Network Everywhere NetWare 32-bit ODI Driver Installation ======================================= Copyright (C) 1998 by Network Everywhere All rights reserved. NetWare Client32 Driver Installation ========================================================= Requirements: ------------- README.TXT NC100.LAN NC100.INF NC100.LDI Driver Installation for DOS32 ========================================================= 1. If you have completed installed the Netware Client 32 for DOS, all you have to do is to modify STARTNET.BAT. Please see the sample STARTNET.BAT below the installation instructions. 2. Run INSTALL.EXE from Netware DOS 32 diskette 1 (or from Netware 4.11 CD). Select "Client Instalation" in "Select the type of installation desired" window. Then select "Netware Client32 for DOS and Windows 3.1x" in "Select client to be installed" windows. When the product manual appears, mark the "Netware Client 32 for DOS" item, then press . 3. Select "USER SPECIFIED 32 BIT DRIVER" item from "32-bit Network Board Drivers" menu, then press . 4. Insert Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver Diskette into your floppy diskette drive, then specify the driver path like A:\Client32 or B:\Client32. 5. Select "Macronix MX987xx Family Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver", then press . 6. Set the correct driver parameters to comply with your network environment, then press to continue. 7. Following instructions to complete the Client32 for DOS software installation. 8. Reboot your machine. Sample STARTNET.BAT for DOS32. ============================== SET NWLANGUAGE=ENGLISH C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NIOS.EXE LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\LSLC32.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CMSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\ETHERTSM.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NC100.LAN FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NC100.LAN FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NC100.LAN FRAME=ETHERNET_II LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\NC100.LAN FRAME=ETHERNET_SNAP LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\IPX.NLM LOAD C:\NOVELL\CLIENT32\CLIENT32.NLM Driver Installation for Microsoft Windows 3.x ========================================================= Please refer to "Driver Installation for DOS32", in step 2, mark "Netware Client 32 for DOS" and "Client 32 for Windows", then following step 3..8 to complete the installation. Driver Installation for Microsoft Windows 95 ========================================================= If you have installed the Microsoft Client in your Windows 95 system, you should remove the adapter object and NDIS 2/3 driver from Windows 95 system. Install Novell's files for Client32 drivers: 1) Remove adapter object & driver in Network control panel. 2) Run INSTALL.EXE from from Netware 4.11 CD Select "Client Instalation" in "Select the type of installation desired" window. Then select "Netware Client32 for Windows 95" in "Select client to be installed" windows. 3) Following Novell's instructions to complete. 4) Shutdown and turn off the machine. Install Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter Client32 driver: 1) Plug Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter into one of the Master PCI slots of your PCI platform. 2) Turn power on then boot from Windows 95. 3) Windows 95 will prompt PCI Ethernet Controller in New Hardware Found dialog box. 4) Select driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer, and click OK. 5) Following instructions to complete the installation. Note: Windows 95 will ask you to keyin the proper path of the following diskette: a) Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver Diskette --> Insert Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter Driver Diskette, then, assign the path to A:\C32 b) Netware Client 32 for Windows 95 Disk c) Windows 95 CD-ROM NetWare DOS ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 4.11) ========================================================= NC100.LAN can be used as a NetWare 4.11 server driver. 1. At the NetWare prompt (indicated by the Server name), run the INSTALL.NLM program by typing: server name: LOAD INSTALL 2. Select "Maintenance/Selective Install" and press . 3. Select "LAN Driver Options (Configure/Load/...)" and press . 4. Press the key to specify other drivers to install. 5. Press and specify the driver path (A:\NW4XX) and press . 6. The NC100.LAN driver should appear in your choice list for the 'Select a LAN Driver' field. Choose this driver to start the driver loading and binding procedure. This will allow you to load and bind all 4 frame types supported by NetWare. 7. Next time you start up your system, simply follow steps 1 to 3 to complete the installation.