_INDEX This file. BACKPACK-MODULE-1.0.3-KERNEL-2.4.0.TGZ - Backpack module for Linux kernel version 2.4.0. Review the README file (revised 10.14.00) within this archived package for compatibility and installation details. (SIZE: 28KB) NOTE: This driver cannot be used to install the Linux operating system. To install Linux from a backpack use paride.img. Read the readme.txt file in this dir for more information. For LINUX kernel version 2.2.16-22 BACKPACK-MODULE-1.0.2-kernel-2.2.16-22.TGZ - Backpack module for Linux kernel version 2.2.16-22. Review the README file (revised 10.14.00) within this archived package for compatibility and installation details. (SIZE: 28KB) NOTE: This driver cannot be used to install the Linux operating system. To install Linux from a backpack use paride.img. Read the readme.txt file in this dir for more information. For LINUX kernel versions 2.2.14 and 2.2.14-5 BACKPACK-LINUX-MODULE-1.0.1.TGZ - Backpack modules for Linux kernel versions 2.2.14 and 2.2.14-5. Review the README file (revised 6.5.00) within this archived package for compatibility and installation details. (SIZE: 52KB) NOTE: This driver cannot be used to install the Linux operating system. To install Linux from a backpack use paride.img. Read the readme.txt file in this dir for more information. For LINUX kernel versions 2.2.5-15 and 2.2.12-20 BACKPACK-LINUX-MODULE-1.0.0.TGZ - Backpack modules for Linux kernel versions 2.2.5-15 and 2.2.12-20. Review the README file (revised 12.14.99) within this archived package for compatibility and installation details. (SIZE: 52KB) NOTE: This driver cannot be used to install the Linux operating system. To install Linux from a backpack use paride.img. Read the readme.txt file in this dir for more information. Image File for installing RH 7.0 from Backpack Carefully review the information in this README file before downloading and using the PARIDE.IMG image file. PARIDE.IMG - Backpack "Driver Disk" image file used to install the Red Hat 7.0 Distribution of Linux from a Backpack. (SIZE: 144KB) Important Note: This does not install Backpack driver support into Linux. You must download and install the Backpack module BACKPACK-MODULE-1.0.2-KERNEL-2.2.16-22.TGZ, to continue using the Backpack after Linux has been installed. Backpack Patch for Linux Kernel 2.4 Linux24-backpack.pat - For Linux Experts Only! - Kernel Patch to add support for "Backpack Series 6 Drives" to the Linux Kernel. This patch has been submitted for inclusion into the Linux kernel. Until it is included, this patch is provided "AS IS" for those with experience with patching the Linux kernel. Instructions for patching the Linux Kernel are included in a README file that comes with the Linux kernel source. If you've never patched a kernel, it is recommended that you wait until this patch is included within the Linux Kernel and for now use the appropriate binary module (listed above).