00848         POP     HL
20EB C3231E   00849         JP      CKAGN           ;Try checking again
20EE 0A       00850 HOLDUP$ DB      LF,'** CLOSE FAULT **  Drive not ready, '
     2A 2A 20 43 4C 4F 53 45
     20 46 41 55 4C 54 20 2A
     2A 20 20 44 72 69 76 65
     20 6E 6F 74 20 72 65 61
     64 79 2C 20 
2113 3C       00851         DB      ' to retry,  to abort',CR
     45 4E 54 45 52 3E 20 74
     6F 20 72 65 74 72 79 2C
     20 3C 42 52 45 41 4B 3E
     20 74 6F 20 61 62 6F 72
     74 0D 
              00852 ;
              00853 DOID
              00854         IF      @BLD631
2136 C9       00855         RET                     ;<631>
              00856         ELSE
              00857         LD      DE,22F6H        ;Pt to serial #
              00858         LD      HL,NOTDSP-1     ;Pt to not displayed
              00859         LD      B,10            ;Bytes to check
              00860         LD      A,(DE)
              00861         XOR     88H
              00862         AND     41H
              00863         LD      C,A             ;Save result
              00864         INC     DE              ;Next byte
              00865         LD      A,(DE)          ;Get value
              00866         XOR     0C8H
              00867         AND     41H             ;Must be opposite of 1st
              00868         XOR     C
              00869         RET     Z               ;Back if 0
              00870         INC     DE              ;1st byte of serial#
              00871         EX      DE,HL           ;Make into ascii
              00872         LD      B,8             ;8 bytes remaining
              00873 DOID1   LD      A,(HL)
              00874         CP      (HL)
              00875         LD      (HL),A
              00876         INC     HL
              00877         DJNZ    DOID1
              00878         PUSH    IY              ;Save IY
              00879         PUSH    DE
              00880         POP     IY              ;To build area
              00881         DEC     HL              ;Last byte of serial#
              00882         LD      A,(HL)          ;Digit 3
              00883         LD      (IY+3),A
              00884         LD      B,A             ;B also gets 3
              00885         DEC     HL
              00886         LD      C,(HL)          ;#3+#5
              00887         DEC     HL
              00888         LD      D,(HL)          ;Digit 5
              00889         LD      (IY+5),D
              00890         DEC     HL
              00891         LD      E,(HL)
              00892         LD      (IY+4),E        ;Digit 4
              00893         ADD     A,D             ;Add 3,5
              00894         CALL    ABS
              00895         CP      C               ;Cp 3+5
              00896         JR      NZ,BADID
              00897         DEC     HL
              00898         LD      C,(HL)          ;#2-#3
              00899         PUSH    DE              ;Save 4,5
              00900         DEC     HL
              00901         LD      E,(HL)          ;A+#4+#5
              00902         DEC     HL
              00903         LD      A,(HL)          ;Digit 1
              00904         LD      (IY+1),A
              00905         DEC     HL
              00906         LD      A,(HL)          ;Digit 2
              00907         LD      (IY+2),A
              00908         SUB     B               ;2-3
              00909         CALL    ABS
              00910         CP      C
              00911         JR      NZ,BADID
              00912         LD      C,E             ;A+4+5 to C
              00913         POP     DE
              00914         LD      A,E
              00915         ADD     A,D
              00916         ADD     A,'A'-30H
              00917         CP      C
              00918         JR      NZ,BADID
              00919 ;
              00920         JR      CKSTOR          ;Check hidden one
              00921 BADID   POP     IY
              00922         RET
              00923 ;       Ok, looks like displayed # is ok
              00924 ;
              00925 CKSTOR  POP     HL              ;Pt HL at ascii
              00926         LD      HL,NOTDSP
              00927         PUSH    HL
              00928         LD      B,5
              00929 CKLP    LD      A,(HL)
              00930         ADD     A,30H
              00931         LD      (HL),A
              00932         INC     HL
              00933         DJNZ    CKLP
              00934         POP     HL
              00935         CALL    @DECHEX         ;Make binary
              00936 ;
              00937 ;       Now get CS number
              00938 ;
              00939         LD      HL,STOR$        ;Pt to it
              00940         RLC     (HL)
              00941         RLC     (HL)
              00942         LD      A,(HL)          ;Result to A
              00943         INC     HL
              00944         RLC     (HL)
              00945         RLC     (HL)            ;2nd byte done
              00946         RLD
              00947         PUSH    BC              ;Save real serial #
              00948         PUSH    BC              ;Twice
              00949         LD      D,(HL)
              00950         LD      E,A             ;Stored to DE
              00951         POP     HL              ;Real serial #
              00952         EX      DE,HL           ;Stored to HL
              00953         LD      BC,13974        ;Offset
              00954         OR      A
              00955         SBC     HL,BC           ;Now should match visible
              00956         OR      A
              00957         SBC     HL,DE           ;Be sure the same
              00958         POP     HL              ;Get in case good
              00959         RET     NZ              ;Back if bad
              00960         ADD     HL,BC
              00961         LD      DE,CSBUFF+4
              00962         CALL    @HEXDEC
              00963         LD      HL,CSBUFF
              00964         CALL    @DSPLY
              00965         RET
              00966 ;
              00967 ;       Return a number between 0 and 10
              00968 ;
              00969 ABS     CP      0               ;See if negative
              00970         JP      P,ABS1          ;Go if not
              00971         NEG                     ;Else make pos
              00972         RET
              00973 ABS1    CP      10              ;Less than 10
              00974         RET     C               ;Done if so
              00975         SUB     10
              00976         RET
              00977 ;
              00978 ;
              00979 NOTDSP  DC      6,0             ;User serial #
              00980 STOR$   DB      0A5H,0DCH
              00981 CSBUFF  DB      'CS#      ',13
              00982 ;
              00983         ENDIF
2137          00984 LAST    EQU     $
              00985         IFGT    $,DIRBUF$
              00986         ERR     'Module too big'
              00987         ENDIF
23FE          00988         ORG     MAXCOR$-2
23FE 3703     00989         DW      LAST-SYS3       ;Overlay length
              00990 ;
1E00          00991         END     SYS3
1E00 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

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