---------------------------- OnSpec Combo & LS120 Drivers ---------------------------- Installing IDE/ATAPI Drivers on DOS/Windows 3.1: ------------------------------------------------ Type G:\ONSPEC\IDE\COMBO\INSTALL.EXE *** G:\ is the letter of your CD-ROM driver *** There is a directory labeled G:\ONSPEC\IDE\COMBO, which contains the README.TXT file that details how the Combo device drivers are to be installed under DOS. Installing LS-120 Driver on DOS/Windows 3.1: -------------------------------------------- Type G:\ONSPEC\IDE\LS120\INSTALL.EXE There is a directory labeled G:\ONSPEC\IDE\LS120, which contains the README.TXT file that details how the Combo device drivers are to be installed under DOS. Installing IDE/ATAPI and LS-120 Driver on Windows 95/NT: -------------------------------------------------------- There is an useful utility called swissknife for managing the device linked on parallel port. Bring up Windows 95/NT and run G:\ONSPEC\IDE\WIN9X&NT\SETUP.EXE There is a directory labeled G:\ONSPEC\IDE\WIN9X&NT, which contains the README.TXT file that details how the Combo device drivers are to be installed under Windows. Installing IDE/ATAPI Drivers on OS/2 2.1 and WARP: -------------------------------------------------- There is a directory labeled G:\ONSPEC\IDE\COMBO, which contains the README.TXT file that details how the Combo device drivers are to be installed under OS2. Installing LS-120 Drivers on OS/2 2.1 and WARP: ----------------------------------------------- There is a directory labeled G:\ONSPEC\IDE\LS120, which contains the README.TXT file that details how the LS120 device drivers are to be installed under OS2. Driver Command Line Options for DOS: ------------------------------------ Use these command line options ONLY if the driver is unable to detect the hardware. /E : Slows down EPP access. Use this option only if you are sure that your printer port is an Enhanced Parallel Port. On other port types, this option has no effect. /P : Pauses if the driver fails to install. The DOS boot process will display an error message and wait for the user to press a key before continuing. /Q : Ignores multiple slots for CD Changers. The driver will allocate only one driver letter which will initially refer to the first slot. You can mount any slot for this drive letter by using the CDMOUNT utility for DOS or WINMOUNT utility for Windows. /SF=1..30 : Slows down the access by forcing a slow factor ranging from 1 to 30 /U : Forces uni-directional mode, it is the slowest mode of operation and should be selected only if the driver fails to recognize the CD-ROM. (Applicable only for non Uni-directional ports) /V : Enables slow mode. (Not applicable for Enhanced Parallel Ports) These options can be added to the following driver line entry in CONFIG.SYS, DEVICE=C:\COMBO\EGIDE100.SYS or DEVICE=C:\COMBO\CDBLAZER.SYS /D:ONIDE001 For example, you can force slow mode by adding /V as follows, DEVICE=C:\COMBO\EGIDE100.SYS /U or DEVICE=C:\COMBO\CDBLAZER.SYS /D:ONIDE001 /V