________________________________________________________________ O T H E R U S E R S U P P O R T E D S O F T W A R E AVAILABLE FROM PC ENTERPRISES If you find the programs on this diskette useful, you may wish to purchase additional User Supported Software from PC Enterprises. While all diskettes listed below include the term "PCjr" as part of the diskette name, many programs listed also work on other computers. The diskette name includes the term "PCjr" because the programs have been tried and found to work well on PCjr computers. ________________________________________________________________ OTHER USER SUPPORTED SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FROM PC ENTERPRISES. Prices: The cost for each diskette is $9.95 plus shipping. Bargain hunters should look for value packages which offer special savings! Testing: All programs have been tested on a PCjr, however, many PCjr's are expanded differently. As a result, we depend upon you, the PCjr community, to let us know if a problem is found with any program on these diskettes. If you encounter a problem please let us know. Complete the problem report form (PROBLEM.TXT) on this diskette, and send the completed form directly to PC Enterprises. Warranty: All software provided on diskettes sold by PCE is sold as-is, and without any warranty whatsoever. This policy is for your protection. Obviously, we make every effort to provide only PCjr compatible software. Our policy prevents viruses, which infect diskettes returned by other customers, from spreading to your computer. All user supported diskettes sold by PCE are warranted for a full year. If the DOS CHKDSK command reports any errors, or if any file produces an "Error reading" message, we will replace the diskette. Rewards: If you are the first (or even one of the first), to provide PCE with a newer version of a program that we currently distribute, or to report a problem with any program on a PCE User Supported Software Diskette, PCE may provide you with a User Supported Software Diskette as your reward. Refer to the PROBLEM.TXT file for details. Ordering: To place an order call 1-800-922-PCjr or 1-908-280-0025 Shipping and Handling: We charge $5 per order for shipping and handling. Sorry if this seems high, but that's our standard charge for shipping and handling. To get a better value with respect to our shipping charge, purchase a new monitor, printer, and spare PCjr, in addition to your diskette. We'll still charge only $5! _________________________________________________________________ PCjr Specific Utilities We Think Every PCjr Owner Should Have: 85505 PCJR UTILITY DISK 1 PCjr Specific (mostly) 85507 PCJR UTILITY DISK 2 PCjr Specific (mostly) 85508 PCJR UTILITY DISK 3 PCjr Specific (mostly) _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Other Utilities Specifically Selected for PCjr Owners 85509 DOS UTILITIES FOR THE PCJR DISK 1 85510 DOS UTILITIES FOR THE PCJR DISK 2 85511 DOS UTILITIES FOR THE PCJR DISK 3 85512 DOS UTILITIES FOR THE PCJR DISK 4 -------------------------------------------- 10050 DOS UTILITY FOR THE PCJR VALUE PACK (all four): $29.95 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Telecommunication Software for the IBM 300 Baud Internal Modem 85503 PCJR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISK 1 FOR THE IBM INTERNAL MODEM ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Telecommunication Software for all Hayes Compatible Modems 85519 PCJR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISK 2 PC-TALK III 85520 PCJR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISK 3 KERMIT 85521 PCJR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISK 4 QMODEM AND QMODEM JR 85524 PCJR TELECOMMUNICATIONS DISK 5 PROCOMM ------------------------------------------------------------- 10051 TELECOMMUNICATION VALUE PACK (DISKS 2-5 ONLY): $29.95 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Other User Supported Software Diskettes 85518 PCJR DISK DRIVE MANAGEMENT Floppy diskette utilities 85517 PCJR HIGH DENSITY SOFTWARE DOS 2.1 support for 720KB 85513 PCJR VIRUS PROTECTION SOFTWARE Anti-virus software 85514 PCJR FILE COMPRESSION SOFTWARE Includes PKZIP and others 85516 MAKETALK! v2.0 PCJR SPEECH ATTACHMENT 85515 PCJR MUSIC DISK 1 PCjr 3-voice music