PCjr Memory Management Utilities This diskette includes several utilities which allow you to fully utilize your PC Enterprises memory expansion product. The name of this file is READ_1ST.TXT. It provides an alphabetical listing of each utility included on the PC Enterprises Memory Management Software diskette, and also a brief description of each. AUTOEXEC.BAT A batch file which automatically loads the READ_1ST file each time you start DOS. Feel free to erase or change this file. Refer to your DOS manual if you do not know how to erase or change a batch file. CONFIG.EMS An example of a configuration file which allows the PCjr to recognize all conventional memory up to 640KB, and also use all PCE memory as LIM 3.2 compatible simulated expanded memory. Requires DOS 3.2 and a PCE Megaboard. Note: this file assumes your PCE MEGABOARD ramdisk is your drive C:. If your MEGABOARD ramdisk is assigned any other drive letter replace the C: with the actual drive letter assigned to your MEGABOARD. Refer to the MEMSIM32.DOC file for more information. CONFIG.MEG This is an example of what your CONFIG.SYS file should look like if you have a PCE Megaboard and you want to permit DOS to recognize memory up to 736KB and also create a MEGABOARD ramdisk with all additional PCE memory. Requires a PCE MEGABOARD. CONFIG.SYS An example of a CONFIG.SYS file that allows the PCjr to recognize memory above 128KB (up to 640KB). In this example we also show how to set up a 32KB video buffer so the PCjr can also run software that uses popular PCjr/Tandy 16-color medium resolution modes. Works with all PC Enterprises memory expansion products. Note: You can see the text inside this file with the TYPE command. Enter the command: TYPE CONFIG.SYS to view the file. CONFIG.XTR Here's an example of what your CONFIG.SYS file should look like if you want your PCjr to recognize memory above 640KB (up to 736KB). Note: A few programs do not work correctly when DOS is permitted to recognize memory above 640KB (eXTRa memory). If you have trouble running a program try removing the -L option. HELP.BAT A batch file that makes it easier for you to read the JRCONFIG manual. Typing READJRC then pressing enter will automatically enter the command: LIST JRCONFIG.DOC as described above. JRCONFIG.DOC This is a complete on-disk manual which provides complete instructions for using the JRCONFIG.SYS and LOWRD.SYS programs. JRCONFIG.SYS This program allows the PCjr to recognize expansion memory (without this program software can not recognize memory installed above 128KB). JRCONFIG.SYS can be used with all PC Enterprises memory expansion products including the PCE 512K jrSidecar Series, the PCE Megaboard, PCE 192K Memory Card, and all other PCjr memory expansion products sold by PCE. LIST.COM This is a user supported utility that makes it much easier to read text and document files. You can use this file to read any .DOC or .TXT file on this diskette. Use the format: LIST . Example: LIST JRCONFIG.DOC. LIST.DOC This is a complete on-disk manual which provides complete instructions for using the LIST.COM program. LOWRD.SYS This program permits you to use any portion of your PCjr's memory for a ramdisk application. Works with all PCjr memory expansion products sold by PCE. MEGABOAR.DOC Special information for MEGABOARD USERS which was not available at the time that the MEGABOARD manual was printed. MEGADSK.SYS This program lets you create a ramdisk without using any of the memory available for programs. Requires a PCE Megaboard. MEMSIM32.08X This is a LIM 3.2 Expanded Memory Simulator. Requires a PCE Megaboard. MEMSIM32.DOC This is a complete on-disk manual which provides complete instructions for using the MEMSIM32.08X program. PCJRIPS.COM A PCjr utility that allows you to run internal commands while using operating systems that do not support this feature. This utility is also required if you are using a Display-Master VGA sidecar. PCJRIPS.DOC The instructions for using PCJRIPS.COM. READ_1ST.TXT The text file you are reading. VERSION.BAT A batch file which displays the version numbers of the important files included on this diskette. Note: To print this document to your printer type: COPY READ_1ST.TXT PRN: