Triones Bus Master EIDE/ATAPI Device Drivers for Intel PIIX WINDOWS 95 Revision 3.60K (August 06,1997) ############################################################################# NOTE: This Windows 95 driver dose not support CD-ROM Changers. If you have a ATAPI CD-ROM Changer installed in your system, please do not install this driver! A. INSTALLATION 1. Insert the floppy disk into drive A:. 2. Open "My Computer", double click "Drive A:". 3. Double click "Win95". 4. Double click the Setup program. 5. Then just follow the instructions to install the driver. IMPORTANT NOTE: We have found that the Windows 95 OSR2 version would fail to load the driver on some systems using PIIX4(TX) chipset after you install and restart the system. The following step could solve this problem if it happens: 1. Go to 2. Double click System then go to Device Manger and View Devices by Type 3. Go to hard disk controllers 4. Double click Intel PIIX4 Bus Master IDE Controller (Ultra DMA supported) (there should be a yellow mark besides this instance) 5. Click Resources and you should see a box near the bottom of the screen that says Set Configuration manaully. 6. Click on the Set Configuration manually and you will see a check next to Use automatic setting 7. Uncheck the box and when the system asks you to reboot click yes 8. After the system restarts the yellow mark should be gone and your display in the Device Manger should look like this: Intel PIIX4 Bus Master IDE Controller (Ultra DMA supported) Primary IDE Contoller Secondary IDE Controller B. DE-INSTALLATION 1. Insert the floppy disk into drive A:. 2. Open "My Computer", double click "Drive A:". 3. Double click "Win95". 4. Double click the Setup program. 5. Then just follow the instruction to de-install the driver. C. ABOUT PCI BRIDGE & USB Controller * Under Win95, Select "My computer";"Control Panel";"Device manager" View Device by Type "Hard Disk Controller" ! Primary IDE Controller ( Single FIFO ) ! Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller Other Device ! PCI Bridge ! PCI Universal Serial BUS To let Win95 properly report your device resources, follow below instructions: 1. Implement INF.EXE * Insert IDE Driver floppy Disk in Driver A: * Under Win95 DOS prompt , type A:\INF.EXE * After issuing this command , a display similar to this appear : INF.EXE V1.00 Copyright (c) Award Software, Inc. 1997 All Rights Reserved ===== Microsoft Windows 95 implement for intel PIIX4 ===== The Windows 95 directory is C:\WINDOWS(Y/N)? * respond Y if Windows95 directory is correct . * respond N if Windows95 directory is other path: Please input directory name of your Windows95 system:XXX ====modifying your windows 95 system .... success You have to restart the Windows 95 system right now. * To restart your system , after reboot system , please keep your Win95 Installation Disk handy. 2. The proper device resource is reported at this time(without exclamation mark ahead): * Under Win95, Seclect "My computer";"Control Panel";Device manager" View Device by Type "Hard Disk Controller" Intel 82371AB PCI Bus master IDE Controller Primary IDE Controller ( Single FIFO ) Secondary IDE Controller ( Single FIFO ) Universal Serial Bus Controller Intel 82371AB PCI to USB Unoversal Host Controller 3. Completing Step 1 & 2, the PIIX4 IDE controller driver is updated successfully.