Adaptec Ultra160 Family Manager Set v1.12
README for Microsoft Windows 2000

The following information is available in this README file:

Supported Hardware

Installation Instructions

Additional Notes

Using Windows 2000 SCSI Parameters

Using Driver-Specific Parameters

Diskette Contents

Contacting Adaptec

Supported Hardware

The following Adaptec SCSI Host Adapters are supported by the Ultra160 Family Manager Set v1.12.

Ultra160 Adapters    Description


Dual Channel 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI


Single Channel 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI


Single Channel 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI (Low Profile)


Single Channel 32-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI


Single Channel 32-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI




Single Channel 32/64-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI ASIC


Dual Channel 64-bit PCI-to-Ultra160 SCSI ASIC


Installation Instructions

This section describes installing and using the Ultra160 Family Manager Set (FMS) v1.12.  If you are performing a first time Windows 2000 installation, see the Completing a Fresh Windows 2000 Installation with an Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI Card section below.  If Windows 2000 is already installed on your system, see the Updating the driver under Windows 2000 section below.

Completing a Fresh Windows 2000 Installation with an Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI Card

  1. Turn off the computer and insert your SCSI card.  Attach any peripheral devices to the SCSI card and power on the system.
  2. Insert the Windows 2000 CD-ROM.  Your system should recognize it as a bootable CD-ROM. If not, you will have to use the Microsoft-supplied boot floppy disks.
  3. You may see a message "Press any key to boot from CD".  You will have five seconds to press a key to boot off the CD.
  4. The Windows 2000 Setup program will start.  On the bottom of the screen, you will see a message "Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver...".  Press F6 when you see this message.
  5. A message will appear after a short time, prompting you to install your driver.  Press "S" to specify a driver.
  6. Insert the Adaptec driver disk into your floppy drive and press enter.
  7. You will be presented with two choices. Highlight the option that best fits your adapter, and press enter.
  8. Adaptec 19160 Ultra160 PCI SCSI Controller

    Adaptec Ultra160 Family PCI SCSI Controller

  9. If you have no other controllers to add, press enter.  Continue installation as normal.
  10. After installation, please reinstall your SCSI driver from the Device Manager if you have a SCSI adapter other than a 19160.  Follow the section "Updating the driver under Windows 2000" to ensure all desired drivers are installed.  Windows 2000 is not capable of updating the embedded drivers during the operating system installation (Please refer to article Q225125 in Microsoft's Knowledge Base at

Updating the driver under Windows 2000

Follow these instructions only if Windows 2000 is already installed.

  1. Right-click on "My Computer" and choose Properties from the menu.  Click on the "Hardware" tab and click on the "Device Manager" button.
  2. Under "SCSI and RAID controllers", click on the "+" sign to the left.  This will display the current SCSI adapters installed.  Right-click on the device you wish to update and select Properties.
  3. Click on the "Driver" tab and click on the "Update Driver" button.  The Upgrade Device Driver Wizard will start.  Click Next.
  4. Make sure the "Search for a suitable driver..." option is selected and click Next.
  5. Make sure the only selection that is checked is "Floppy disk drives".  Insert the Adaptec driver disk into the disk drive and click Next.
  6. Windows 2000 will recommend one of two choices at this point.  If it recommends to use the driver found on the driver disk, then click Next and skip to Step 8.  It might also recommend to keep the existing driver and mention that it found other suitable drivers.  Select "Install one of the other drivers" if this is the case and click Next.
  7. Choose a driver from the "Adaptec" provider that best fits your adapter and click Next.
  8. Windows 2000 may state that a Digital Signature was not found for this driver.  Please check Adaptec's website periodically for updated drivers with the Digital Signature.  Click Yes.
  9. If you are asked to enter in the path for the driver, refer to the Diskette Contents section.
  10. Click Finish.  You may be required to reboot your system at this point.

NOTE: If your SCSI card is a dual channel adapter (such as the 39160), be sure to update both references in the Device Manager before rebooting.

Upgrading an existing Windows 9x/NT 4 installation to Windows 2000 with an existing 19160 SCSI Card

  1. With Windows 9x/NT 4 booted, insert your Windows 2000 CD-ROM and choose to upgrade your system.  Your system will reboot.
  2. The Windows 2000 Setup program will start.  On the bottom of the screen, you will see a message "Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver...".  Press F6 when you see this message.
  3. At this point, follow the directions starting from Step 5 from the Completing a Fresh Windows 2000 Installation with an Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI Card section.

Swapping a SCSI Adapter in Windows 2000

Swapping a SCSI host adapter for another SCSI  host adapter is similar to the procedure for adding a host adapter. The important distinction is that you add the new SCSI Card into the system first, before removing the old SCSI adapter.  NOTE: If you do not install the new card first, it may result in a Windows 2000 boot failure.

To swap adapters, follow these steps:

  1. Power down your computer.
  2. Insert the new SCSI Card into an available PCI slot, leaving the existing SCSI adapter intact.
  3. Power up your computer. Windows 2000 should load up as normal and detect the new SCSI card. Install the Windows 2000 driver if prompted to.  If a driver install Wizard starts, follow the same driver installation procedures as in the Updating the driver under Windows 2000, starting on line 4. If you are asked to enter in the path for the driver, refer to the Diskette Contents section.
  4. Reboot if prompted to.
  5. Once the new SCSI Card is functioning properly, power down your computer.
  6. Remove the old SCSI adapter and move all desired devices to the new adapter.
  7. All attached devices should be recognized.

Additional Notes

1. Select Run from the Start button.
2. Enter REGEDT32 to run the Registry Editor.
3. Open \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\adpu160m.
4. Create a key named Parameters by selecting Add Key from the Edit pull-down menu and entering Parameters in the edit-box for Key Name.  Leave the Class edit-box blank.
5. Open Parameters and create a key named Device by selecting Add Key from the Edit pull-down menu.  Enter Device in the Key Name edit-box. Leave the Class edit-box blank.
6. Open Device. Select the Add Value option from the Edit pull-down menu. In the Value Name edit-box, enter DisableTaggedQueuing . Select the Data Type REG_SZ from the droplist combo box.
7. Shutdown and restart Windows 2000.
8. Set Enable Disconnection to No for your particular device(s) in SCSISelect during bootup. (See your Host Adapter manual on how to use SCSISelect).

1. Undo any hardware changes you have made to the computer since it was last operational.

2. Reboot the computer. Watch the display carefully during bootup.  Press F8 when you see the following message at the bottom of the screen "For troubleshooting and advanced startup options for Windows 2000, press F8".

3. Use the arrow keys to scroll down. Highlight "Last Known Good Configuration" and select (Enter key).

4. Continue normal boot process.

5. Once your computer is operational again, check all of the hardware and software configuration changes you want to make. Look specifically for conflicts with parts of the existing system configuration that are not being changed.

Using Windows 2000 SCSI Parameters

Follow the instructions below to enter the registry values that affect how the Windows 2000 SCSI manager interprets the generic configuration information of SCSI device drivers. All SCSI Cards supported by the installed driver are affected by the values you enter here. A list of valid values follows.

Note:  The following value keys are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.


Data Type


Valid Values

Default Value



A nonzero value indicates that the SCSI host adapter disables tagged queueing for SCSI devices.





A nonzero value indicates that the SCSI host adapter is not to initiate synchronous negotiations (but it may still accept negotiations initiated by a SCSI target).





A nonzero value indicates that targets are not permitted to disconnect during the execution of a SCSI command.





Limits the number of commands to each logical device to one.





This can limit the scan for connected devices on the SCSI bus. If 0 is specified, the Windows SCSI manager assumes that no SCSI targets support LUNs other than 0. Otherwise, LUNs from 0 to 7 are scanned during system initialization.





Specifies the maximum number of scatter-gather elements.



Each driver has its own "key" reference.  In this example, the Ultra160 key is used (adpu160m).  Use the adf6u160 key for the 19160.  To enter Windows 2000 parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Select Run from the start button. Type "regedt32" and press Enter.
  2. Open the registry list to the following location: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\adpu160m\Parameters\Device . If the \Parameters\Device keys already exist, skip to step 8 below to begin entering values. If the keys do not yet exist, you will need to create them by continuing with step 4.
  3. Click on the adpu160m key. Select Add Key from the Edit menu; Type "Parameters" in the Key Name edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank.
  4. Click on the Parameters key. Select Add Key from the Edit menu; Type "Device" in the Key Name edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank. To specify a certain host adapter, append "Device" with the number of the host adapter. For example, type "Device0" for the first host adapter, "Device1" for the second, etc. If you omit the host adapter number, the configuration information applies to all host adapters the driver supports.
  5. Click on the Device key.
    Select Add Value from the Edit menu. In the Value Name edit box, enter one of the valid parameter values. Make sure to enter the appropriate Data Type for the value.
  6. To enter additional values, repeat step 5.
Note:  Changes made with the Registry Editor do not take effect until you shut down and then restart your system.

Using Driver-Specific Parameters

Using Registry Editor

Follow the instructions below to enter the registry values that affect the configuration information for Adaptec SCSI Card drivers. All SCSI Cards supported by the installed driver are affected by the values you enter here. A list of valid values follows.

Note:  The following parameters are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown. When entering multiple parameters, each parameter must be separated by a space.


Data Type


Valid Values

Default Value



Specify tagged command queue depth





When set, the SCSI adapter is memory mapped.  By default, it is I/O mapped.





When set, the SCSI bus avoids device starvation



Each driver has its own "key" reference.  In this example, the Ultra160 key is used (adpu160m).  Use the adf6u160 key for the 19160.  To enter driver-specific parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Run from the start button.
  2. Type "regedt32" and press Enter.
  3. Open the registry list to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\adpu160m\Parameters\Device\ . If the \Parameters\Device\ keys already exist, skip to step 8 below to begin entering parameters. If the keys do not yet exist, you will need to create them by continuing with step 4.
  4. Click on the adpu160m key. Select the Add Key from the Edit menu; Type "Parameters" in the Key Name edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank.
  5. Click on the Parameters key. Select the Add Key from the Edit menu; Type "Device" in the Key Name edit box. Leave the Class edit box blank. To specify a certain host adapter, append Device with the number of the host adapter. For example, type "Device0" for the first host adapter, "Device1" for the second, etc. If you omit the host adapter number, the configuration information applies to all supported host adapters.
  6. Click on the Device key. Select Add Value from the Edit menu; type "DriverParameters" in the Value Name edit box. Enter "REG_SZ" as the Data Type and press Enter. A String Editor text box appears. Enter valid parameters in the text box. When entering multiple parameters, each parameter must be separated by a space.
  7. To enter additional values, repeat step 6.

Note:  Changes made with the Registry Editor do not take effect until you shut down and then restart your system.

Diskette Contents

The following Windows 2000 files are included in this diskette:


Install script used during Windows 2000 installation


Windows 2000 Readme file in HTML format


Install script used during Windows 2000 driver setup


19160 driver for Windows 2000


Digital signature for 19160 driver


Install script used during Windows 2000 driver setup


Ultra160 driver for Windows 2000


Digital signature for Ultra160 driver

Contacting Adaptec

Technical information, including product literature, answers to commonly asked questions, information on software upgrades, and other topics is available electronically through the following: