Network Everywhere NetWare 32-bit ODI Driver Installation ======================================= Copyright (C) 1998 by Network Everywhere All rights reserved. NetWare DOS ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 3.11) ========================================================= Requirements: ------------- Network Everywhere Driver Diskette (NC100.LAN) Installation Procedure: ----------------------- Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the Novell NetWare 386 v3.11 server is properly installed. Similarly, your adapter should also be properly installed in your workstation. 1. Insert the NetworkEverywhere Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NW31X It should contain the following file: NC100.LAN ÄÄ? Novell NetWare V4.X, 3.1X Server Driver for NetworkEverywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter. AUTOEXEC.NCF ETHERTSM.NLM LSLENH.NLM MONITOR.NLM MSM31X.NLM PATCHMAN.NLM 2. Copy the above LAN files from the NetworkEverywhere Driver Diskette into the NetWare 386 subdirectory of your server. 3. Run SERVER.EXE from your server. You will see a series of NetWare messages onscreen. 4. Before load server driver you must load above those extension name named NLM driver. You can reference the autoexec.ncf file in \NW31X directory. 5. When the NetWare 386 prompt appears (indicated by a colon), load your server driver. Simply type: : LOAD [c:]NC100 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 [Speed/Duplex Type] Command Syntax : LOAD [c:] FRAME= [Speed/Duplex Type] Speed/Duplex Types: 10HD ...... 10Mbps HalfDuplex 10FD ...... 10Mbps HalfDuplex 100HD ...... 100Mbps HalfDuplex 100FD ...... 100Mbps HalfDuplex AUTOSENSE ...... Auto Sense 6. Bind IPX to the NetworkEverywhere LAN driver. At the NetWare server prompt, type: :BIND IPX NC100 7. After pressing the computer prompts you for the Network Number. For details on how to assign this number, please consult your NetWare 386 Installation Manual. NetWare DOS ODI Server Driver Installation (NetWare 3.12) ========================================================= Requirements: ------------- Network Everywhere Driver Diskette (NC100.LAN) Installation Procedure: ----------------------- Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the Novell NetWare 386 v3.12 server is properly installed. Similarly, your adapter should also be properly installed in your workstation. 1. Insert the NetworkEverywhere Driver Diskette into drive A and check the contents of subdirectory \NW31X It should contain the following file : NC100.LAN ÄÄ? Novell NetWare V4.X, 3.1X Server Driver for NetworkEverywhere Fast Ethernet adapter . ETHERTSM.NLM MSM31X.NLM 2. copy the above files into the NetWare 386 subdirectory of your server. 3. Run SERVER.EXE from your server. You will see a series of NetWare messages onscreen. 4. Before load server driver you must load above those extension name named NLM driver. You must load msm31x.nlm firstly. Then load ethertsm.nlm. 5. When the NetWare 386 prompt appears (indicated by a colon), load your server driver. Simply type: : LOAD [c:]NC100 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 [Speed/Duplex Type] Command Syntax : LOAD [c:] FRAME= [Speed/Duplex Type] Speed/Duplex Types: 10HD ...... 10Mbps HalfDuplex 10FD ...... 10Mbps HalfDuplex 100HD ...... 100Mbps HalfDuplex 100FD ...... 100Mbps HalfDuplex AUTOSENSE ...... Auto Sense 6. Bind IPX to the NetworkEverywhere LAN driver. At the NetWare server prompt, type: :BIND IPX NC100 7. After pressing the computer prompts you for the Network Number. For details on how to assign this number, please consult your NetWare 386 Installation Manual. Installation notes: ------------------- 1. If you are doing the PERFORM3 or ENDURNCE test, you'd better add the followings in your AUTOEXEC.NCF of the server, Set Immediate Purge Of Deleted Files=ON 2. You had better add the followings in the STARTUP.NCF: Set Reserved buffers below 16 meg = 200 Set maximum Physical receive Packet Size=1530 set minimum packet receive buffers = 150 --- All trademarks and brand names mentioned belong to their respective owners. -- THE END --