Footage was shot on a Panasonic G9 II at 5.8K open gate (5760 x 4320). Colorspace is Panasonic V-log 10-bit 4:2:0. I used MBR Color Corrector III along with the color charts to produce a correction LUT from v-log to rec.709; the LUT is included in the same directory. Light was positioned at stage left, had a dullish white reflector stage right. Light was probably too close and too harsh, as I am traditionally used to blasting light to overcome small sensors, which turned out to not be that necessary with the G9 II. As a result, my forehead is somewhat blown out -- not clipped, but no contrast. Next time, I'll put up a large diffuser... Framing, and the choice to shoot 5.8K open gate, was deliberate, so that I had multiple framing options in post. There will be times when I have words or graphics to the left side, right side, or above me. 5.8K 4:3 gave enough resolution for that kind of flexibility. My only regret is that my camera can only shoot 4:2:0 in that mode. I had the option of shooting all of the narration in prores raw, but that seemed like crazy overkill so I decided against it.