======================== FastCheck Utility README ======================== The FastCheck utility is used to monitor or perform maintenance on a FastTrak Mirrored (RAID 1) or Striped/Mirrored (RAID 0/1) array. Visual and audible messages are available to warn of possible problems with the disk array or controller. This utility runs under Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, and Windows NT 4.0. ============ Installation ============ Refer to the INSTALL.TXT file for instructions on installing the FastCheck utility. ======================================= Getting Around in the FastCheck Utility ======================================= Task Bar Icon On the Windows 95/NT taskbar, the FastCheck icon appears as a stack of disks. To launch the utility double-click on the task bar icon. Windows NT 3.51 does not have a task bar; FastCheck will appear as a minimized icon on the desktop. Array Tab View From the Array view, status is shown for drives in the array. On the left window pane, drive models are shown. On the right pane, array type, mapping, and size are displayed. This is followed by array status. The status will be either working, error, or degraded. If an error is found, the array needs to be synchronized. If degraded, a disk has failed or is not responding and most likely needs to be physically replaced followed by a data rebuild. Controller Tab View This view displays configuration and system resource data for the controller. The left pane shows the actual connector Channel and Master/Slave ID of attached IDE drives. The right pane lists the IRQ, and Bus Master address. Options Tab View The FastCheck Utility uses pop-up text for instruction on options. Hover the mouse cursor for description.