Notes on Htget -------------- Htget is a simple command-line HTTP retriever. This program is useful for getting other people's HTML files to use as examples if you're trying to start your own Web site. Marc Williams also reported at least one occasion where Bobcat was unable to retrieve a Web page but Htget could. This new version displays the progress of the download with the -v option. Note that Htget is just a retriever. To view the HTML file, you will need a WWW browser such as Bobcat, Doslynx, or Arachne, or an HTML viewer such as Knots. Htget also does not translate end-of-line sequences of files downloaded from Unix hosts. There are various programs around to do that; check any large archive. Htget is a WATTCP application, so to get it to run you have to edit WATTCP.CFG. If you have already set up WATTCP.CFG for another application, you can use that; the WATTCP.CFG for Htget can consist of a single line: include=e:\internet\wattcp.cfg (Mutatis mutandis, of course.) Otherwise, if you have static IP, set MY_IP to your IP address: MY_IP= If you have dynamic IP, comment out that line and put this instead: INCLUDE=E:\INTERNET\IPADDR.CFG You will need to create IPADDR.CFG at connect time and give its full pathname here; see the README file in my Internet directory. Set NETMASK like this (note: do *not* use your real netmask): NETMASK= Set NAMESERVER to your nameserver's IP address: NAMESERVER= If you have a static gateway, give its IP address: GATEWAY= Otherwise, if your gateway is dynamic (you get a different gateway each time you call), either give the gateway you *usually* get, or comment out the GATEWAY line and put this instead: INCLUDE=E:\INTERNET\GATEWAY.CFG As above, you will need to create GATEWAY.CFG at connect time and give its pathname here; see my README. If you have static IP, you can fill in your HOSTNAME: If you have dynamic IP, comment out the HOSTNAME line. Set DOMAINSLIST to the empty string, i.e., DOMAINSLIST = "" It might be a good idea to increase SOCKDELAY, especially if you have a slow modem. I have: SOCKDELAY = 90 After you get WATTCP.CFG set up, comment out the PRINT line.