SCO OpenServer 5.0 MDI driver for Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapters ================================================================================ Your Driver Diskette should contain the following files in the subdirectory \SCO\MDI: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Contents -------------------------------------------------------------------- readme.txt Text file about driver installation for the SCO OpenServer 5.0. ncmdi.102 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapters MDI driver package for SCO OpenServer 5.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Introduction. ---------------- This is a SCO OpenServer 5.0 MDI driver for Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapters whose released version is 1.0.1. It is installed by "custom" and configured by using "netconfig" command. The MDI driver requires the following hardware and software: - Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapters. - SCO OpenServer 5.0 or above. B. Installation Procedure. -------------------------- 1. Prepare a formatted diskette on any DOS machine. For example, type: C>format a: 2. Now boot the SCO OpenServer 5.0 and enter the Maintenance mode. Please follow the instructions below to uncompress the package file: > cd /tmp (and inserts the package floppy in the proper drive, i.e. drive A:) > doscp a:/sco/mdi/ncmdi.102 metftar > then replaces with the prepared formatted diskette done in step 1. > dd if=metftar of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 (Note: Use another device file name if you use a different floppy drive.) > Now the package installation diskette is ready for installing. 3. The following sections describe the configuration of the driver. It is suggested that you should perform these instructions in the singler-user environment (maintenance mode). 3.1. Run "custom" command and select the "Install New..." option under "Software" item. It will prompt you "Installing: Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet MDI Driver (ver 1.0.1)" and then choose the "FULL" option to install this package. After running the "custom" utility and the new package is installed, you should use the "netconfig" command to add the driver into your system like the step 4 below. 3.2. Run "netconfig" to add the desired LAN adapter. The steps for adding the new LAN adapter are listed below: a. When the "Network Configuration Manager" is shown, please select "Add new LAN adapter" option under "Hardware" main item. b. When the screen "Add new LAN Adapter" is shown, then select the option "Configure hardware not listed above... ]". c. After "Select network adapter to be added:" is shown, please select the "Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet MDI Driver" item to add the driver into the system. d. When the driver is added, the screen "Enter the configuration of Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet MDI Driver" will be shown, then please select "OK" item to finish this selection if you do not make any change for the "Advanced options... ]". e. When the driver is selected correctly, the "Add protocol" will be shown, then select the item "- SCO TCP/IP" as the default protocol stack. f. After finished the "TCP/IP" protocol sub-selection, then the success message is shown as following: "The following products were sucessfully configured into the system: SCO TCP/IP Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet Adapter (MDI)" g. When the adapter has been configured, select 'q' from the netconfig menu, and relink the kernel at the prompt. 4. To active the adapter, you must reboot. When the system boots, you should see the following message among the other configuration messages: %metf0 0xE400-0xE480 11 12 speed=100Mbs id=[xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx] with the appropriate I/O addresses, IRQ, PCI device number, Adapter Type with the chip type and the six octets of the adapter IEEE MAC address. 5. If you encounter any problems during installation, (i.e., an error message appears on screen) call your dealer for assistance. Notes: 1. This driver supports up to maximum 4 boards. 2. Device name is metf0, metf1, metf2, metf3. C. Trademarks. -------------- All trademarks or brand names mentioned are properties of their respective companies. ===End of File===