Triones Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Drivers for Intel PIIX SCO UNIX 3.2.x / SCO Open Desktop 3.x Revision 3.22 (March 15,1997) ############################################################################# NOTE: This version of the driver doesn't support PIIX4 (TX) motherboards! 1 INSTALLATION 1. Install SCO UNIX 3.2.x or SCO Open Desktop 3.x using the default SCO IDE driver. 2. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 3. Insert Triones supplied diskette into the 3.5inch floppy drive of your system. Use doscp command to copy the file TRISCO.TAR to your /tmp directory. For example, if you are using floppy drive A, type: doscp a:/scounix/trisco.tar /tmp/trisco.tar 4. From root directory, type the following commands: mkdir /inst cd /inst tar xvf /tmp/trisco.tar . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) 5. Now, insert a blank diskette into the floppy drive A and type: tar cvf /dev/ . (NOTE: there is a period at the end of the last command.) Your floppy drive A device name could be: rfd096ds15 5.25 DSHD rfd0135ds18 3.5 DSHD rfd048ds9 5.25 DSDD rfd0135ds9 3.5 DSDD Now you have already made an installation diskette for the device driver. Start the installation by typing: custom 6. Select the "Install" operation and then follow the guided steps. When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)", answer "n". 7. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 2 DE-INSTALLATION 1. Start the de-installation by typing: custom 2. Select the "remove" operation to start the de-installation. 3. Then select the All EIDE Bus Master Device Driver Package. The driver will be removed from the SCO UNIX System disk and the original IDE driver will be restored. 4. Reboot your SCO UNIX system and now the TRISCO Device Driver has been removed. 3 ADDING ADDITIONAL HARD DISK 1. First type command: mkdev hd unit SCSI-adapter 0 trisco where, the "unit" can be 0 (indicates the master drive) or 1 ( indicates the slave drive); The "adapter" can be 0 (indicates the primary channel) or 1 (indicates the secondary channel). For example, to configure the master driver on the secondary IDE channel type: mkdev hd 0 SCSI-1 0 trisco 2. Then just follow the instructions of this command to update SCSI configuration and build a new kernel. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 4 ADDING CD-ROM 1. First type command: mkdev cdrom Then follow the instructions of this command. Answer the prefix name by eide, the Adapter by 0 (primary channel) or 1 (secondary channel). The unit by 0 (master derive) or 1 (slave drive). The lun by 0. If you have not installed the high-sierra file system, answer "y" to install it. At last, answer "y" to build a new kernel. 2. Reboot your SCO UNIX system. 3. To mount a CD-ROM, type: mount -r -f HS, lower /dev/cdnumber / where "number" is the CD-ROM device number which can be 0, 1,..., depending on the order of the CD-ROM installation, and is a NULL directory name which you can create by command "mkdir". 4. Now, you can operate the CD-ROM through the "install node" directory. 5 TROUBLESHOOTING 5.1 Overriding Drive Capabilities If the SCO UNIX system does not work properly after the installation, it could be that the device drives report wrong capabilities. The user can chose parameters to override the capabilities reported by the connected device drives. 1. Insert the installation diskette in the floppy drive A, and type custom 2. Select the "install" operation and EIDE Device Driver For Intel PIIX/PIIX3 to start the process. When prompted "Do you want to set the device configuration (y/n)", answer "y", then you can set the parameters for the driver. 3. After you finish, reboot your SCO UNIX system.