Diamond FIRE GL 4000 Drivers for Alpha based NT 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------- Diamond Multimedia Release 0698 Windows NT 4.0 Installation Notes ---------------------------------- 1. Once you have confirmed that you are running in Standard VGA, place the FIRE GL 4000 Windows NT Driver Diskette into the floppy drive or the CD in your CD drive. 2. Open the Windows NT Control Panel. 3. Select the Display icon. 4. Select Change Display Type. 5. Select Change. 6. Select Other. 7. Type: :\Install\Graphic\Fire4000\alpha\NT4\disk1 or confirm that the Driver Diskette is in A: (or change the drive letter if the driver diskette is in another drive). 8. You will then be prompted to change your system configuration. Select Yes. 9. When prompted to install Current or New drivers, select the New option. 10. Confirm the source path. 11. You need to restart Windows NT 4.0 for the changes to take effect. Note that the default resolution that installed is 640x480x256 60Hz. From this point on, you can change your resolution/color depth by using the Display Icon in the Control Panel. Select the "List All Modes" button. This will display all resolutions and refresh rates available. Please use the Test option so that you can confirm that the selected refresh rate and resolution are supported by your monitor. ======================================================================= Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1998 All Rights Reserved =======================================================================