This program is copyrighted 1983 by Paragon Software Corporation. All rights reserved. All information here is proprietary to Paragon Software Corporation.  **NOTE** You have purchased a single machine license.You may not include this product in any product you distibute unless you purchase additional licenses. Additional licenses in small quantities are very reasonably priced. Please contact us for more info. Thank you. Pascal Decimal Math Information Paragon Software Corporation's Pascal Decimal Math routines were written to make programming business functions possible and easy for I.B.M.'s (tm) Pascal Compiler V1.0. The Pascal data type INTEGER lacks enough significant digits to make it useful to represent large dollar amounts and type REAL may round off the least significant 6th or 7th digit causing a loss of acurracy. Decimal math corrects both these problems. Up to 15 digit numbers may be manipulated accurately since they are represented and operated upon using base 10 numbers rather than base 2. Also, one routine provides for the conversion of numbers to strings via a controlling mask so that reports and displays may be easily created showing numbers conforming to familiar business representation such as comma insertion, trailing minus signs, CR for negative numbers, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------- File Contents at time of archival: Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\ READ ME 4,867 09-21-83 9:40p DECMATH DOC 7,071 09-21-83 9:38p SAMPLE PAS 8,960 09-20-83 8:59p DECMATH INC 1,152 01-01-80 3:14a SAMPLE LST 19,850 09-20-83 9:02p DECMATH OBJ 5,876 10-07-83 1:44p SAMPLE EXE 35,968 09-20-83 9:06p 7 file(s) 83,744 bytes Total files listed: 7 file(s) 83,744 bytes 74,752 bytes free