Question: How can I test my modem?

Answer: You can test your modem by dialing out in HyperTerminal.

1. Go to Start Menu | Programs | Accessories | HyperTerminal.

2. Double click on hypertrm.exe. When application opens and prompts for a name, type test [Ok].

3. In the second screen where you are prompted for a phone number, type 123. Below the phone number box, make sure Connect Using has the TDK modem selected. Click OK.

4. In the third screen, click the Cancel button.

5. You are now in a blank screen with a flashing cursor. Type at&f [enter]. Make sure modem is connected to the phone line.

6. Type atdt+phone number (e.g., atdt15302700023) [enter]. If you are dialing from a phone where you need to dial a 9 to get an outside line, type atdt9,15302700023 [enter].) When you connect, you will know the modem is working and you need to make setting changes to the application you are trying to use.

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