# README file for | | | ELSA LCD monitor 117LCD - floppy disk contents | | Contents protected by Copyright | No part of this CD-ROM may be resold without the | written permission of ELSA! | | Copyright (c) 2000 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany) | | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de | Sonnenweg 11 | 52070 Aachen | Germany | | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 1630 Zanker Road, | San Jose, CA 95112 | USA | | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5 | Nanking East Road | Taipei 105 | Taiwan, R. O. C. | | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | Mita Suzuki Building 3F | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku | Tokyo 108-0014 | Japan | | 28.05.98, KKreutz Contents of this file 1. Files on the floppy disk 2. Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Files on the floppy disk You will find the following files/programs on this disk A. TESTPTN.EXE and VBRJP200.DLL The test pattern for Windows 95/NT is programed with Visual Basic. The test pattern is displayed on the whole screen and helps you to set up the monitor screen exactly. B. Installation and Start Select the file Testptn.exe. If you want to terminate the programm click a mouse button or press any key. A. ELSALCDE.INF, RD151LCD.ICM These files contain the monitor information of importance to the operating system. B. Installation under Windows 95 Please insert the floppy disk into your disk drive. Open the program window of the Control Panel by clicking on the 'Settings -> Control Panel'in the 'Start'menu. Double click on 'Display'. Select in the following window the tab 'Settings'. Click on 'Change Configuration...' Next to the Monitor Type of the current configuration, click on 'Change ...' In the window 'Select model' click on 'Have Disk...' Click on 'Browse'. Make sure that you have selected the correct disk drive and that an INF file is displayed in the left window. Then confirm all further questions until the INF files are copied. A. README.txt and LIESMICH.TXT The README.txt is the English version of this help file. The LIESMICH.TXT is the German version of this help file. A. TEST-MAC and the files in the folder 'RESOURCE.FRK' Similar to those for Windows, you will find the test pattern files for Macintosh. B. The operation is identical with that under Windows. To open the files and folders you require PC Exchange for Macintosh. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Notes ELSA assumes no liability for technical errors or omissions. Windows 95, Windows NT, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft.