Date: 26-Jan-95 11:09 PST From: Joel Cutrara [100042,767] Subj: YES! YES! YES! Oh Joy, oh, bliss!!! Alan, it's taken eight months and more, but my Gateway Pentum 90 problem has been solved! The solution lies somewhere in Gateway's latest Flash BIOS upgrade (version 1.00.11.AX1T). Just what it corrects I do not know, but your suggestion regarding the non-parity ram may have some substance - and there may be a way to troubleshoot it. You see, I have been in contact with another UK user with the problem (Mark Nichol, 100271,2037 ), with whom you may have been in touch. I have now discovered another user, (Brian Magee 74222,2154 ), and I am going to determine if he, too is a UK/European purchaser because... wait for it, Gateway appear to use PARITY chips in their US machines and NON-Parity abroad(!). So if Brian Magee is also a non-US owner, then parity checking might well be the cause. I am going to message him this evening and tell him the good news and will determine then if this is the case and will inform you accordingly. Mind you, it took no little effort to get the Flash BIOS upgrade to work; it seems I had been running on version 1.00.09.AX1, and, before you can even consider going all the way, you have to first move up to 1.00.09.AX1T (yep, a T can make all the difference.). But it seems you cannot flash from .AX1 to .AX1T. Moving up involved Gateway in fitting a new motherboard, and it took TWO tries, since Hewlett-Packard (who handle Gateway's on-site servicing) first sent an engineer out with an ordinary .AX1 board. Anyway, once the T version was fitted, it was then simply a matter of running the latest flash upgrade (obtainable on Gateway's Motherboard section on CompuServe - filename: 11AX1T.EXE. This proports to upgrade any "T" machine to version 11. But don't try this at home, kids, ring your friendly Gateway tech support person to talk you through it. BTW, with earlier versions of Ultrasound software, I never had problems using SBOS on my Gateway. Then, the other day, I tried running SBOS v. 3.82 and got the message: "The NMI procedure on this PC is disabled". But once my .AX1T motherboard was installed, the message disappeared... Anyway, many thanks for your persistence and you can now hopefully spread the word. Please feel free to refer any fellow sufferers to me, and I will be happy to oblige. Distribution: To: Alan Alvarez > [70606,403]