The SONICSOUND Windows Driver and Utilities Disk Copyright (c), 1992 Sierra Semiconductor Corp. Copyright (c), 1993 Diamond Computer Systems. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 06/15/94 To install end-user software, simply change to drive A or B and type "install"; for example: C:>a: ; change to drive A A:>GO ; start install GO is a self-explanatory installation procedure which allows users to install DOS utilities and invoke Windows to set up the SONICSOUND Windows driver. The SONICSOUND Windows driver will not be set up if Windows is not loaded on your computer. GO will display a message to inform you of the installation status. For advanced users: the uncompressed format of the Windows driver and oemsetup.inf file are stored in the hard drive after installation. You are able to use them with your Windows Control Panel. The installation program used to install SONICSOUND software, GO, is a software program licensed by Knowledge Dynamics Corp, P.O. Box 1558, Canyon Lake, Texas 78130-1558 (USA). GO is provided to you for the exclusive purpose of installing SONICSOUND software. Diamond Computer Systems is exclusively responsible for the support of SONICSOUND, including support during the installation phase. In no event will Knowledge Dynamics Corp. provide any technical support for the SONICSOUND sound card. CONTENTS OF DISK - disk id file readme.txt - read me file ** READ ME FIRST ** go.exe - installing program install.dat - file for installation sonic.exe - test SONIC sound card software - file for installation romsize.exe - file for installation - compressed format of all DOS utilities - compressed format of the Windows driver and utilites - setup program for Windows driver banner.bmp - file for setup in Windows file1.lis - file for setup in Windows install.ins - file for setup in Windows Changing Hardware Settings on Your SONIC Sound Card ***** Note ***** If you are installing an SONICSOUND card for the first time and there is a conflict with a PC board already in your system, skip this section; refer to the SONICSOUND Quick Installation notes or the SONICSOUND User's Guide for detailed information. The following procedure applies only when the following conditions exist: 1. The ARIA & BLASTER environment variables have already been set, either manually or by the "autoexec.bat" file on boot-up. AND 2. The user wants to change the hardware settings on the SONIC sound card. These conditions exist when a user has already installed an SONICSOUND card in the computer and wants to add to his system a PC card that conflicts with the SONICSOUND card. In order for the computer system to recognize the new SONICSOUND card settings, please complete the following procedure: 1. Remove the current environment variables ARIA and BLASTER from the computer system. To remove the environment variables, please type: "set aria=" and "set blaster=" at the DOS prompt. For example: C:\SONIC> set aria= C:\SONIC> set blaster= 2. Run "GO" from the hard disk directory containing the SONIC software. Select Test SONICSOUND Card Installation from the main menu. Run Auto Config to obtain the new SONICSOUND hardware settings. Quit from the test procedure and answer "yes" when the system prompts you to save changes to the "autoexec.bat" file. Exit the installation procedure and reboot (Ctrl-alt-del) from the DOS prompt. 3. You must also re-configure the SONICSOUND Windows driver to incorporate the new hardware settings. To change the SONICSOUND Windows driver configuration: a. Start Windows. b. Activate the Main window. c. Double click the Control Panel icon. d. Double click the Drivers icon. e. Click the Setup button. f. Select the correct settings for your sound card. g. Save the changes. 4. Restart Windows; all changes will take effect. NOTE: after the initial installation, if you want to execute any function of the "GO" program again, run the "GO" program from the hard disk directory containing the SONICSOUND software, not from the installation floppy disk. After the initial installation, running "install" from the floppy disk will not update relevant files on the hard disk.