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DOS Drivers & Files * SNDINIT.EXE - Program to test and configure the sound card * SNDTEST.WAV - Wave audio file * SOUND16.CFG - Configuration file * VOLTSR.EXE - Volume Control Memory Resident Program * KARAOKE.EXE - Karaoke Program (hot-key mic control) * CDSETUP.SYS - CD-ROM interface setup device driver * MSCDEX.EXE - Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions 2.23 * TB-IDE.SYS - IDE CDROM device driver c.) Windows Drivers & Files * SND930.DRV - Base Audio/MIDI Device Driver * MPU401P.DRV - External MIDI Device Driver * V930D.386 - Virtual Device Driver * MSMIXMGR.DLL - Microsoft Mixer Manager * MIDIMAP.CFG - Configuration file for Midi Mapper In the \ADVISOR directory of disk 1, run SETUP.EXE to install Setup Advisor for WIndows 3.1. Windows 95 has plenty of diagnostic tools so you don't really need this there. Installation diskette #2 contains files required for the installation of the Media Rack, Presto Arranger, and Wave Editor for Windows by Willow Pond. Installation diskette #3 contains drivers for Windows 95. 2. INSTALLATION PROCESS The hard disk installation program, INSTALL.EXE, will copy the necessary files from the Installation disks into your hard disk. It will also prompt you if you want to change your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Use the following procedure to install the software: (Assuming you are using floppy drive A, and you wish to install to hard disk drive C) 1. Place the disk labeled "Turtle Beach TBS Installation 1 of 1" in Drive A. 2. Type a: and press ENTER to change to Drive A. 3. Type install and press ENTER to begin the installation. Follow the on-screen instructions. INSTALL.EXE will do the following for you: a.) Create the directory \TBEACH on your hard disk drive. Two directories are created beneath this, \DOSAPPS and \WIN. b.) Prompt you for CD-ROM and sound card options so that after you have finished the installation and have rebooted your machine, you will be ready to use the sound card & CD-ROM drive. c.) Copy the files from your floppy disk to the TBEACH directories and Windows directory respectively. d.) Update your CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT and SYSTEM.INI files. Assuming you selected the default settings, in CONFIG.SYS, the following will be added: DEVICE=C:\TBEACH\CDSETUP.SYS /T:I DEVICE=C:\TBEACH\TB-IDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 CDSETUP.SYS must come before TB-IDE.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file. In AUTOEXEC.BAT: (actual values depend on installation options) PATH=C:\TBEACH (appended) C:\TBEACH\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /M:10 /E /V SET SOUND16=C:\TBEACH C:\TBEACH\SNDINIT /B SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 The SET SOUND16 statement MUST come before the SNDINIT statement. In SYSTEM.INI: - [drivers] WAVE=SND930.DRV AUX=SND930.DRV MIDI=SND930.DRV MIXER=SND930.DRV MIDI1=MPU401P.DRV [386Enh] DEVICE=V930D.386 SND930.DRV is the Base driver comprising WAVE, MIDI, MIXER and AUXILIARY audio services. MPU401P.DRV is the external MIDI driver which requires a keyboard attached to the MIDI port. V930D.386 is the Virtual Device driver for Windows Enhanced Mode. e.) INSTALL.EXE will ask you if you'd like to install the Windows applications Media Rack and Setup Advisor. If you answer "Y", then Windows will start and you will see further installation instructions. 3. GETTING HELP ABOUT SNDINIT.EXE You can use the following command to get information about SNDINIT.EXE: - SNDINIT /? 4. VOLUME CONTROL TSR PROGRAM The volume control memory resident program, VOLTSR.EXE, allows you to change volume using hot keys while you are in a DOS application. The hot keys are: Ctrl-Alt-U Raises the volume Ctrl-Alt-D Lowers the volume Ctrl-Alt-M Mute For example, pressing the CTRL, ALT, and U keys will raise the volume. You need to load the TSR before you can use it. To load the TSR, type VOLTSR at the DOS prompt, or include it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file after the line containing SNDINIT.EXE. 5. KARAOKE PROGRAM The Karaoke.exe program allows user to control the input volume of the microphone on the fly with "HOT KEYS." Before using Karaoke, the VOLTSR.EXE program must be successfully loaded and running. To enable Karaoke Mode, type: "KARAOKE ON" at the DOS prompt. To increase MIC input, use: Ctrl-Alt-PageUp To decrease MIC input, use: Ctrl-Alt-PageDown To disable Karaoke Mode, type: "KARAOKE OFF" at the DOS prompt. 6. CD-ROM Interface Setup Device Driver: CDSETUP.SYS This driver configures the on-board CDROM interface to match your CDROM drive. To use the driver, insert the following line to your CONFIG.SYS file BEFORE the CD-ROM device driver line that you are using: DEVICE=[drive:]\[dir]\CDSETUP.SYS /T:[I/X] [drive] = drive where you have the driver installed [dir] = directory where the driver is located [I/X] = I stands for IDE (all manufacturers) X stands for disabled For example, the following line sets up the interface for an IDE CD-ROM: DEVICE=C:\TBEACH\CDSETUP.SYS /T:I This kit defaults to using the IDE CDROM drive interface. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G I N F O R M A T I O N ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Contained herein: - Last Minute Changes to the Manual - What Operating systems are supported by these device drivers? - Note for disk-compression and Network users - Users of Extended Memory Managers - Enabling CD Audio control under Windows - Notes on using MSCDEX Version 2.23 - Teac CD-ROM device driver options - If you have installation problems - If you have CD-Audio problems - Using other CD-ROM drives Before you call Tech Support: Please have a printout of the following files available: CONFIG.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT SOUND16.CFG (in your install directory) SYSTEM.INI (in your Windows directory) Thanks!! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Last Minute Changes to the Manual: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you re-run the installation program several times, the end of your CONFIG.SYS statement may have extra lines which begin with: DEVICE=C:\TBEACH\TB-IDE.SYS ... You can delete all but the last one of the duplicated lines without worry. Also, the beginning of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file will start to look cluttered by a bunch of lines beginning with REM. After you have determined that your system is working properly, you may delete these lines as well. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - What Operating systems are supported by these device drivers? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Turtle Beach does not support alternate operating systems such as Unix, Xenix, and OS/2, only plain old DOS. If you're running some other operating system, we can't help you. Sorry!!! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Note for disk-compression and Network users: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Some Novell workstations will not allow a system to be logged on to the network if the line "Lastdrive=Z" is installed in the CONFIG.SYS file. In order to fix this problem (should it arise), please change the statement to a drive letter under F, or simply remove the line from the CONFIG.SYS file. This only leaves a problem if programs similar to Stacker, Dblspace, Doubledisk are used, or if more than one hard disk or hard disk partition is present and all drive letters under F are already in use. In systems with Stacker, where C and D are normally in use, the CD-ROM may need to be set to F: before it will work -- which creates problems in some Net environ- ments. Example: Hard disks C: and D: are present and physically separate in the system. The D: drive is using Stacker or some similar disk-compression software. The compression approach creates a "phantom" drive, which in this case would be E:. You would have to set the drive letter for the CD-ROM drive to F: before it will work. To do this, add the switch /L:F to the end of your MSCDEX.EXE command line in AUTOEXEC.BAT. In systems where there are no available drive letters under F:, and the network ALSO takes drive letters to Z:, the CD-ROM may not work at all, because there are no available drive letters. Please let us know if you encounter this type of problem. The INSTALL program places the MSCDEX.EXE file at the beginning of AUTOEXEC.BAT. NetWare lite may require that the MSCDEX.EXE line be loaded AFTER the network drivers are installed. Use a plain text editor (such as EDIT under DOS, or NOTEPAD or SYSEDIT under Windows) to rearrange the file. Some versions of NETX may have problems if a Lastdrive= statement is present. Programs like Stacker, Double Space, Doubledisk, and Ramdrive may require the /L:F (or an unused drive letter other than F) to be added to the MSCDEX line. The default drive for the CD-ROM is the next unused drive letter. For example, most users with a single hard drive will find their CD-ROM at drive D:. Note that multiple partitions on one drive have the same effect as multiple drives in that they use up drive letters. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Users of Extended Memory Managers: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If problems are encountered using memory managers other than those provided with DOS (for example, QEMM, or 386MAX), they may need to be removed until the drive is demonstrated to work properly. We haven't seen these types of problems, so if you encounter them, please let us know. Some games and other programs may fail to work properly EVEN if run using the defaults set up by MEMMAKER! In rare instances, the device line for EMM386.EXE may need to be set to "DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS". This prevents EMM386 from allocating expanded memory. Goal number 1 should be to see the CD-ROM working FIRST, and THEN worry about getting it to work with your memory manager. Problems with unknown software may require their temporary removal from the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, until the drive is shown to work properly. You can convenient- ly place the letters REM at the beginning of any CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT line to keep it from affecting your system. After the drive is shown to work properly with a simpler setup, the memory manager of your choice can be reinstalled. We suggest that you REMark out lines one at a time so you'll know exactly which one is causing the conflict. If everything works properly, you might want to try re-optimizing your memory configuration by using the appropriate program for your memory manager (MEMMAKER for DOS 6.x, OPTIMIZE for QEMM users). This could free up some large chunks of conventional memory for use by DOS. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Enabling CD Audio control under Windows: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you run the Installation, the following driver will be installed by default. However, if for some reason CD Audio doesn't work under Windows, try the following procedure: In order to play audio CDs under Windows, an internal Windows driver needs to be activated. In order to do this, please follow these steps: 1) Place an audio CD into the CD ROM drive. 2) If you haven't already, start Windows. 3) Go into the Main program group and double click (open) on "Control Panel". 4) Next open "Drivers". 5) Click on the "Add" button. 6) Select the "[MCI] CD-Audio" driver. 7) Click on the "OK" button. 8) If Windows prompts you for a disk, be cooperative. 9) Exit Windows and re-start. If everything went well, you will get a confirmation that your CD-ROM was detected. You will now be able to play audio CDs under Windows. To do this, go into the Accessories group and open Media Player. Next select Device. CD Audio should be one of the choices. You can then click on the play button or select tracks to your heart's content. Check out the documentation for Media Player for more information on using this program. Congratulations! You're now more of a Windows expert than 98% of the population! If you continue to have problems, please refer to the section towards the end of this file, "If you have CD-Audio problems". ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - Notes on using MSCDEX Version 2.23: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MSCDEX.EXE can (and should) be loaded high, whenever possible, in order to conserve base memory. EMM386.EXE (DOS 5.0 or 6.x users) may need to be installed in order to provide enough memory for the program to be loaded high. Some versions of MSCDEX are incompatible with some CD-ROM titles (giving the message: Requires MSCDEX.EXE v2.20 or greater), even though you may have v2.22 or v2.23 installed. The only options at this point would be to either obtain an older copy of MSCDEX (v2.21, which is known to work with these titles). Or contact the software publisher for a possible update of the title. MSCDEX.EXE should be loaded before other programs (like SMARTDRV.EXE), in order to help avoid problems (in the case of SMARTDRV.EXE, CD caching is automatic if MSCDEX.EXE is loaded before it). Exception: see section on network users. MSCDEX.EXE uses the following command line switches: Switch Description -------- ------------- /D:(device name) Tells MSCDEX.EXE the name of device (must match the name given in the CONFIG.SYS file. Please note that this name cannot be the same name as the subdirectory where the files reside. /E Tells MSCDEX.EXE to use expanded memory (if your system has expanded memory available). /L:(drive letter) MSCDEX.EXE starts at the drive letter specified by this switch (note: The drive letter selected may not be greater than the letter given in the Lastdrive= statement of your CONFIG.SYS file. If this switch is omitted, the default will be drive (D:). /K Tells MSCDEX.EXE to use any Kanji (Japanese) file structures, if present, rather than the default of standard alphanumeric file structures. /S Instructs MSCDEX.EXE to patch DOS to allow sharing of CD-ROM drives on MS-NET based network servers. /M:(value) Tells MSCDEX.EXE how much memory to allocate for caching information (buffers) on the CD-ROM. For best results, it should be able to be divided evenly by 2. Values than 10 may provide increased perfor- mance in the playback of some video files. It is strongly recommended that this be used in conjunction with the /E switch. /V Provides memory usage statistics, such as how much memory is used by buffers, resident data, resident code, etc. Example: C:\TBEACH\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 /M:15 /L:E /E where: /D:MSCD001 identifies the device name as MSCD001. /M:15 Memory caching (buffers) are set to 20 kilobytes. /L:E the CD-ROM drive letter is E. /E tells MSCDEX.EXE to load buffers into expanded memory, instead of base memory. When these modifications are completed, it will be necessary to reboot your system (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del). Be sure to save your file first! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - IDE CDROM device driver options: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ DEVICE=C:\TBEACH\TB-IDE.SYS /D:MSCD001 /D:MSCD001 Specifies the device name. This is default set to "MSCD001". Any name can be chosen as long as you choose the same name in both the MSCDEX.EXE and TB-IDE.SYS and that name is not the same as the name of the sub directory where the software resides. /P:170,15,M If this is not specified (as in the installation) then the CDROM device driver automatically scans known IDE ports for the CDROM drive. If for some reason you want to specifically state the port and drive jumper settings, use this format. /P:(address),(IRQ),(Master or Slave) e.g. for Secondary master: /P:170,15,M for primary slave: /P:1F0,14,S /V Also optional, gives verbose report on boot up. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - If you continue to have problems: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ First, double check your hardware installation to be sure that you connected all the cables properly. Occasionally a pin gets bent or a cable is not pushed all the way on. If you suspect this has happened, correct the problem and reboot your system. Hopefully all will be hunky-dory at this point. Otherwise, you'll have to select another address on the included sound card. As before, this is accomplished by a software setup program (SNDINIT.EXE). If THIS doesn't work, you have either selected another conflicting port address, you have a bad data or power cable, or in rare cases your hard- ware really IS sick. We hope this doesn't happen, but if it does, please call Turtle Beach Tech Support at the number given in the User's Manual for help. You will also want to try using the Setup Advisor for Windows program we've included. This can tell you a lot about your current hardware configuration. Please run this program and have the results printed out before you call Tech Support. This makes it a lot easier for us to help you. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ - If you have CD-Audio problems: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ See the section above, "Enabling CD-Audio under Windows". Double check the audio cable installation. The audio cable can fit into either of two connectors on the board. Some sound cards have two different CD-Audio connectors that the supplied cable will fit into. If you use a Mitsumi-compatible audio connector, you will short the audio outputs to ground which is GUARANTEED to cause problems. Make sure you're using the Panasonic audio connector. Make sure that you have an audio disk in the drive and are using a program such as Media Player to use the drive for CD-Audio. When CD-Audio is playing under control of one of these programs, the busy light stays on as the program is constantly requesting status from the drive. Most sound cards have a sound mixer control panel program that allows you to control the level of various input sources. Make sure that the CD-Audio channel and the output level are turned up. If there's a mute control, turn it off. Try plugging a set of headphones into the CD-ROM front panel to see if ANYTHING is happening. Disconnect the cable to the sound card at this point to see if it changes anything. If you suddenly start to hear music, you most likely were shorting out the CD-Audio outputs as described above. As you can tell, most of these items fall into the category of "silly oversights". If you continue to have problems with CD-Audio, give our Tech Support number a call. It's listed in your User's Manual. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ We may have given you the impression that you are likely to have problems using your Multimedia kit. Actually, this isn't true. We want you to know that many common problems are easily remedied. We also want you to inform us of truly bizarre or esoteric problems so that we can continue to provide all of our customers the best service possible. It's not possible for us to test or know about every configuration out there. Thanks again for selecting this product. We really hope you get a kick out of using it! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ