Banyan VINES NIC2000 NDIS 2.01 driver may be configured to run in the Banyan VINES environment (for client-based systems only). Follow the steps listed below: 1 On your local hard drive to create a sub-directory. For example C:\BANYAN Copy the installation relative files to this sub-directory. The relative files are list as "File required" session of this text file. 2 Create the "PROTOCOL.INI", "CONFIG.SYS", and "AUTOEXEC.BAT" files (sample files are shown below). * Modify the "PROTOCOL.INI" file to reflect the changes necessary for the appropriate LAN card section. * Modify the "AUTOEXEC.BAT" and "CONFIG.SYS" files to reflect changes. 3 Run the VINES PCCONFIG Utility to configure the NDIS driver 4 Reboot the machine and run the "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file. 5 Run BAN. The installation of the NDIS 2.01 driver for Banyan VINES is now complete. Files Required BAN.EXE 32835 02-12-92 6:07p BAN.MSB 2058 02-12-92 6:07p REDIR.MSB 982 02-12-92 6:07p NEWREV.EXE 47933 02-12-92 6:07p NEWREV.MSB 5139 02-12-92 6:07p PCCONFIG.DB 19656 02-12-92 6:07p REDIRALL.EXE 51546 02-12-92 6:07p PCCONFIG.EXE 61155 02-12-92 6:07p PCCONFIG.MSB 5785 02-12-92 6:07p NDISBAN.COM 35356 02-12-92 6:07p NETBIND.EXE 15639 02-12-92 6:07p NDISBAN.DOC 3072 02-12-92 6:07p NDISBAN.OVL 15639 02-12-92 6:07p PROTMAN.DOS 10649 02-12-92 6:07p User Must Find NIC2000.DOS The following path should be used to access the driver from the NIC2000 NDIS 2.01 driver diskette: A:\MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\NIC2000 The modifications to the "CONFIG.SYS", "AUTOEXEC.BAT", and "PROTOCOL.INI" files are shown below as an example for NIC2000 adapter cards. CONFIG.SYS FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=C:\BANYAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C\BANYAN DEVICE=C:\BANYAN\NIC2000.DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH=C:\DOS PROMPT $P$G C: CD\BANYAN BAN PROTOCOL.INI [PROTOCOL.INI] DRIVENAME= PROTMAN$ [NIC2000_NIF] DRIVENAME = NIC2000$ IOBASE = 0x300 INTERRUPT = 3 [VINES_XIF] DRIVENAME = NDISBAN.DOS$ BINDINGS = NIC2000_NIF