LAK-CD021BX 10-Base-T
PC Card

Product Software

Your PC Card is supplied with one or more disks containing the software necessary to support the card. If you need another copy of the software contained on the disk, you can download these executable files by clicking on them. When the download is complete, execute the file to uncompress the software (detailed instructions).

Downloadable Disk Images

Windows 3.1x, 95, 98 and NT Users:
lkcd21bx.exe 226kb LAN PC Card Software.

Macintosh OS Users:
lkcd21bx.sea.hqx 313kb LAN PC Card Software.

Downloadable Drivers and Information files

The driver for your PC Card is the currently shipping version.

Configuration Help

Refer to the manual for configuration help regarding PC Card set-up and configuration. Should a network configuration problem arise, please contact your network administrator.

Product Documentation

Your PC Card is supplied with product documentation and other printed information. If you need another copy of the product documentation, one is available on the downloadable disk image above.

Copyright © TDK Systems, Inc., 1996-2000. All Rights Reserved.