SOUND BLASTER COMPATIBILITY In this package we included a new driver. This driver will let you emulate the Sound Blaster product from your Ad Lib Gold 1000. This gives you the power of Ad Lib, Sound Blaster and a!l the companies compatible with these. You will find this driver on the diskette named "Program disk #2". The name of this driver is G2S.EXE. Installation: To install this driver you need to copy it to your Ad Lib Gold directory. Type; copy a: ( or b:) G2S.* c:\ ( or the drive where is the Gold directory) Gold ( or the name you did give to the Ad Lib Gold directory) ENTER. Then follow the instructions below( or in the G2S.DOC file, this file). A list of the compatible games and updates of the driver will be on the Ad Lib MultiMedia BBS at ( 418) 656-0351. WHAT IS IT FOR? G2S tries to simulate the Sound Blaster card on the Ad Lib Gold 1000. It's still at the development stage, but it should work with nearly 50% of the Sound Blaster applications. G2S simulates a DAC on LPT1 as well (this may work even if the SB simulation does not). When run, G2S installs itself into XMS, leaving just 352 bytes in DOS memory. G2S switches CPU into V86 mode, traps any I/O at SB addresses and converts them into corresponding I/O to GOLD ( easier said than done :-)). Run it before an SB application, G2S will do the rest. Just don't try to run any Ad Lib Gold application with G2S installed ( reset your PC first)!. G2S requires the following: - i386 compatible CPU. - Ad Lib Gold configured for DMA 1 and IRQ 5. - HIMEM.SYS or compatible XMS manager installed. - NO_V86 mode software ( EMM386,...). ALPHA TESTING! We have decided to release this version to test the demand for such a software. Please let us know if you find the simulator useful. We have tested several SB applications with G2S. Several of them worked ( DUNE, DUNE II, GODS, GOBLIIINS 2, MODPLAY, DMP, TETRAMED, EPIC PINBALL, several demos etc.). You may find out that the DAC-on LPT1 works better than the simulated SB.