LANtastic 6.0 Introduction: ------------- This document describes the procedure to setup NDIS driver on LANtastic 6.0 operating system for ISA Plug & Play ethernet card. We provide two NDIS drivers. The PNPNDIS.DOS driver is a normal driver and PNPNDT.DOS is a turbo NDIS driver. We recommend you use the turbo driver PNPNDT.DOS to improve network performance. Location of Driver: \NDIS\PNPNDIS.DOS \NDIS\PNPNDT.DOS Sample Configuration Files: -------------------------- CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\LANTASTI\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANTASTI REM For Normal Driver DEVICE=C:\NDIS\PNPNDIS.DOS REM or For Turbo Driver DEVICE=C:\NDIS\PNPNDT.DOS FILES=40 BUFFERS=30 STARTNET.BAT: @echo off rem LANtastic Version 6.00 installed 95/05/23 14:11:21 rem (for Windows) C: cd C:\LANTASTI SET LAN_CFG=C:\LANTASTI rem If LANtastic is disabled, skip everything. IF EXIST DISABLED GOTO :STARTNET_DONE @echo ===== Begin LANtastic configuration ===== PATH C:\LANTASTI;C:\LANTASTI\NW;%PATH% SET LAN_DIR=C:\LANTASTI.NET SET NWDBPATH=C:\LANTASTI\NW rem Please obtain the NETBEUI.EXE program from Microsoft LOADHIGH NETBEUI LOADHIGH AI-NDIS BIND_TO=ISAPNP_NIF AILANBIO @STARTNET.CFG REDIR TEST @STARTNET.CFG IF EXIST NOSHARE GOTO :NOSHARE SERVER C:\LANTASTI.NET @STARTNET.CFG NET LOGIN \\TEST GOTO :CONTINUE :NOSHARE @echo LANtastic server was installed but turned off. :CONTINUE rem If CONNECT.BAT exists, run it to set up connections. IF EXIST CONNECT.BAT GOTO :CONNECT rem Otherwise set up connections specified during install. NET LPT TIMEOUT 10 GOTO :CONNECT_DONE :CONNECT @echo Setting up LANtastic connections from CONNECT.BAT rem Build CONNECT.BAT like this: "NET SHOW/BATCH > C:\LANTASTI\CONNECT.BAT" rem (or run the batch file SETNET.BAT) call CONNECT.BAT :CONNECT_DONE NET POSTBOX @echo ===== End LANtastic configuration ===== :STARTNET_DONE cd \ PROTOCOL.INI: (For normal driver) ;PROTOCOL.INI for LANtastic Version 6.00 ;------------ using ; [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES [ISAPNP_NIF] DRIVERNAME = PNPNDIS$ Adapters=ISAPNP AdapterID=@0000B4123456 PROTOCOL.INI: ;PROTOCOL.INI for LANtastic Version 6.00 ;------------ using ; [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ DYNAMIC = YES [ISAPNP_NIF] DRIVERNAME = PNPNDT$ Adapters=ISAPNPT AdapterID=@0000B4123456 Install Ethernet drivers for LANtastic 6.0 : (Using NDIS driver) ------------------------------------------ The installation procedure will transfer files to a specific directory on the workstation and modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is located on LANtastic Network Software Disk 1. Run INSTALL.EXE from Disk 1 and the LANtastic Install program screen will appear. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. 1. Prompt you to enter a unique Computer Name. 2. Ask you to select the drive that you want LANtastic to be installed on. The default is Drive C:. 3. Ask you to specify a directory where you want the LANtastic files to be installed. The default is \LANTASTI. 4. Ask you if you want to Share your Computers Drives or Printers. 5. Ask you to select the Maximum Number of Connected Computers. 6. Prompt you to select any other LANtastic features that you may want to install. 7. A summary screen of the options will appear. If it looks correct, continue the installation. 8. Prompt you to select a network adapter to run your LANtastic software on. From the list of adapters , select "NDIS SUPPORT FOR NETWORK ADAPTERS". 9. Ask you to insert the manufacturers driver diskette containing the driver files. Insert the this driver diskette into drive A: and specify the source path for driver files as A:\ 10. Ask you if you want to Set Up Permanent Drive or Printer Connections. 11. Another summary screen of the options will appear. If this looks correct then select Perform the Installation and LANtastic will now install the files. 12. When complete the installation, then reboot your system.