======================================================================== Using the Genius Tablet Software ======================================================================== ====== CONTENTS ======================================================== 1. Windows Software Installation 2. Setup Modifications 3. Tablet Uninstallation ========= 1. WINDOWS SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ============================= 1) Connect the Genius tablet to your computer. 2) Turn on your computer, Windows NT/95/3.x will start. 3) Insert the backup copy of your tablet diskette to floppy drive A: ( or B: ). 4) Select Run under the Start button ( for Windows NT4.x or 95 ) or from the Program Manager/File Manager ( for Windows NT3.5x or Windows 3.x ). Type A:\SETUP ( or B:\SETUP ) and click OK. or Find A:\setup.exe ( or B:\setup.exe ) in My Computer or Windows Explorer and double click ( for Windows NT4.x or 95 ). Follow the instructions on the screen. 5) Restart Windows to activate your tablet. ====== 2. SETUP MODIFICATIONS ========================================== The Windows setup procedure expands the following files from the tablet diskette to the system. --- WINDOWS NT SETUP MODIFICATIONS --- Here the WINNT directory means where the subdirectory of WINDOWS NT is installed. 1) Files copied to the WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS subdirectory: gtabport.sys (driver file) 2) Files copied to the WINNT\SYSTEM32 subdirectory: gtablet.cpl (cpl file for Genius Tablet Control Panel) 3) Some files about help and readme are copied to this destination directory (ie. C:\gtabnt) 4) Some files necessary for the tablet uninstallation to the "destination directory\\uninst" (ie. C:\gtabnt\uninst) uninst.exe (tablet uninstall execute file) ---WINDOWS 95 SETUP MODIFICATIONS--- Here the WINDOWS directory means where the subdirectory of WINDOWS 95 is installed. 1) Files copied to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory: vdgtd.vxd (Virtual driver ) gtablet.cpl (cpl file for Genius Tablet Control Panel) wintab.dll (dll file) wintab32.dll (dll file) 2) Some files about help and readme are copied to the destination directory (ie. C:\gtab95) 3) Some files necessary for the tablet uninstallation are copied to the "destination directory\\uninst" (ie. C:\gtab95\uninst) uninst.exe (tablet uninstall execute file) ---WINDOWS 3.x SETUP MODIFICATIONS--- Here the WINDOWS directory means where the subdirectory of WINDOWS 3.x is installed. 1) Files copied to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory: gtablet.drv (driver file) gtablet.cpl (cpl file for Genius Tablet Control Panel) wintab.dll (dll file) wintab32.dll (dll file) 2) files copied to the WINDOWS subdirectory: gtablet.ini (ini file) 3) Some files about help and readme copied to the destination directory (ie. C:\gtab31) 4) Some files necessary for tablet uninstallation are copied to the "destination directory\\uninst" (ie. C:\gtab31\uninst) uninst.exe (tablet uninstall execute file) =========3. Tablet Uninstallation =================================== The uninstall program will remove all tablet driver files. --- Uninstall tablet from Windows NT3.5x /Windows 3.x --- Setp 1. Select Genius Tablet group in Program Manager\Startup. Step 2. Double Click on the "Uninstall Genius Tablet" item. --- Uninstall tablet from Windows NT4.x /Windows 95--- Method 1: Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows NT4.x/95 Control Panel, then select "Uninstall Genius Tablet" and press the Remove button. Method 2: Click the Start button and select Programs. Then select Genius Tablet and double click on "Uninstall Genius Tablet".