Macintosh System 6.0.8 - System Additions This executable contains an original image of the Apple Macintosh System 6.0.8 System Additions diskette. The diskette is high-density, therefore your Macintosh must also have a high-capacity disk drive, commonly known at the time as the "SuperDrive". "System Additions" is one of a two-diskette set. You will also need "System Startup" to successfully install System 6.0.8. Macintosh System 6.0.8 high-density diskette version will run on any Macintosh that came out between the Macintosh SE HD version to the Macintosh Centris 650/610. The original Macintosh II has low-density disk drives, so these images may not work. However, some people upgraded their Macintosh II systems to include SuperDrives. Macs, starting with the Macintosh Quadra 650/610, require Macintosh System 7.0 or later. The self-extracting disk image will run under Windows 95 and later, including XP. On the PC side: --------------- 1. Place a write eanble 3.5-inch high-density diskette in the drive. 2. Run 608sysad.exe, then click on the "Create Floppy" button. 3. Wait for the copy process to finish. 4. Upon completion, the floppy will be a Mac-formatted disk, and you won't be able to browse it from DOS or Windows. Eject it. That's it! Have fun! :)