Windows 95 Driver Installation : 1. Click on "start" at the lower left corner and open "Run". 2. Type "a:\win95\install", then click on "OK". 3. Click on "OK". 4. Double click on "Add New Hardware" in the control panel. 5. Click on "Next". 6. Click on "No", then click on "Next". 7. Double click on "Hard Disk controllers". 8. Click on "Have disk...". 9. Change win95 driver path to "a:\win95", then click on "OK". 10. Click on "Next". 11. Click on "Next". 12. click on "Finish" and remove disk A. 13. single click on "START" at the lower left corner. 14. Move to "Shutdown", then choose restart the computer. 15. After the computer restarted, the win95 will detect the new hardware "National semiconductor dual PCI IDE controller (PC87410)R1.00". 16. Click on "No", when the system detect the primaray IDE controller. 17. Click on "Yes", when the system detect the secondary IDE controller. 18. The system will shutdown and reboot. ____________________________________________________________ | [Note] | | During whole hardware found procedure (step 16 & 17), | | DO NOT restart PC until the system found secondary | | IDE controller. | ------------------------------------------------------------