LS-DOS 6.3.1 - SYS4 Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 22:46:25 SYS4 - LS-DOS 6.2            Page 00001 

              00001 ;SYS4/ASM - LS-DOS 6.2
000A          00003 LF      EQU     10
000D          00004 CR      EQU     13
              00005 *LIST   OFF                     ;Get SYS0/EQU
              00321 *LIST   ON
0000          00322 *GET    COPYCOM:3               ;Copyright message
              00323 ; COPYCOM - File for Copyright COMment block
              00324 ;
0000          00325 *GET BUILDVER/ASM:3
              00326 ;
              00327 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00328 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00329 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00330 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00331 ;
FFFF          00332 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00333 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00334 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00335 ;       patch is enabled.
              00336 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00337 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00338 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00339 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00340 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00341 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00342 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00343 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00344 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00345 ;
              00346 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
              00347         IF      @BLD631
              00349         ELSE
              00350         COM     '<*(C) 1982,3,4,6 by LSI*>'
              00351         ENDIF
              00352 ;
1E00          00353         ORG     1E00H
              00354 ;
1E00 C3AF1E   00355 SYS4    JP      BEGIN
              00356 ;
              00357 ;       Sentence table - Must be totally within one page
              00358 ;
1E03 01       00359 MSG0    DB      1,2+80H
              00360 ;               no error
1E05 04       00361 MSG1    DB      4,2,5,6,9+80H
     02 05 06 89 
              00362 ;               parity error during header read
1E0A 08       00363 MSG2    DB      8,2,5,9+80H
     02 05 89 
              00364 ;               seek error during read
1E0E 0B       00365 MSG3    DB      11,7,5,9+80H
     07 05 89 
              00366 ;               lost data during read
1E12 04       00367 MSG4    DB      4,2,5,9+80H
     02 05 89 
              00368 ;               parity error during read
1E16 07       00369 MSG5    DB      7,27,12,44,5,9+80H
     1B 0C 2C 05 89 
              00370 ;               data record not found during read
1E1C 0D       00371 MSG6    DB      13,9,15,7,27+80H
     09 0F 07 9B 
              00372 ;               attempted to read system data record
1E21 0D       00373 MSG7    DB      13,9,14,7,27+80H
     09 0E 07 9B 
              00374 ;               attempted to read locked/deleted data record
1E26 2A       00375 MSG8    DB      42,12,51+0C0H
     0C F3 
              00376 ;               device not available
1E29 04       00377 MSG9    DB      4,2,5,6,10+80H
     02 05 06 8A 
              00378 ;               parity error during header write
1E2E 08       00379 MSG10   DB      8,2,5,10+80H
     02 05 8A 
              00380 ;               seek error during write
1E32 0B       00381 MSG11   DB      11,7,5,10+80H
     07 05 8A 
              00382 ;               lost data during write
1E36 04       00383 MSG12   DB      4,2,5,10+80H
     02 05 8A 
              00384 ;               parity error during write
1E3A 07       00385 MSG13   DB      7,27,12,44,5,10+80H
     1B 0C 2C 05 8A 
              00386 ;               data record not found during write
1E40 0A       00387 MSG14   DB      10,21,18,19,48+80H
     15 12 13 B0 
              00388 ;               write fault on disk drive
1E45 0A       00389 MSG15   DB      10,22,19+80H
     16 93 
              00390 ;               write protected disk
1E48 17       00391 MSG16   DB      23,24,26,25+80H
     18 1A 99 
              00392 ;               illegal logical file number
1E4C 10       00393 MSG17   DB      16,9,2+80H
     09 82 
              00394 ;               directory read error
1E4F 10       00395 MSG18   DB      16,10,2+80H
     0A 82 
              00396 ;               directory write error
1E52 17       00397 MSG19   DB      23,26,41+0C0H
     1A E9 
              00398 ;               illegal file name
1E55 22       00399 MSG20   DB      34,9,2+80H
     09 82 
              00400 ;               gat read error
1E58 22       00401 MSG21   DB      34,10,2+80H
     0A 82 
              00402 ;               gat write error
1E5B 23       00403 MSG22   DB      35,9,2+80H
     09 82 
              00404 ;               hit read error
1E5E 23       00405 MSG23   DB      35,10,2+80H
     0A 82 
              00406 ;               hit write error
1E61 1A       00407 MSG24   DB      26,12,45,16+0C0H
     0C 2D D0 
              00408 ;               file not in directory
1E65 1A       00409 MSG25   DB      26,46,49+0C0H
     2E F1 
              00410 ;               file access denied
1E68 01       00411 MSG26   DB      1,16,39,51+0C0H
     10 27 F3 
              00412 ;               directory space full
1E6C 13       00413 MSG27   DB      19,39,47+80H
     27 AF 
              00414 ;               disk space full
1E6F 1C       00415 MSG28   DB      28,29,26,32+80H
     1D 1A A0 
              00416 ;               end of file encountered
1E73 1B       00417 MSG29   DB      27,25,30,29,31+80H
     19 1E 1D 9F 
              00418 ;               record number out of range
1E78 10       00419 MSG30   DB      16,47,52,26+80H
     2F 34 9A 
              00420 ;               directory full - can't extend file
1E7C 32       00421 MSG31   DB      50,12,44+0C0H
     0C EC 
              00422 ;               program not found
1E7F 17       00423 MSG32   DB      23,48,25+0C0H
     30 D9 
              00424 ;               illegal drive number
1E82 01       00425 MSG33   DB      1,42,39,51+0C0H
     2A 27 F3 
              00426 ;               no device space available
1E86 26       00427 MSG34   DB      38,26,43,2+80H
     1A 2B 82 
              00428 ;               load file format error
1E8A 11       00429 MSG35   DB      17,21+80H
              00430 ;               memory fault
1E8C 0D       00431 MSG36   DB      13,38,9,40,17+80H
     26 09 28 91 
              00432 ;               attempted to load read only memory
1E91 17       00433 MSG37   DB      23,46,13,22,26+80H
     2E 0D 16 9A 
              00434 ;               illegal access attempted to protected file
1E96 1A       00435 MSG38   DB      26,12,53+0C0H
     0C F5 
              00436 ;               file not open
1E99 2A       00437 MSG39   DB      42,45,54+80H
     2D B6 
              00438 ;               device in use
1E9C 16       00439 MSG40   DB      22,15,42+80H
     0F AA 
              00440 ;               protected system device
1E9F 1A       00441 MSG41   DB      26,57,53!0C0H
     39 F5 
              00442 ;               file already open
1EA2 18       00443 MSG42   DB      24,27,58,53,21!0C0H
     1B 3A 35 D5 
              00444 ;               logical record length open fault
1EA7 38       00445 MSG43   DB      56,20,2!80H
     14 82 
              00446 ;               SVC parameter error
1EAA 14       00447 MSG44   DB      20,2!80H
              00448 ;               Parameter error
1EAC 25       00449 MSG45   DB      37,2,33+80H
     02 A1 
              00450 ;               unknown error code
1EAF E670     00451 BEGIN   AND     70H             ;What's the entry?
1EB1 C8       00452         RET     Z               ;Back on zero
1EB2 F5       00453         PUSH    AF
1EB3 3A0D00   00454         LD      A,(LSVC$)       ;Grab the last SVC
1EB6 325E20   00455         LD      (SVSVC+1),A     ;  and store for later
1EB9 F1       00456         POP     AF
1EBA 22461F   00457         LD      (EXTEND+1),HL   ;Value if extended error
1EBD E3       00458         EX      (SP),HL         ;Grab return address
1EBE 22BF1F   00459         LD      (ERR7+1),HL     ;  & stuff it
1EC1 E1       00460         POP     HL
1EC2 F1       00461         POP     AF              ;Pop off the error code
1EC3 E3       00462         EX      (SP),HL         ;Get user ret address
1EC4 22241F   00463         LD      (USRET+1),HL    ;  for long dsply
1EC7 E3       00464         EX      (SP),HL
1EC8 E5       00465         PUSH    HL              ;Save regs
1EC9 D5       00466         PUSH    DE
1ECA C5       00467         PUSH    BC
1ECB 2A0B00   00468         LD      HL,(SVCRET$)    ;Grab last SVC return
1ECE 227220   00469         LD      (SVRET+1),HL    ;  and save for dsply
1ED1 47       00470         LD      B,A
1ED2 3A7C00   00471         LD      A,(SFLAG$)      ;Test expanded-error
1ED5 E640     00472         AND     40H             ;  flag bit in system flag
1ED7 A8       00473         XOR     B
1ED8 A0       00474         AND     B
1ED9 47       00475         LD      B,A             ;Xfer the result to B
1EDA F5       00476         PUSH    AF              ;  & save for later
1EDB E63F     00477         AND     3FH             ;Strip all but error #
1EDD 4F       00478         LD      C,A             ;Place error code -> C
1EDE 216C00   00479         LD      HL,CFLAG$       ;If system error suppress
1EE1 CB76     00480         BIT     6,(HL)          ;  flag is set, don't
1EE3 C2B91F   00481         JP      NZ,ERR6A        ;  display error message.
1EE6 CB7E     00482         BIT     7,(HL)          ;If error-to-buffer is
1EE8 2005     00483         JR      NZ,ERR0         ;  set, put to user buf
1EEA 11001D   00484         LD      DE,SBUFF$
1EED 1806     00485         JR      ERR0A           ;Branch around force
1EEF CBF0     00486 ERR0    SET     6,B             ;Force buffer to abbrev
1EF1 F1       00487         POP     AF
1EF2 CBF7     00488         SET     6,A
1EF4 F5       00489         PUSH    AF
1EF5 CB70     00490 ERR0A   BIT     6,B             ;Expanded error display?
1EF7 0600     00491         LD      B,0
1EF9 2044     00492         JR      NZ,ERR2         ;Jump if abbreviated
1EFB C5       00493         PUSH    BC
1EFC 21C320   00494         LD      HL,ERRMSG       ;Pt to "< ERRCOD =...
1EFF 0E11     00495         LD      C,MLEN          ;  & move to buffer
1F01 EDB0     00496         LDIR
1F03 C1       00497         POP     BC
1F04 EB       00498         EX      DE,HL           ;Buffer ptr to HL
1F05 79       00499         LD      A,C             ;Error code to A
1F06 362F     00500         LD      (HL),2FH        ;Init for digit conv
1F08 34       00501 ERR1    INC     (HL)            ;Bump ASCII digit
1F09 D60A     00502         SUB     10              ;  count by 10
1F0B 30FB     00503         JR      NC,ERR1         ;Keep bumping 10's digit
1F0D 2C       00504         INC     L               ;Bump buffer ptr
1F0E C63A     00505         ADD     A,3AH           ;Convert rmndr to unit's
1F10 77       00506         LD      (HL),A          ;  & place in buffer
1F11 2C       00507         INC     L               ;Bump to next pos
1F12 362C     00508         LD      (HL),','        ;Stuff a comma & bump
1F14 2C       00509         INC     L
1F15 3620     00510         LD      (HL),' '        ;  & a space
1F17 2C       00511         INC     L
1F18 EB       00512         EX      DE,HL           ;Buffer ptr back to DE
1F19 C5       00513         PUSH    BC
1F1A 21D420   00514         LD      HL,ERRMSG1      ;"Returns to X'"
1F1D 010D00   00515         LD      BC,M1LEN
1F20 EDB0     00516         LDIR
1F22 EB       00517         EX      DE,HL           ;HL back to buffer
1F23 110000   00518 USRET   LD      DE,$-$          ;User ret address
1F26 CDBD07   00519         CALL    @HEX16
1F29 3E27     00520         LD      A,27H           ;"'"
1F2B 77       00521         LD      (HL),A
1F2C 23       00522         INC     HL
1F2D 360A     00523         LD      (HL),LF         ;End the line
1F2F 23       00524         INC     HL
1F30 C1       00525         POP     BC
1F31 CB71     00526         BIT     6,C             ;Extended error?
1F33 2009     00527         JR      NZ,ERR6         ;Go if not
1F35 362A     00528         LD      (HL),'*'        ;Make long msg look nice
1F37 23       00529         INC     HL
1F38 362A     00530         LD      (HL),'*'
1F3A 23       00531         INC     HL
1F3B 3620     00532         LD      (HL),' '
1F3D 23       00533         INC     HL
1F3E EB       00534 ERR6    EX      DE,HL           ;DE back to nxt buff line
1F3F 79       00535 ERR2    LD      A,C
1F40 FE3F     00536         CP      63              ;"Extended error"?
1F42 2023     00537         JR      NZ,ERR2A
              00538 ;
              00539 ;       Do extended error only
              00540 ;
1F44 D5       00541         PUSH    DE              ;Save buffer ptr
1F45 110000   00542 EXTEND  LD      DE,$-$          ;Ext. error value fm HL
1F48 21BD20   00543         LD      HL,EXT$ERR+26
1F4B CDBD07   00544         CALL    @HEX16
1F4E 21A320   00545         LD      HL,EXT$ERR      ;Point to error msg
1F51 D1       00546         POP     DE              ;Recvr buffer
1F52 E5       00547         PUSH    HL              ;Save msg start
1F53 C5       00548         PUSH    BC
1F54 012000   00549         LD      BC,M2LEN        ;Len of error
1F57 EDB0     00550         LDIR                    ;Move into buffer
1F59 C1       00551         POP     BC
1F5A 216C00   00552         LD      HL,CFLAG$       ;See if to user buffer
1F5D CB7E     00553         BIT     7,(HL)
1F5F CBBE     00554         RES     7,(HL)          ;Don't logot if so
1F61 E1       00555         POP     HL
1F62 CC0005   00556         CALL    Z,@LOGOT
1F65 1852     00557         JR      ERR6A           ;  and exit
              00558 ;
              00559 ;       Do regular (non-extended) error
              00560 ;
1F67 3E2D     00561 ERR2A   LD      A,45            ;If error code is > 43,
1F69 B9       00562         CP      C               ;  then set to 44 (max)
1F6A D5       00563         PUSH    DE              ;Save ptr to 1st char
1F6B 3001     00564         JR      NC,ERR3
1F6D 4F       00565         LD      C,A
1F6E 217821   00566 ERR3    LD      HL,CODTAB       ;Pt to start of code
1F71 09       00567         ADD     HL,BC           ;  address table & index
1F72 6E       00568         LD      L,(HL)          ;P/u lo-order vector
1F73 261E     00569         LD      H,MSG0<-8       ;Set hi-order vector
              00570 ;
              00571 ;       HL now points to sentence table
              00572 ;
1F75 7E       00573 ERR5    LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u word offset
1F76 E63F     00574         AND     3FH             ;  & strip any flags
1F78 47       00575         LD      B,A             ;Xfer word # to reg B
1F79 E5       00576         PUSH    HL              ;Save sentence pointer
1F7A 21A621   00577         LD      HL,WORDS        ;Dictionary start
1F7D 7E       00578 LP1     LD      A,(HL)          ;Scan through the table
1F7E 07       00579         RLCA                    ;  counting words (bit 7
1F7F 23       00580         INC     HL              ;  denotes word end)
1F80 30FB     00581         JR      NC,LP1          ;  until requested word
1F82 05       00582         DEC     B               ;  is reached
1F83 20F8     00583         JR      NZ,LP1
              00584 ;
              00585 ;       Found the start of the desired word
              00586 ;
1F85 7E       00587 LP2     LD      A,(HL)          ;Transfer the word until
1F86 07       00588         RLCA                    ;  bit 7 set (last char)
1F87 CB3F     00589         SRL     A               ;  while resetting bit-7
1F89 12       00590         LD      (DE),A          ;Stuff letter of word
1F8A 23       00591         INC     HL              ;  & bump pointers
1F8B 13       00592         INC     DE
1F8C 30F7     00593         JR      NC,LP2
1F8E 3E20     00594         LD      A,' '           ;Move a space into buffer
1F90 12       00595         LD      (DE),A
1F91 13       00596         INC     DE
1F92 E1       00597         POP     HL              ;Rcvr ptr to sentence
1F93 7E       00598         LD      A,(HL)          ;P/u this word byte
1F94 23       00599         INC     HL
1F95 07       00600         RLCA                    ;Was this the last word?
1F96 30DD     00601         JR      NC,ERR5         ;Loop if still more to go
1F98 E3       00602         EX      (SP),HL         ;Get ptr to 1st char
1F99 7E       00603         LD      A,(HL)
1F9A CBAF     00604         RES     5,A             ;Set it to UC
1F9C 77       00605         LD      (HL),A
1F9D E1       00606         POP     HL              ;Get back sentence ptr
1F9E F1       00607         POP     AF              ;Rcvr error code
1F9F F5       00608         PUSH    AF
1FA0 E5       00609         PUSH    HL              ;Save sentence ptr
1FA1 3E0D     00610         LD      A,CR
1FA3 12       00611         LD      (DE),A          ;Stuff end-of-line
1FA4 216C00   00612         LD      HL,CFLAG$       ;If to user buffer,
1FA7 CB7E     00613         BIT     7,(HL)          ;  then don't LOGOT
1FA9 CBBE     00614         RES     7,(HL)
1FAB 21001D   00615         LD      HL,SBUFF$       ;Display the line
1FAE CC0005   00616         CALL    Z,@LOGOT
1FB1 E1       00617         POP     HL
1FB2 F1       00618         POP     AF              ;Rcvr word index
1FB3 F5       00619         PUSH    AF
1FB4 CB77     00620         BIT     6,A             ;Test if a disk error
1FB6 CCC41F   00621         CALL    Z,DSPSPEC       ;Get filespec if it is
1FB9 F1       00622 ERR6A   POP     AF
1FBA C1       00623         POP     BC
1FBB D1       00624         POP     DE
1FBC E1       00625         POP     HL
1FBD B7       00626         OR      A               ;Ret to user if bit 7
1FBE FA0000   00627 ERR7    JP      M,0             ;  of error code is set
1FC1 C3081B   00628         JP      @ABORT          ;  else abort
              00629 ;
              00630 ;       Routine to display the filespec
              00631 ;
1FC4 DDE5     00632 DSPSPEC PUSH    IX
1FC6 DD2A2400 00633         LD      IX,(JDCB$)      ;P/u FCB vector
1FCA 2B       00634         DEC     HL
1FCB CB76     00635         BIT     6,(HL)
1FCD 2030     00636         JR      NZ,DSPC2
1FCF DD4E06   00637         LD      C,(IX+6)        ;Device 1st char or drive
1FD2 DD4607   00638         LD      B,(IX+7)        ;Device 2nd char or DEC
1FD5 DDCB007E 00639         BIT     7,(IX+0)        ;Test if file or device
1FD9 205D     00640         JR      NZ,RCVSPEC      ;Jump if it is a file
1FDB 212821   00641         LD      HL,OPN$DCB
1FDE 79       00642 DSPC1   LD      A,C             ;Possible devspec, 1st char
1FDF FE41     00643         CP      'A'
1FE1 3815     00644         JR      C,DCBUNK        ;C=do unknown
1FE3 FE5B     00645         CP      'Z'+1
1FE5 3011     00646         JR      NC,DCBUNK       ;Again, go if bad
1FE7 78       00647         LD      A,B             ;Check 2nd character
1FE8 FE30     00648         CP      '0'
1FEA 380C     00649         JR      C,DCBUNK
1FEC FE5B     00650         CP      'Z'+1
1FEE 3008     00651         JR      NC,DCBUNK
1FF0 ED433A21 00652         LD      (OPN$DCB+18),BC ;Stuff the device name
1FF2          00653 DSPC1A  EQU     $-2
1FF4 DDE1     00654         POP     IX
1FF6 185F     00655         JR      RSPC6           ;Go display it
              00656 ;
1FF8 213D21   00657 DCBUNK  LD      HL,UNK$TYP
1FFB DDE1     00658         POP     IX
1FFD 1858     00659         JR      RSPC6
              00660 ;
1FFF DD4E01   00661 DSPC2   LD      C,(IX+1)        ;P/u 1st char or vector
2002 DD4602   00662         LD      B,(IX+2)        ;P/u 2nd char or vector
2005 DD7E00   00663         LD      A,(IX+0)
2008 21EB20   00664         LD      HL,DEV$NAM
200B 22F21F   00665         LD      (DSPC1A),HL     ;Change dsply message
200E 21E120   00666         LD      HL,DEV$EQ
2011 FE2A     00667         CP      '*'             ;If '*', go to device
2013 28C9     00668         JR      Z,DSPC1
2015 DDE5     00669         PUSH    IX              ;  else assume file
2017 E1       00670         POP     HL
2018 11F520   00671         LD      DE,FILE$EQ+7    ;Init "

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Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
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