Blind Justice demo Sound add-on This is the sound portion of the Blind Justice demo. You do not need it to play the game, but you do need it if you want to hear the music and sound effects. To unzip this file along with BJDEMO.ZIP (at the same time), just copy both of them into their own unique directory (i.e. C:\BLIND). Then, pkunzip the BJDEMO.ZIP file. This will give you a batch file called "install.bat". Run the batch file and both BJDEMO.ZIP and BJSOUND.ZIP will be extracted. To unzip BJSOUND.ZIP by itself (after having unzipped BJDEMO.ZIP), copy BJSOUND.ZIP into the game directory (i.e. C:\BLIND). Then, change into the game directory and type "pkunzip BJSOUND.ZIP -d" and press Enter. After BJSOUND.ZIP has been extracted, run the SETUP.EXE program and tell Blind Justice about your sound card. You're all set!