Install the SCO system V/386 LLI driver for a 16-bit or 8-bit ethernet adapter: (if you use dos file format, please follow the instructions in readme.dos file) if you use unix file format,please follow the instructions in readme.unix file) 1) login: root Boot in single user mode. 2) cd / change to "root" directory. 3) mkdir ethtemp make a directory called "ethtemp" under root directory(/). 4) cd ethtemp change to "ethtemp" directory. 5) pwd make sure you are in the directory "/ethtemp". 6) insert the floppy disk which includes SCO system V/386 LLI driver in a floppy disk drive. 7) dos turn the system to be DOS operating system environment. 8) copy a:(or b:)\unix\driver.o c:\ethtemp\driver.o (note: specify a: or b: depend on which disk drive you are using) copy file "driver.o" to the C: drive directory "\ethtemp". 9) dos2unix a:(or b:)\unix\space.c c:\ethtemp\space.c (note: specify a: or b: depend on which disk drive you are using) transfer file "space.c" from dos format to unix format, and copy file "space.c" to the C: drive directory "\ethtemp". 10) dos2unix a:(or b:)\unix\eth c:\ethtemp\eth (note: specify a: or b: depend on which disk drive you are using) transfer file "eth" from dos format to unix foemat, and copy file "eth" to the C: drive directory "\ethtemp". 11) dos2unix a:(or b:)\unix\tcpeth c:\ethtemp\tcpeth (note: specify a: or b: depend on which disk drive you are using) transfer file "tcpeth" from dos format to unix foemat, and copy file "tcpeth" to the C: drive directory "\ethtemp". 12) quit return to UNIX operating system environment. 13) ls check the files which are extracted from the floppy disk. you should see 4 files under the directory "\ethtemp": driver.o, space.c, eth, tcpeth, otherwise there is an error. 14) rename driver.o Driver.o rename driver.o to be Driver.o, first letter of the file name "Driver.o" must be upper case. 15) rename space.c Space.c rename space.c to be Space.c, first letter of the file name "Space.c" must be upper case. 16) chmod u+x eth change the access permissions of 2 files "eth" chmod u+x tcpeth and "tcpeth" to be executable by the user "root" (single user mode), before copy them to the directory "/usr/lib/mkdev". 17) cp eth /usr/lib/mkdev/eth cp tcpeth /usr/lib/mkdev/tcpeth copy 2 files: eth, tcpeth to the directory "/usr/lib/mkdev". 18) cd /usr/lib/mkdev change to the directory "/usr/lib/mkdev". 19) mkdev eth install the driver, relink the kernel, and rebuild the kernel environment. note i: install d: delete q: quit 20) mkdev tcpeth set up "tcp" configuration, select driver name: 'eth'. 21) remove any floppy disk from the Disk Drive A: 22) init 6 reboot the system to activate the kernel, then the driver should be installed completely. 23) after reboot the system, you can use "netstat -i" to check driver name "eth0", and use "ping" to check the connection. 24) after installation is successful, you can remove 4 files in "ethtemp" directory and delete "ethtemp" directory. If you want to remove the driver 1) mkdev eth run "mkdev eth" to remove the driver, relink the kernel, and rebuild the kernel environment. 2) init 6 reboot the system to activate this removal. P.S. 1. Please follow the installation sequence strictly, otherwise you will fail in the driver installation. 2. You can not install the driver twice. If you want to install the driver one more time, please remove the driver you installed previously and relink the kernel, rebuild the kernel environment before you install the driver second time. 3. If installation failed, please remove the driver (follow the driver removal procedure) and install it again. If you did not make any mistake in the installation procedure before 19), you can start from 19) to reinstall the driver.