The following are various AT&T PC 6300 diskettes found while unearthing some equipment. Each directory has an IMAGE directory and a FILES directory. The IMAGE directory holds a raw diskette image of the disk in question, and the FILES directory contain all of the copied files. CUSTTEST - Customer Test Diagnostic Diskette v3.18 LLFORMAT - Low Level Format Utility v3.18 MOUSE - MOUSE 6300 Software (only for use with the mouse that plugs into the keyboard made by Logitech) v1.0. (Note, this diskette is "dirty", meaning it has unerased information in unused sectors. I don't know if this is old user data (the diskette had a notch) or not, so poke around the diskette image itself if you like spelunking.) SYS_TEST - System Test Diagnostic v3.18 (a much more in-depth diagnostic than the Customer diags)