# | README file for | | ELSA tools to switch between CRT and TV as output device | with an ELSA ERAZOR Xý | (ErX-CRT.COM and ErX_TV.COM version 1.00) | | (c) 1999 ELSA AG (Aachen, Germany) | All Rights Reserved. | | ELSA AG Internet : http://www.elsa.de | Sonnenweg 11 LocalWeb : +49-(0)241-938800 | D-52070 Aachen | | ELSA Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 2231 Calle De Luna | Santa Clara, CA 95054 | USA | | ELSA Asia Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | 7F-11, No. 188, Sec. 5 | Nanking East Road | Taipei 105 | Taiwan, R. O. C. | | ELSA Japan Inc. Internet : http://www.elsa.com | Mita Suzuki Building 3F | 5-20-14 Shiba, Minato-ku | Tokyo 108-0014 | Japan | | 10/19/1999, BPanning Table Of Contents 1. Overview 2. Disk/CD Contents 3. Usage Notes 4. Release Notes 5. Notes & Warnings (!) 6. Bugfixes & Changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Overview ErX_TV.COM and ErX_CRT.COM are a utilitys to define the standard output device on the ELSA ERAZOR Xý during the running DOS session. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Disk/CD Contents The program disk/CD contains the following files: ErX_CRT.COM the executable program ErX_TV.COM the executable program README.TXT this text file, including notes on the current program release LIESMICH.TXT German version of the text you are currently reading --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Usage Notes Use the programs ErX_CRT.COM and ErX_TV.COM only, if a matching output device is connected to the ELSA ERAZOR X². This tools do not check the availability of the output devices you are selecting. Otherwise you will see not output on your display. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Release Notes 4.1 Supported graphics boards ELSA ERAZOR Xý --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Notes & Warnings The settings done with this tools last only during the running DOS session. A warm- or cold boot will reset your settings. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Bugfixes & Changes none