Question: How do I install my TDK modem in Windows 3.1x?

Answer: The Point Enabler is a program that allows PCMCIA cards to be enabled so that the system can recognize them without requiring third-party Card and Socket Services software. The Point Enabler does not support "Hot Swapping" of cards.

To decide if you need to use the Enabler:

1. Put the TDK installation floppy disk in your A drive.

2. Go to the A: prompt.

3. Type in tdkfind, hit enter.

4. If the response indicates card services are not installed, use the Point Enabler by follow the instructions below:

5. Create a TDK directory on your C drive and copy the contents of your TDK installation floppy disk into it.

6. Go back into Windows.

7. Click on File.

8. Click on Run.

9. Type in sysedit.

10. Click on the Config.Sys file.

11. Look for device=c:\dos or windows\emm386.exe noems x=d000-d0ff. Add x=d000-d0ff to the end of the line if it is not already there.

12. Go to File and click on Save; do not exit the System Configuration Editor.

13. Go up to the top command line and click on Window.

14. Click on the Autoexec.bat file.

15. Go down to the Set temp line and put your cursor on the S, hit enter to create a blank line above Set temp.

16. Type in: C:\tdk\enabler /p com# /irq # (# is the com or irq number you want to use.) Make sure you have the spacing exactly as it appears above.

17. Go to File and click on Save, then go to File and click on Exit.

18. Close Windows and reboot with the modem in your laptop.

[Click the Back button to return to the FAQ list for your PC Card.]

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