----------------- OnSpec SimpleSCSI ----------------- This document is divided into the following sections and topics: 1. Instructions for DOS/Windows 3.1/3.11 users 1.1 Installing SimpleSCSI 1.2 SCSIUTIL utility 1.3 CD player 1.4 Driver command line options 1.5 Software compatibility 1.6 Booting from parallel port hard disk. 1.7 Accessing internal hard drive when booted from parallel port. 1.8 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI 2. Instructions for Windows 95/98 users 2.1 Installing SimpleSCSI 2.2 SwissKnife application 2.3 Un-partitioned hard drives 2.4 Device Attach/Detach 2.5 CD player 2.6 Backup utility 2.7 Driver command line options 2.8 Printing documents from a parallel port based drive to the printer also connected to the same parallel port 2.9 Booting from parallel port hard disk. 2.10 Accessing internal hard drive when booted from parallel port. 2.11 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI 3. Instructions for Windows NT 3.51/4.0 users 3.1 Installing SimpleSCSI 3.2 SwissKnife application 3.3 Un-partitioned hard drives 3.4 CD player 3.5 Driver command line options 3.6 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI 4. Instructions for OS/2 users 4.1 Installing SimpleSCSI on a system currently running OS/2 4.2 Installing SimpleSCSI CD-ROM while installing OS/2 on a system 4.3 Driver command line options 4.4 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI 1. Instructions for DOS/Windows 3.1/3.11 users ============================================== 1.1. Installing SimpleSCSI -------------------------- There are two ways you can install the SimpleSCSI driver: 1.1.1 If you want the driver to be loaded during system boot up, type A:(or B:)\INSTALL 1.1.2 You can also load the drivers from the command prompt by running the appropriate batch files: Type SCSIDRIV from A:(or B:) for SCSI hard disk driver. SCSIDRIV also offers /L option to assign a fixed drive letter for your parallel port hard disk. For example, type SCSIDRIV /L:G where you would like to assign drive letter G to the parallel port drive. Type SCSICD from A:(or B:) for SCSI CD-ROM driver. Please make sure that you have MSCDEX.EXE in your hard disk and path is set to that directory. Type SCSIASPI from A:(or B:) to load only the ASPI manager. When you use SCSIDRIV, SCSICD or SCSIASPI, please note the following: 1. You need to run these batch files whenever your system is restarted. 2. This option cannot be used in Windows 95/98 DOS sessions. 3. If you get an error message saying that there are not enough drive letters available, add the following line in CONFIG.SYS, LASTDRIVE=Z 1.2 SCSIUTIL utility -------------------- SCSIUTIL utility has the following features: 1. Option to scan for the list of SCSI Host Adapters and the devices connected to them. 2. Disk utilities to display the existing partitions, create new partitions and format them. The SCSIUTIL partitioning scheme is based on the DOS FDISK for the maximum compatibility across all operating systems. These partitions will be recognized by DOS/Windows 3.X, Windows 95/98, Windows NT and OS/2. 3. Option to set driver command line options. 1.3 CD player ------------- The AUDIO CDs can be played using the CD player (AUDIO.EXE). 1.4 Driver command line options ------------------------------- Use the command line options ONLY if the driver is unable to detect the hardware or if the driver exhibits a data reliability problem. The options can be set using the "Device" - "Driver Settings" menu option of SCSIUTIL.EXE. The Driver settings menu will be enabled only if - the driver line entry is present in CONFIG.SYS and - the file INSFILES.INF is present in the directory where the SCSIUTIL.EXE is present. 1.4.1 Driver command line options for ASPI Manager: 1. Slows down enhanced parallel port access. 2. Turn off Burst Mode - This option slows down port access for Uni-directional and Bi-directional parallel ports. 3. Force port to behave as a standard parallel port - This option will force the driver to detect the parallel port as a uni-directional port which is the slowest mode of operation. 4. Disable interrupts - Disable interrupts while the SCSI command is in progress (may be needed when using a tape software). 5. Pause if driver fails to install - This option forces the DOS boot process to display an error message and wait for the user to press a key before continuing. 6. Reduce port access speed by [1-30] - This option slows down the port access by a slow factor number and is applicable for all parallel port types. 7. Enable INT13 support - This option enables int 13 support to DASD and optical SCSI devices. 1.4.2 Driver command line options for SCSI hard disk driver: 1. Reserved drive letters - The hard disk driver recognizes both floppy and hard disk formats on removable cartridges. If a cartridge has a hard disk format, the driver automatically recognizes all the existing partitions. This command line option can be used to recognize more partitions than the device has at boot up. This is used when you partition the device to have more partitions than it originaly had at boot up, but do not want to reboot for the drive letters to be assigned. The reserved drive letters can be 1 to 4. 2. Pause if driver fails to install - This option forces the DOS boot process to display an error message and wait for the user to press a key before continuing. 1.4.3 Driver command line options for SCSI CD-ROM driver: 1. CD-ROM device name - This is a string upto 8 characters. When this is entered, CD-ROM driver line in CONFIG.SYS and MSCDEX line in AUTOEXEC.BAT are changed so that MSCDEX will assign the entered device name to your CD-ROM device. 2. Pause if driver fails to install - This option forces the DOS boot process to display an error message and wait for the user to press a key before continuing. 1.5 Software compatibility -------------------------- 1.5.1 ASPI Manager The following software have been qualified with SimpleSCSI ASPI Manager: 1. CorelSCSI 2.00 and upwards 2. Adaptec's SCSIWorks 1.5.2 SCSI Fixed/Removable hard disk driver (PHDASPI.SYS) This driver will recognize partitions created by the following software: 1. CorelSCSI 2.00 and upwards 2. Adaptec's SCSIWorks 3. IBM's MO formats 4. Fujitsu's MO formats 5. DOS/Windows 3.1 formats for Fixed and Removable drives 6. Windows 95/98 format for Fixed and Removable drives (FAT) 7. Windows NT format for Fixed and Removable drives (FAT) 1.6 Booting from parallel port hard disk. ----------------------------------------- To boot from Parallel Port hard disk do the following: 1. Insert the SimpleSCSI Release diskette 1 in A: 2. Set Boot sequence in CMOS to A, C 3. When the boot manager menu comes up, press CTL+Z to boot from the parallel port hard disk. Make sure that the parallel port hard disk contains a bootable primary hard disk partition. Note ---- 1. If you have used SwissKnife program or SCSIUTIL program to partition the hard disk (without creating a primary partition), you need to do the following to make it a Bootable Hard disk. Please note that all the data in the hard disk will be destroyed. 1.1 Run Swissknife program or SCSIUTIL program to create a primary partition. 1.2 Insert OnSpec's DOS Install disk and type SCSIDRIV. This will install the drive letter for the parallel port hard disk. 1.3 Transfer system files into the partitioned hard disk, by typing SYS x: (where x is the drive letter of the parallelport hard disk drive) 1.4 Now your hard disk is bootable. 2. If you have used SwissKnife program or SCSIUTIL program to create a primary partition, you need to do the following to make it a Bootable Hard disk. 2.1 Transfer your system files into the parallel port hard disk, by typing SYS x: (where x is the drive letter of the parallel port hard disk drive) 2.2 Now your hard disk is bootable. 3. In case if you have already installed SimpleSCSI on your internal hard disk, and you want to create parallel port boot manager diskette, do the following: 3.1 Insert the diskette on which you want to put boot manager in drive A: 3.2 If your software is installed in C:\SMPLSCSI, then change to that install directory. 3.3 Now run BOOTDISK. This will create the boot manager diskette which you can use to boot from parallel port hard disk. 4. Parallel port booting is possible for hard disks and cartridges having 512 bytes/sector only. 1.7 Accessing internal hard drive when booted from parallel port disk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After booting from the parallel port, if you want to access the internal drives then do the following. 1. Insert the SimpleSCSI Release diskette 1 in drive A: 2. Now run the file MYDRIVE.BAT from drive A:. It will install the drive letters for internal hard disk. 1.8 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI --------------------------- To uninstall SimpleSCSI, run INSTALL.EXE from the directory where you have installed the software and choose Uninstall option. 2. Instructions for Windows 95/98 users ==================================== 2.1 Installing SimpleSCSI ------------------------- Bring up Windows 95/98 and select Start-Run menu. Windows 95/98 will prompt for the name of the application to run. Insert the Windows 95/98/NT installation disk and type A:(or B:)\SETUP and press ENTER. The software will be installed and if your device is powered up and connected, you will be able to use it. 2.2 SwissKnife application -------------------------- The SwissKnife application has the following features: 1. Option to scan the parallel ports for the existence of SCSI drives and report the throughput that can be obtained from the port and also the type of Super IO card installed in the system. 2. Attach/Detach option to dynamically attach/detach the devices on the parallel port without restarting the system. 3. Disk utilities to display the existing partitions, create new partitions and format them. The SwissKnife partitioning scheme is based on the DOS FDISK for the maximum compatibility across all operating systems. These partitions will be recognized by DOS/Windows 3.X, Windows 95/98, Windows NT and OS/2. Since ease of use and connectivity are the main features of a parallel port based drive, DOS FAT (File Allocation Table) format is used to put down the partitions. SwissKnife will also recognize several other formats such as OnTrack, Windows 95/98, Windows NT (NTFS), OS/2's High Performance File System (HPFS) etc,. 4. Option to set driver command line options. 2.3 Un-partitioned hard drives ------------------------------ Windows 95/98 will not give you a drive icon in My Computer if the drive is not partitioned. This will happen if you connect the SCSI adapter to a brand new fixed SCSI hard disk. Use SwissKnife application to partition the drive, it will add the icon(s) dynamically to My Computer. 2.4 Device Attach/Detach ------------------------ If Windows 95/98 was started without the parallel port device connected, connect the device to the port and click on the icon "Device Attach". This will add the device to the system and drive icons for the external drive will appear in "My Computer". To dynamically remove the device from the system, the icon "Device Detach" can be used. 2.5 CD player ------------- The AUDIO CDs can be played using the CD player available in the folder where you have installed SimpleSCSI. 2.6 Backup utility ------------------ Setup creates a shortcut to Microsoft Backup Utility in the folder. This utility helps you to backup your internal hard disk into the external drive. If you do not have this utility installed in your system, install it from the Windows 95/98 installation disk/CD-ROM as follows: 1. Insert your Windows 95/98 installation disk/CD-ROM in the drive. 2. Choose Start - Settings - Control Panel. 3. Double click on Add/Remove Programs. 4. Choose Windows Setup tab. 5. Double click on Disk Tools and choose Backup. Click on ok. 6. Choose Apply button and follow the instructions. 2.7 Driver command line options ------------------------------- Use the command line options only if the driver is unable to detect the hardware. The options can be entered by selecting Device-Driver Settings menu option of SwissKnife application. 2.8 Printing documents from a parallel port based drive to the printer also --------------------------------------------------------------------------- connected to the same port -------------------------- Do the following only if you encounter problems in printing: 1. Open Control Panel. 2. Double Click on Printers Icon. 3. Double Click on the printer icon that is connected to the same printer port as the SCSI device. 4. Go to the menu and select Pause Printing for this printer. 5. Print the document from the parallel port drive now. 6. When the printing is finished, it will be queued to the printer, which is in pause state. 7. Go to the menu and select Resume Printing for this printer. 8. Your document will be printed now. 2.9 Booting from parallel port hard disk. ----------------------------------------- To boot from Parallel Port hard disk do the following: 1. Insert the SimpleSCSI Release diskette 1 (DOS & OS2) in A: 2. Set Boot sequence in CMOS to A, C 3. When the boot manager menu comes up, press CTL+Z to boot from the parallel port hard disk. Make sure that the parallel port hard disk contains a bootable primary hard disk partition. Note ---- 1. If you have used SwissKnife program or SCSIUTIL program to partition the hard disk (without creating a primary partition), you need to do the following to make it a Bootable Hard disk. Please note that all the data in the hard disk will be destroyed. 1.1 Run Swissknife program or SCSIUTIL program to create a primary partition. 1.2 Transfer system files into the partitioned hard disk, by typing SYS x: (where x is the drive letter of the parallelport hard disk drive) 1.3 Now your hard disk is bootable. 2. If you have used SwissKnife program or SCSIUTIL program to create a primary partition, you need to do the following to make it a Bootable Hard disk. 2.1 Transfer your system files into the parallel port hard disk, by typing SYS x: (where x is the drive letter of the parallel port hard disk drive) 2.2 Now your hard disk is bootable. 3. Parallel port booting is possible for hard disks and cartridges having 512 bytes/sector only. 2.10. Accessing internal hard drive when booted from parallel port. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. While booting from parallel port hard disk having WIN95/98, the message Starting Windows95/98 will appear. At this time press F8 key. Then Choose the command prompt only option. 2. Insert the SimpleSCSI Release diskette 1 (DOS & OS2) in drive A: 3. Run the file MYDRIVE.BAT from drive A:. It will install the drive letters for internal hard disk. 4. Now type WIN to get into Windows95/98. 2.11 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI --------------------------- Click on the "Uninstall SimpleSCSI" icon in the folder where you have installed the software and follow the instructions. 3. Instructions for Windows NT 3.51/4.0 users ============================================= 3.1 Installing SimpleSCSI -------------------- 3.1.1 Steps to install SimpleSCSI on Windows NT 3.51 1. Load Windows NT 3.51 and in Program Manager menu choose "File". 2. Click on "Run" from the popup menu. Insert the Windows 95/98/NT installation disk and and type A:\(or)B:\SETUP. 3. After the installation is over reboot your system for the changes to take effect. 3.1.2 Steps to install SimpleSCSI on Windows NT 4.0 1. Load Windows NT 4.0 and click on "Start". 2. Choose "Run" from the popup. Insert the Windows 95/98/NT installation disk and and type A:\(or)B:\SETUP. 3. After the installation is over reboot your system for the changes to take effect. 3.2 SwissKnife application -------------------------- The SwissKnife application has the following features: 1. Option to scan the parallel ports for the existence of SCSI drives and report the throughput that can be obtained from the port and also the type of Super IO card installed in the system. 2. Disk utilities to display the existing partitions, create new partitions and format them. The SwissKnife partitioning scheme is based on the DOS FDISK for the maximum compatibility across all operating systems. These partitions will be recognized by DOS/Windows 3.X, Windows 95/98, Windows NT and OS/2. Since ease of use and connectivity are the main features of a parallel port based drive, DOS FAT (File Allocation Table) format is used to put down the partitions. SwissKnife will also recognize several other formats such as OnTrack, Windows 95/98, Windows NT (NTFS), OS/2's High Performance File System (HPFS) etc,. 3. Option to set driver command line options. 3.3 Un-partitioned hard drives ------------------------------ Windows NT will not give you a drive icon if the drive is not partitioned. This will happen if you connect the SCSI adapter to a brand new fixed SCSI hard disk. Use SwissKnife application to partition the drive and restart the system for the changes to take effect. 3.4 CD Player ------------- The AUDIO CDs can be played using the CD player available in the folder where you have installed SimpleSCSI. 3.5 Driver command line options ------------------------------- Use the command line options only if the driver is unable to detect the hardware. The options can be entered by selecting Device-Driver Settings menu option of SwissKnife application. 3.6 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI --------------------------- Click on the "Uninstall SimpleSCSI" icon in the folder where you have installed the software and follow the instructions. 4. Instructions for OS/2 users ============================== 4.1 Installing SimpleSCSI on a system currently running OS/2 ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Open OS/2 System folder 2. Open System Setup folder 3. Open Device Driver Install (in Warp 4 this is found in the Install/Remove folder) 4. Change the source directory to A:\OS2 (or B:\OS2) 5. Select Install 6. Select OnSpec SimpleSCSI ADD 7. Select OK 8. After it installs select Exit, and reboot your system If the preceeding installation procedure fails to work, check to make sure that the following lines are present in your CONFIG.SYS file. If they are not present, you will need to add them: device=\os2\os2cdrom.dmd device=\os2\os2scsi.dmd basedev=onscsi10.add /V device=os2\optical.sys 4.2 Installing SimpleSCSI CD-ROM while installing OS/2 on a system ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Make a copy of OS/2 boot diskette 1 with DISKCOPY. 2. Delete AIC7770.ADD from Diskette 1. 3. Copy ONSCSI10.ADD from OS2 directory of your driver disk to Diskette 1 of OS/2. 4. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on Diskette 1 to add the following line: basedev=onscsi10.add /v 5. Install OS/2 using the edited copy of Diskette 1 4.3 Driver command line options ------------------------------- Use the command line options ONLY if the driver is unable to detect the hardware or if the driver exhibits a data reliability problem. The options can be set using the "Device" - "Driver Settings" menu option of DRVRSET.EXE present in \OS2 directory. The command line options are: 1. Slow down Enhanced parallel port access 2. Turn off Burst Mode - This option slows down port access for Uni-directional and Bi-directional parallel ports. 3. Force Port to behave as a Standard Parallel Port - This option will force the driver to detect the parallel port as a uni-directional port which is the slowest mode of operation. 4. Reduce Port access speed by [1-30] - This option slows down the port access by a slow factor number and is applicable for all parallel port types. The Driver settings menu will be enabled only if - the driver line entry is present in CONFIG.SYS and - the ONSCSI10.DDP file is present in the directory where the DRVRSET.EXE is present. 4.4 Uninstalling SimpleSCSI --------------------------- To uninstall SimpleSCSI, remove the following line from CONFIG.SYS file: basedev=onscsi10.add /v