LS-DOS 6.3.1 - FORMS Filter Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/19/99 21:50:22 FORMS/FLT - LS-DOS 6.2       Page 00001 

              00001 ;FORMS/ASM - Printer Formatting Filter
              00003 ;
000A          00004 LF      EQU     10
000D          00005 CR      EQU     13
              00006 ;
0000          00007 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00008 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00009 *LIST   OFF
              00401 *LIST   ON
0000          00403 *GET    COPYCOM:3               ;Copyright message
              00404 ; COPYCOM - File for Copyright COMment block
              00405 ;
0000          00406 *GET BUILDVER/ASM:3
              00407 ;
              00408 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00409 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00410 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00411 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00412 ;
FFFF          00413 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00414 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00415 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00416 ;       patch is enabled.
              00417 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00418 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00419 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00420 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00421 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00422 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00423 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00424 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00425 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00426 ;
              00427 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
              00428         IF      @BLD631
              00430         ELSE
              00431         COM     '<*(C) 1982,3,4,6 by LSI*>'
              00432         ENDIF
              00433 ;
2400          00434         ORG     2400H
              00435 ;
              00436 BEGIN
2400          00437         @@CKBRKC                ;Check for break
2400+3E6A     00438         LD      A,106
2402+EF       00439         RST     40
2403 2804     00440         JR      Z,BEGINA        ;Continue if no Break
2405 21FFFF   00441         LD      HL,-1
2408 C9       00442         RET                     ;  else abort
              00443 ;
2409 D5       00444 BEGINA  PUSH    DE              ;Save DCB address
240A DDE1     00445         POP     IX              ;  in index reg
240C ED534426 00446         LD      (PFDCB),DE      ;  and in filter header
2410          00447         @@DSPLY HELLO$          ;Welcome the user
              00448         IFEQ    01H,1
2410+211E25   00449         LD      HL,HELLO$
              00450         ENDIF
2413+3E0A     00451         LD      A,10
2415+EF       00452         RST     40
              00453 ;
              00454 ;       Check if entry from SET command
              00455 ;
2416          00456         @@FLAGS                 ;IY => flag table base
2416+3E65     00457         LD      A,101
2418+EF       00458         RST     40
2419 FDCB025E 00459         BIT     3,(IY+'C'-'A')  ;System request?
241D CAFE24   00460         JP      Z,VIASET        ;Quit if not
              00461 ;
              00462 ;       Check if filter is already resident
              00463 ;
2420 111A25   00464         LD      DE,FF$          ;Check if filter is
2423          00465         @@GTMOD                 ;  already resident
2423+3E53     00466         LD      A,83
2425+EF       00467         RST     40
2426 EB       00468         EX      DE,HL           ;Put DCB ptr to HL
2427 201C     00469         JR      NZ,NOTRES       ;Go if not
              00470 ;
              00471 ;       Make sure that the new DCB is same as the old
              00472 ;
              00473         IF      @BLD631
2429 4E       00474         LD      C,(HL)          ;<631>P/u DCB pointer LSB
242A 23       00475         INC     HL              ;<631>
242B 46       00476         LD      B,(HL)          ;<631>P/u DCB pointer MSB
              00477         ELSE
              00478         LD      BC,(PFDCB)      ;Replace DCB pointer
              00479         LD      A,C             ;  with new one
              00480         LD      C,(HL)          ;P/u DCB pointer LSB
              00481         NOP
              00482         INC     HL
              00483         LD      A,B
              00484         LD      B,(HL)          ;P/u DCB pointer MSB
              00485         ENDIF
242C 210600   00486         LD      HL,6            ;Get old DCB name &
242F 09       00487         ADD     HL,BC           ;  stuff into error
2430 7E       00488         LD      A,(HL)          ;  message in case
2431 2C       00489         INC     L               ;  a different DCB
2432 66       00490         LD      H,(HL)          ;  is referenced
2433 6F       00491         LD      L,A
2434 22F425   00492         LD      (DCBNAM$),HL    ;Stuff message with spec
2437 B4       00493         OR      H
2438 2876     00494         JR      Z,ISRES
243A 2A4426   00495         LD      HL,(PFDCB)      ;P/u DCB existing DCB
243D B7       00496         OR      A               ;  pointer
243E ED42     00497         SBC     HL,BC           ;Same DCB pointer?
2440 C20225   00498         JP      NZ,DCBERR       ;Can't install if diff
2443 186B     00499         JR      ISRES
              00500 ;
              00501 ;       Module is not resident
              00502 ;
2445 114B49   00503 NOTRES  LD      DE,'IK'
2448          00504         @@GTDCB                 ;Locate low memory ptr
2448+3E52     00505         LD      A,82
244A+EF       00506         RST     40
244B C21025   00507         JP      NZ,IOERR        ;Quit if not found
244E 2D       00508         DEC     L
244F 56       00509         LD      D,(HL)          ;P/u pointer to
2450 2D       00510         DEC     L               ;  start of free
2451 5E       00511         LD      E,(HL)          ;  low core
2452 ED53A024 00512         LD      (LCPTR+1),DE    ;Save loc for later
2456 E5       00513         PUSH    HL              ;Save low core ptr
2457 210101   00514         LD      HL,PFEND-PFFLT
245A 19       00515         ADD     HL,DE           ;Start + driver length
245B E5       00516         PUSH    HL
245C 2B       00517         DEC     HL              ;Point to last byte
245D 22D624   00518         LD      (SVEND+1),HL
2460 010013   00519         LD      BC,1300H        ;Max addr + 1
2463 AF       00520         XOR     A
2464 ED42     00521         SBC     HL,BC
2466 D1       00522         POP     DE              ;Rcvr new lc
2467 E1       00523         POP     HL              ;Rcvr low core ptr
2468 382F     00524         JR      C,PUTLOW        ;If room, put low
              00525 ;
              00526 ;       Check if high memory available
              00527 ;
246A          00528         @@FLAGS
246A+3E65     00529         LD      A,101
246C+EF       00530         RST     40
246D FDCB0246 00531         BIT     0,(IY+'C'-'A')  ;Memory frozen?
2471 C20625   00532         JP      NZ,NOROOM       ;"No memory...
2474 210000   00533         LD      HL,0            ;Get HIGH$
2477 45       00534         LD      B,L
2478          00535         @@HIGH$
2478+3E64     00536         LD      A,100
247A+EF       00537         RST     40
247B 22D624   00538         LD      (SVEND+1),HL    ;Save for relocator
247E 5D       00539         LD      E,L             ;Xfer new last
247F 54       00540         LD      D,H             ;  to reg DE
2480 AF       00541         XOR     A               ;Calc new start
2481 010101   00542         LD      BC,PFEND-PFFLT  ;BC = filter len
2484 ED42     00543         SBC     HL,BC
2486 0600     00544         LD      B,0
2488          00545         @@HIGH$                 ;Set new HIGH$
2488+3E64     00546         LD      A,100
248A+EF       00547         RST     40
248B 23       00548         INC     HL              ;Point to new start
248C EB       00549         EX      DE,HL
248D D5       00550         PUSH    DE
248E CDCF24   00551         CALL    RELO            ;Relocate internal references
2491 D1       00552         POP     DE
2492 3EFF     00553         LD      A,0FFH
2494 32C124   00554         LD      (HGHFLG),A      ;Flag to notify user
2497 1809     00555         JR      MOVMOD          ;  himem used
              00556 ;
              00557 ;       Room in low core - move driver low
              00558 ;
2499 73       00559 PUTLOW  LD      (HL),E          ;Stuff low core ptr
249A 2C       00560         INC     L               ;  with new low
249B 72       00561         LD      (HL),D
249C CDCF24   00562         CALL    RELO            ;Relocate vectors
249F 110000   00563 LCPTR   LD      DE,$-$          ;Low core pointer
              00564 ;
              00565 ;       Move module to memory
              00566 ;
24A2 D5       00567 MOVMOD  PUSH    DE              ;Save start
24A3 213C26   00568         LD      HL,PFFLT
24A6 010101   00569         LD      BC,PFEND-PFFLT  ;Calc driver length
24A9 EDB0     00570         LDIR
24AB D1       00571         POP     DE              ;Pop filter start
24AC FDCB03EE 00572         SET     5,(IY+'D'-'A')  ;Set PF in DFLAG$
              00573 ;
24B0 21F725   00574 ISRES   LD      HL,PFACT$       ;Init "FORMS installed
24B3 DD360047 00575         LD      (IX),40H!7      ;Init DCB type to "C/P/G"
24B7 DD7301   00576         LD      (IX+1),E        ;  & filter & stuff the
24BA DD7202   00577         LD      (IX+2),D        ;  filter address
24BD          00578         @@LOGOT                 ;Display installation
              00579         IFEQ    00H,1
              00580         LD      HL,
              00581         ENDIF
24BD+3E0C     00582         LD      A,12
24BF+EF       00583         RST     40
24C0 3E00     00584         LD      A,$-$
24C1          00585 HGHFLG  EQU     $-1             ;Flag filter went high
24C2 B7       00586         OR      A               ;Skip if not set
24C3 2806     00587         JR      Z,NTHGH
24C5 211426   00588         LD      HL,HMEM$        ;  else show "Went in himem
24C8          00589         @@LOGOT
              00590         IFEQ    00H,1
              00591         LD      HL,
              00592         ENDIF
24C8+3E0C     00593         LD      A,12
24CA+EF       00594         RST     40
24CB 210000   00595 NTHGH   LD      HL,0            ;No error
24CE C9       00596         RET                     ;Done, back to user
              00597 ;
              00598 ;       Relocate internal references in driver
              00599 ;
24CF DDE5     00600 RELO    PUSH    IX
24D1 DD213D27 00601         LD      IX,RELTAB       ;Point to relocation tbl
24D5 210000   00602 SVEND   LD      HL,$-$          ;Find distance to move
24D8 223E26   00603         LD      (PFFLT+2),HL    ;Set last byte used
24DB 113C27   00604         LD      DE,PFEND-1
24DE B7       00605         OR      A               ;Clear carry flag
24DF ED52     00606         SBC     HL,DE
24E1 44       00607         LD      B,H             ;Move to BC
24E2 4D       00608         LD      C,L
24E3 3E0E     00609         LD      A,TABLEN        ;Get table length
24E5 DD6E00   00610 RLOOP   LD      L,(IX)          ;Get address to change
24E8 DD6601   00611         LD      H,(IX+1)
24EB 5E       00612         LD      E,(HL)          ;P/U address
24EC 23       00613         INC     HL
24ED 56       00614         LD      D,(HL)
24EE EB       00615         EX      DE,HL           ;Offset it
24EF 09       00616         ADD     HL,BC
24F0 EB       00617         EX      DE,HL
24F1 72       00618         LD      (HL),D          ;Put it back
24F2 2B       00619         DEC     HL
24F3 73       00620         LD      (HL),E
24F4 DD23     00621         INC     IX
24F6 DD23     00622         INC     IX
24F8 3D       00623         DEC     A
24F9 20EA     00624         JR      NZ,RLOOP        ;Loop till done
24FB DDE1     00625         POP     IX
24FD C9       00626         RET
              00627 ;
              00628 ;       Error exits
              00629 ;
24FE 21A925   00630 VIASET  LD      HL,VIASET$      ;"Install with Set
2501 DD       00631         DB      0DDH
2502 21D825   00632 DCBERR  LD      HL,DCBERR$      ;"Filter in use
2505 DD       00633         DB      0DDH
2506 21BE25   00634 NOROOM  LD      HL,NOROOM$      ;"Memory frozen
2509          00635         @@LOGOT                 ;Show the error
              00636         IFEQ    00H,1
              00637         LD      HL,
              00638         ENDIF
2509+3E0C     00639         LD      A,12
250B+EF       00640         RST     40
250C 21FFFF   00641         LD      HL,-1           ;Set abort code
250F C9       00642         RET
              00643 ;
2510 6F       00644 IOERR   LD      L,A             ;Error # to HL
2511 2600     00645         LD      H,0
2513 F6C0     00646         OR      0C0H            ;Abbrev, return
2515 4F       00647         LD      C,A             ;Error code to C
2516          00648         @@ERROR                 ;  for error display
2516+3E1A     00649         LD      A,26
2518+EF       00650         RST     40
2519 C9       00651         RET
              00652 ;
              00653 ;       Messages & Data tables
              00654 ;
251A 24       00655 FF$     DB      '$FF',3
     46 46 03 
251E 46       00656 HELLO$  DB      'FORMS Filter'
     4F 52 4D 53 20 46 69 6C
     74 65 72 
252A          00657 *GET    CLIENT:3
              00658 ;CLIENT/ASM - File to establish sign-on headers
              00659 ; and version numbers.
              00660 ;
              00662 ;
              00663         IF      @BLD631
              00664 ;                12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
252A 20       00665         DB      ' - 6.3.1 - Copyright 1982/83/84/86/90 by MISOSYS, ';<631>
     2D 20 36 2E 33 2E 31 20
     2D 20 43 6F 70 79 72 69
     67 68 74 20 31 39 38 32
     2F 38 33 2F 38 34 2F 38
     36 2F 39 30 20 62 79 20
     4D 49 53 4F 53 59 53 2C
255C 49       00666         DB      'Inc.,       ',10       ;<631>
     6E 63 2E 2C 20 20 20 20
     20 20 20 0A 
              00667         ELSE
              00668         DB      ' - 6.3.0 - Copyright 1982/83/84/86 by Logical Syst'
              00669         DB      'ems, Inc.   ',10
              00670         ENDIF
              00671 ;
              00672 ;       DB      'All Rights Reserved. Licensed 1982/83/84 to Tandy '
              00673 ;       DB      'Corporation.',10,13
              00674 ;
              00675 ;       DB      'All Rights Reserved. Beta-TEST Level/AD, DO NOT DI'
              00676 ;       DB      'STRIBUTE !! ',10,13
              00677 ;       DB      'All Rights reserved by LSI, 8970 N. 55th St. Milwa'
              00678 ;       DB      'ukee, Wisc. ',10,13
2569 41       00679         DB      'All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is p'
     6C 6C 20 52 69 67 68 74
     73 20 52 65 73 65 72 76
     65 64 2E 20 55 6E 61 75
     74 68 6F 72 69 7A 65 64
     20 64 75 70 6C 69 63 61
     74 69 6F 6E 20 69 73 20
259B 72       00680         DB      'rohibited.  ',10,13
     6F 68 69 62 69 74 65 64
     2E 20 20 0A 0D 
              00681 ;
25A9 4D       00682 VIASET$ DB      'Must install via SET',CR
     75 73 74 20 69 6E 73 74
     61 6C 6C 20 76 69 61 20
     53 45 54 0D 
25BE 4E       00683 NOROOM$ DB      'No memory space available',CR
     6F 20 6D 65 6D 6F 72 79
     20 73 70 61 63 65 20 61
     76 61 69 6C 61 62 6C 65
25D8 46       00684 DCBERR$ DB      'Filter already attached to *xx',CR
     69 6C 74 65 72 20 61 6C
     72 65 61 64 79 20 61 74
     74 61 63 68 65 64 20 74
     6F 20 2A 78 78 0D 
25F4          00685 DCBNAM$ EQU     $-3
25F7 46       00686 PFACT$  DB      'Forms filter is now resident',CR
     6F 72 6D 73 20 66 69 6C
     74 65 72 20 69 73 20 6E
     6F 77 20 72 65 73 69 64
     65 6E 74 0D 
2614 0A       00687 HMEM$   DB      LF,'Note: filter installed in high memory.',CR
     4E 6F 74 65 3A 20 66 69
     6C 74 65 72 20 69 6E 73
     74 61 6C 6C 65 64 20 69
     6E 20 68 69 67 68 20 6D
     65 6D 6F 72 79 2E 0D 
              00688 ;
              00689 ;
              00690 ;       Printer Filter - PF
              00691 ;       Provides hard or soft form feed, line wraparound,
              00692 ;       automatic form feeds between pages, tabs, blank
              00693 ;       lines, 1 byte translation table, left margins,
              00694 ;       and set-top-of-form character.
              00695 ;
              00696 *MOD
0003          00697 PFBIT   EQU     3               ;Position in DFLAG
0000          00698 SPLBIT  EQU     0               ;Position in DFLAG
000A          00699 LF      EQU     10
000D          00700 CR      EQU     13
              00701 ;
263C 1814     00702 PFFLT   JR      PFBGN           ;Branch around header
263E 3C27     00703         DW      PFEND-1         ;Last byte used
2640 03       00704         DB      3,'$FF'         ;Name length/name
     24 46 46 
2644 0000     00705 PFDCB   DW      $-$             ;Link to DCB
2646 0000     00706         DW      0
              00707 ;
              00708 ;       Filter data area
              00709 ;
2648          00710 PFDATA$ EQU     $
0000          00711 PMAX    EQU     $-PFDATA$
2648 42       00712         DB      66              ;Page size (max lines per page)
0001          00713 LCOUNT  EQU     $-PFDATA$
2649 00       00714         DB      0               ;Line counter
0002          00715 LMAX    EQU     $-PFDATA$
264A 42       00716         DB      66              ;Max lines to print
0003          00717 CCOUNT  EQU     $-PFDATA$
264B 00       00718         DB      0               ;Chars per line printed
0004          00719 XL1     EQU     $-PFDATA$
264C 00       00720         DB      0               ;Translate from
0005          00721 XL2     EQU     $-PFDATA$
264D 00       00722         DB      0               ;Translate to
0006          00723 INDENT  EQU     $-PFDATA$
264E 00       00724         DB      0               ;Indent after line wraparound
0007          00725 ADDLF   EQU     $-PFDATA$
264F 04       00726         DB      4               ;Bit-0, LF after CR; bit-1=FF
              00727                                 ;Bit-2, TAB expand (1)
0008          00728 CMAX    EQU     $-PFDATA$
2650 00       00729         DB      0               ;Max CPL before wraparound
0009          00730 MARGIN  EQU     $-PFDATA$
2651 00       00731         DB      0               ;Left hand margin
              00732 ;
              00733 ;       Start of filter
              00734 ;
2652 281A     00735 PFBGN   JR      Z,FFENTRY       ;Go if @PUT
2654 11       00736         DB      011H            ;Ignore next inst if not
2655 0602     00737 PFPUT   LD      B,2             ;Init for @PUT
2657 DDE5     00738         PUSH    IX
2659 DD2A4426 00739         LD      IX,(PFDCB)      ;Grab the DCB vector
265B          00740 RX01    EQU     $-2
265D          00741         @@CHNIO                 ;  & chain to it
265D+3E14     00742         LD      A,20
265F+EF       00743         RST     40
2660 DDE1     00744         POP     IX
2662 C9       00745         RET
              00746 ;
              00747 ;       Peform the tab function
              00748 ;
2663 DD7E03   00749 DOTAB   LD      A,(IX+CCOUNT)   ;How many spaces to
2666 E607     00750         AND     7               ;  next tab stop?
2668 D608     00751         SUB     8
266A ED44     00752         NEG
266C 1867     00753         JR      @INDENT         ;Space over to it
              00754 ;
              00755 ;       Filter code
              00756 ;
266E DD214826 00757 FFENTRY LD      IX,PFDATA$      ;Base register
2670          00758 RX02    EQU     $-2
              00759 ;
2672 DD7E04   00760 CKXLAT  LD      A,(IX+XL1)      ;Get xlate in
2675 B9       00761         CP      C               ;Translate this char?
2676 2004     00762         JR      NZ,CONT         ;Go if not xlated char
2678 DD7E05   00763         LD      A,(IX+XL2)      ;Xlated to this
267B 4F       00764         LD      C,A
267C 79       00765 CONT    LD      A,C             ;P/u char to test
267D FE0C     00766         CP      0CH             ;Form feed?
267F CA1427   00767         JP      Z,DOTOF
2680          00768 RX14    EQU     $-2
2682 FE06     00769         CP      6               ;SET TOF?
2684 CA3727   00770         JP      Z,SETTOF
2685          00771 RX03    EQU     $-2
2687 FE0D     00772         CP      CR              ;CR?
2689 287A     00773         JR      Z,DOCRLF
268B FE0A     00774         CP      LF              ;LF?
268D 2876     00775         JR      Z,DOCRLF
268F DD7E09   00776         LD      A,(IX+MARGIN)   ;Left margin to do?
2692 B7       00777         OR      A
2693 280B     00778         JR      Z,NOMARG        ;Go if not
2695 DD3403   00779         INC     (IX+CCOUNT)     ;Check current char count
2698 DD3503   00780         DEC     (IX+CCOUNT)     ;If at newline,
269B C5       00781         PUSH    BC
269C CCD526   00782         CALL    Z,@INDENT       ;  need a margin now
269D          00783 RX13    EQU     $-2
269F C1       00784         POP     BC
26A0 79       00785 NOMARG  LD      A,C             ;P/u character again
26A1 DDCB0756 00786         BIT     2,(IX+ADDLF)    ;Expand tabs?
26A5 2804     00787         JR      Z,CONTA
26A7 FE09     00788         CP      9               ;Tab?
26A9 28B8     00789         JR      Z,DOTAB
26AB FE20     00790 CONTA   CP      20H             ;Other control code?
26AD 38A6     00791         JR      C,PFPUT         ;Pass on unchanged if so
              00792 ;
              00793 ;       Got a character to output
              00794 ;
26AF C5       00795 PUTCHAR PUSH    BC              ;Save character
26B0 CDB926   00796         CALL    SETUP           ;Setup for next char
26B1          00797 RX12    EQU     $-2
26B3 C1       00798         POP     BC
26B4 C0       00799         RET     NZ              ;Quit on error
26B5 CC5526   00800         CALL    Z,PFPUT         ;Now put the char
26B6          00801 RX04    EQU     $-2
26B8 C9       00802         RET
              00803 ;
              00804 ;       Do the end of line check
              00805 ;
26B9 DD3403   00806 SETUP   INC     (IX+CCOUNT)     ;Inc char counter
26BC DD7E08   00807         LD      A,(IX+CMAX)     ;Wraparound needed?
26BF A7       00808         AND     A
26C0 C8       00809         RET     Z               ;Quit if feature is off
26C1 DDBE03   00810         CP      (IX+CCOUNT)
26C4 3075     00811         JR      NC,EXITZ        ;Done if not needed
26C6 CD0527   00812         CALL    DOCRLF          ;Do carriage return
26C7          00813 RX05    EQU     $-2
26C9 C0       00814         RET     NZ
26CA DD3403   00815         INC     (IX+CCOUNT)     ;Adjust char counter
              00816 ;
              00817 ;       Check on indent needed
              00818 ;
26CD DD7E06   00819         LD      A,(IX+INDENT)   ;P/u indent
26D0 DD8609   00820         ADD     A,(IX+MARGIN)   ;Add in the MARGIN
26D3 B7       00821         OR      A
26D4 C8       00822         RET     Z               ;Done if none
26D5 C5       00823 @INDENT PUSH    BC              ;In case of recursive
26D6 47       00824         LD      B,A             ;  calls
26D7 0E20     00825         LD      C,' '           ;Print spaces
26D9 C5       00826 SPACES  PUSH    BC              ;Save counter
26DA AF       00827         XOR     A
26DB CDAF26   00828         CALL    PUTCHAR         ;Put the character
26DC          00829 RX06    EQU     $-2
26DE C1       00830         POP     BC              ;Recover counter
26DF 2002     00831         JR      NZ,$+4          ;Exit on PUT error
26E1 10F6     00832         DJNZ    SPACES
26E3 C1       00833         POP     BC
26E4 C9       00834         RET
26E5 DDCB0746 00835 LINFEED BIT     0,(IX+ADDLF)
26E9 2808     00836         JR      Z,DOWN1         ;Go if hardware auto-LF
26EB 0E0D     00837         LD      C,CR            ;Else do CR and LF
26ED CD5526   00838         CALL    PFPUT
26EE          00839 RX11    EQU     $-2
26F0 C0       00840         RET     NZ
26F1 1808     00841         JR      DOWNLF
26F3 DD7E03   00842 DOWN1   LD      A,(IX+CCOUNT)
26F6 A7       00843         AND     A               ;Line empty?
26F7 0E0D     00844         LD      C,CR            ;Do CR if not
26F9 2002     00845         JR      NZ,DOWNCR
26FB 0E0A     00846 DOWNLF  LD      C,LF            ;Do LF if so
26FD CD5526   00847 DOWNCR  CALL    PFPUT
26FE          00848 RX07    EQU     $-2
2700 DD360300 00849         LD      (IX+CCOUNT),0   ;Starting new line
2704 C9       00850         RET
              00851 ;
2705 CDE526   00852 DOCRLF  CALL    LINFEED         ;CRLF & check if page end
2706          00853 RX08    EQU     $-2
2708 C0       00854         RET     NZ
              00855 ;
2709 DD3401   00856         INC     (IX+LCOUNT)
270C DD7E01   00857         LD      A,(IX+LCOUNT)   ;Time to do form feed?
270F DDBE02   00858         CP      (IX+LMAX)
2712 3827     00859         JR      C,EXITZ         ;Return if not
              00860 ;
2714 DD7E00   00861 DOTOF   LD      A,(IX+PMAX)     ;How many lines to feed?
2717 DD9601   00862         SUB     (IX+LCOUNT)
271A 281B     00863         JR      Z,SETTOF        ;Skip if zero
271C C5       00864         PUSH    BC              ;In case called by DOTAB
271D 47       00865         LD      B,A
271E DDCB074E 00866         BIT     1,(IX+ADDLF)    ;Hardware form feed?
2722 2807     00867         JR      Z,SOFTFF        ;Go if not
2724 0E0C     00868         LD      C,0CH           ;  else load up TOF char
2726 CD5526   00869         CALL    PFPUT           ;  and send it
2727          00870 RX09    EQU     $-2
2729 180B     00871         JR      FFEXIT
272B C5       00872 SOFTFF  PUSH    BC
272C CDE526   00873         CALL    LINFEED         ;Do LF's
272D          00874 RX10    EQU     $-2
272F C1       00875         POP     BC
2730 2802     00876         JR      Z,CHRGONE       ;This linefeed sent OK
2732 C1       00877         POP     BC              ;  else clean stack
2733 C9       00878         RET                     ;  and return error
2734 10F5     00879 CHRGONE DJNZ    SOFTFF
2736 C1       00880 FFEXIT  POP     BC
              00881 ;
              00882 ;       Set the top-of-form
              00883 ;
2737 DD360100 00884 SETTOF  LD      (IX+LCOUNT),0   ;Reset line counter
273B BF       00885 EXITZ   CP      A
273C C9       00886         RET
              00887 ;
273D          00888 PFEND   EQU     $
              00889 ;
273D 5B26     00890 RELTAB  DW      RX01,RX02,RX03,RX04,RX05,RX06,RX07,RX08
     7026 8526 B626 C726 DC26 FE26 0627 
274D 2727     00891         DW      RX09,RX10,RX11,RX12,RX13,RX14
     2D27 EE26 B126 9D26 8026 
000E          00892 TABLEN  EQU     $-RELTAB/2
              00893 ;
2400          00894         END     BEGIN
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

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