================================================================ README.TXT for Primax ColorMobile Direct32 TWAIN driver ver.Beta ================================================================ System Requirements =================== * PC/AT 386 or above * At least 20 MB free space in you hard disk * True- or high-color Super VGA display card * 4 MB RAM * MS-Windows v 3.1 Hardware Installation ===================== * Please refer to the user's guide for information on how to install the interface card into your computer and connect the scanner. Software Installation ===================== * Make sure the SMARTDRV and EMM386 drivers are included in your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file are MS-Window versions, not MS-DOS. You have a Windows version if the command line in the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT appears as below: C:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE * Run INSTALL under the MS-WINDOWS, then follow the screen instructions to install Primax ColorMobile Direct TWAIN-Source driver. * You need to calibrate the scanner when installing the software. Please refer to the user's guide for information about how and when you have to calibrate your scanner. Operation ========= * Before using the Acquire command to invoke the TWAIN driver, use the Select Source option to choose ColorMobile Direct. * To increase the speed of your system, run Windows in Enhanced mode. * If you want to check the driver version, choose About in the control- menu box. Auto Merge ========== * When scanning an image wider than 4.1 inches you have to use the merge feature. * The merge result for black & white image is not very reliable. Do not try to merge text images for OCR. You should OCR the text images individually and then merge the two OCRed text files in a OCR software. If you want to scan a black & white picture wider than 4.1 inches, we suggest you to scan the picture in 256-gray mode and then merge the scanned images. Compatibility ============= * If you set the display to 256 colors and scan mode to 24-bit, you may encounter a very poor screen display during scanning and on the TWAIN window. If this happens, don't be alarmed because you can still produce a good image on your application. * The TWAIN-Source for Primax ColorMobile Direct cannot connect to more than one application at a time. If you want to use the same driver on another application, you need to unload the driver from the first application. Image Quality ============= * You can get the best output image quality by adjusting the gamma value, if your application support such capability. Others ====== * If a message General Protection Fault appears on your screen, please restart MS-Windows. * Leaving the scanner idle for 5 minutes causes the program to turn the lamp off to conserve electricity and to prolong its life. Unexpected Termination ====================== * If any operation terminates unexpectedly, please delete TEMP*.TMP files or any file prefixed with "~" in directory TEMP under your Windows directory after leaving Windows system. * If possible, execute the CHKDSK command at the DOS prompt by typing the following command to check and close any files the application abnormally terminates: >CHKDSK /F End ===