Question: Why won't my application recognize the modem on Com 5?

Answer: Applications other than Microsoft only recognize PC cards/modems on Com 1-4. 16 bit applications do not recognize PC cards on Com 5 or higher.

Window Plug and Play assigns the first available resources available. If, after following the instructions below you are unable to get the modem installed on a com port between 1 and 4, you will need to contact Windows 95/98 Technical Support or your laptop manufacturer for assistance.

Free Up System Resources:

1. Go to the Start menu | Settings | Control Panel | System | Device Manager tab. Open Modem, remove any serial or parallel cables (if listed) and remove TDK modem listing.

2. Open Ports in Device Manager. Disable all infrared ports by individually clicking on each one and checking "Disable in this hardware profile" box. Close Device Manager.

3. Take the modem out of your laptop and put it back in again. You should get New Hardware Found, Building Driver Information Database messages. Double click on the Modems icon in Control Panel. Click on Diagnostics tab. Make sure modem is on a com port between 1 and 4. Highlight com port where modem is installed and click on More Info button. If you get commands and responses, you should be able to connect using your application.

Change Modem Configuration in Device Manager:

1. To change to a different com port in Device Manager, go to Control Panel | System | Device Manager tab. Open Modem. Double click on TDK PC card. Click on Resources tab. Uncheck "Use Basic Configuration." Change basic configuration until you find a configuration without conflicts.

2. Restart computer and go to Control Panel | Modems. Click on Diagnostics tab. Make sure modem is on a com port between 1 and 4. Highlight com port where modem is installed and click on More Info button. If you get commands and responses, you should be able to connect using your application.

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