Color Printing Test Page

[Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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The following table can be used to test color printing and demonstrate that your web browsers settings are correct before attempting to print a much larger document and then discovering that things aren't working correctly. If the background of the following table comes out white on your color printer, the settings to control background color printing in your web browser are not yet correct.

This row has high intensity colored fonts and a 100% white background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has lower intensity colored fonts and a 100% white background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has lower-intensity colored fonts and a 80% white background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has saturated colored fonts and a "gray card" (18%) background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has non-saturated colored fonts and a "gray card" (18%) background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has non-saturated colored fonts and a black background Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has black fonts and backgrounds of non-saturated colors Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has black fonts and backgrounds of non-saturated colors Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
This row has black fonts and backgrounds of saturated colors Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple
The table should print with exactly the same colors and shadings stated here.

Notice: Some of the foreground/background combinations used here are not recommended for typical web page use. See for discussions on how to select colors for web pages.

If the background colors of this table do not appear on your color printer, you need to adjust the settings of your web browser, or change web browsers. Information on setting changes can be found at

Notes on the Test Colors Shown and Test Printing Results

Depending on your computer operating system and video hardware color depth, your computer may not be able to display the 18% gray card shade correctly. For printing, the gray card result may not be accurate if the printer used dithering to obtain that shade of gray. (Note that the two rows using 18% background really are the same shade of gray, even though when many people view them, they are convinced that they are different. This is an optical illusion caused by presence of the brighter row immediately above and the black row immediately below the 18% rows. The text can also alter the perception of the background color. If you obscure the adjacent parts of the screen, the illusion will disappear for most people.)

A PC with a 256-color (or higher) video mode should be able to display all other colors correctly without dithering.

If some colors (everywhere, not just in table backgrounds) are printing but other colors are not printing (for example, yellow areas print but blue or red do not), or wrong colors print (such as blue instead of green, yellow instead of orange), this usually indicates a problem with the printer color supply (ink, film or toner exhausted), a problem with the printer (stuck ink nozzle, dye film not advancing, toner drum clogged or jammed), or a problem with the printer drivers used on the computer. Refer to the documentation that came with your printer and printer software for assistance.

Tip: Most color printers are able to print a self-test page without even being connected to a computer. If such a self-test page doesn't print colors correctly, it is definitely a printer problem.

Related Topics

How to Activate Color Table Printing in your Web Browser

The Use and Misuse of Color in Web Pages

Valid HTML 4.01!
Caution: The W3C graphic shown here is not a background. If it doesn't print in color and you have a color printer, it indicates that you have more fundamental problems with your printer driver setup that must be corrected. If the W3C graphic and web page hyperlinks (underlined text you click on to change the web page that is displayed) are the only items on the page that print in color, then you still need to adjust your web browser settings for color.

[Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
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