PC Enterprises' S O F T W A R E P R O B L E M R E P O R T PC Enterprises is determined to totally eliminate PCjr compatibility problems. Please use this form to report any problems you experience. Submit this form along with a DISKCOPY of the diskette you use to start your system. Mail the completed form to: PC Enterprises, Software Problem Report, PO Box 292, Belmar NJ 07719. Your Name _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City ___________________ State _____ Zip ________ Program Name: __________________________ Publisher: _____________________________ PCE Disk Number ________________________ Volume Label of the diskette (use DIR to determine): _____________ VERSION number of diskette (type VERSION to determine): __________ Program version number (or file size and date): __________________ Today's date _______________ Please check one: ___ I could not get the program to run at all ___ The program started to run but did not run correctly ___ I'm submitting a newer version of a program Please provide an explanation of the problem. We need enough information to duplicate the problem on our PCjr's. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Software Problem Report Page 2 Which version of DOS are you using (ENTER: VER to determine)______ Which brand of DOS (MS, PC, DRDOS, etc) ___________ Please tell use what is in your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC files. Please include all information. Do not exclude any files! If you prefer, you could provide a print out as an alternative. CONFIG.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please describe your systems configuration: Memory How much memory do you have? __________ List brand(s) __________________________________ Floppy Drives Number of floppy disk drives installed _________ Indicate capacities (360KB, 720KB, 1.2MB, 1.44MB, 2.88MB, or 21MB) _________________________________________________________________ Hard Drives Do you have hard drive? ______ Brand of hard drive(s) __________________________________________ Are you using the PCE SCSI Host Adapter? Yes ____ No _____ If yes indicate BIOS version numbers printed when you first turn on your computer. PCE BIOS ______ (the first BIOS message) Seagate BIOS Version ______ Future Domain BIOS Version ______ Did you have any cartridges installed at the time you experienced the problem: ___________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Software Problem Report Page 3 Do you have a jrExcellerator? Yes ____ No ____ Does the problem appear in PC or PCjr mode? __ PC __ PCjr __Both Please indicate the jrExcellerator BIOS version number (displayed at BOOT time) ____________________ Note: Compatibility problems can be caused by the FASTKEY program. Be sure to read PC Enterprises Application Note AP05 for solutions. __________________________________________________________________ Do you have a Display-Master VGA sidecar? Yes ____ No ____ The Display-Master Cartridge revision number can be determined by using jrConfig v3.0 to boot your system. Please indicate the PCjr BIOS date displayed _______________ When you first turn your PCjr on, you will see a D: and an L: displayed in the lower right of the screen. Please indicate the letters displayed adjacent to the D: and L: D:_________ L:_________ What type of monitor are you using? ______________ Which video modes show the problem: Normal mode (Display-Master Cartridge Not Installed): ____PCjr-CGA Display-Master Modes ____ CGA ____ EGA ____ VGA ----------------------------------------------------------------- Software Problem Report Page 4 Please list any other hardware you have: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ P.S. If this form results in our improving any of our products or user support diskettes we may wish to send you a users supported diskette as our thank you. Please indicate your first choice: ______________ Thank you The Staff of PC Enterprises