CSC AK47 Controller Card Bios Update Utility. --------------------------------------------- Usage: ------ Boot the system off a clean boot diskette loading no drivers. Type "UPDATE.EXE" with any command options needed. The utility will load and scan for the card. If the card is not shown, try again with the -a:XXXX option. Once the utility is loaded press return to update the bios. When no command options are used, the utility defaults to the following values: Bios Address C800. Parity enabled. Resetwait disabled. EnableBios enabled. Command line options: --------------------- The following options can be added to the command line: -a:XXXX Where XXXX is the bios address of the AK47 card. -o:RESETWAIT Enables SCSCI reset wait for older, slow-to-spin-up drives. -o:!RESETWAIT Disables SCSI reset wait. -o:PARITY Enables SCSI parity error checking. -o:!PARITY Disables SCSI parity. -o:ENABLEBIOS Enables the SCSI Bios. -o:!ENABLEBIOS Disables the SCSI Bios. For example: UPDATE.EXE -a:C800 -o:RESETWAIT -o:!PARITY ------------------------ Corporate Systems Center 1294 Hammerwood Ave Sunnyvale CA 94089 408-734-3475