What makes a new mixer necessary?
"The major contol unit of the EWS64 S/L/XL ist the Control Panel" - as written in the manual of the EWS soundcard. Everybody who is using this soundcard intensively knows that this isn´t definitely correct. The Control Panel of the EWS controls only a few single functions of the EWS´s brain - the Dream Chips.

The major part of the Control Panel adjusts values of the Codec. But most of the EWS owners uses Codec rarely and for musicians the Codec is not important. Many important functions and adjustments e.g. effects and volume of the midi synthesizer and the particular Virtual Channels or adjustments for IN-2 are in different unclearly programs.

The goal of designing the EWS proMix is: a single control tool which is able to adjust really the whole range of values and functions of the dream chip. The mixer should be user specific configurable. That means, work specific important parts are visable and unimportant parts are hidden.

The graphical design of the user interface is based on the original EWS design. There are two reasons: 1. I like the original EWS design 2. The EWS owners are knowing the EWS design and so they are able to learn the new funktions.

With version 1.20 it is finally possible to control the EWS Crystal CoDec so that you no can control almost all settings of your EWS withEWS proMix. This new version also introduces the ProMix skin system. Now you can give EWS proMix an individual look and feel because all controls are fully skinnable