Addendum for Tandy 1000 GW-BASIC 2.02 (Tandy Version 01.01.00) On Tandy 1000 MS-DOS Version 02.11.22 (Cat. No. 25-1000) In this version of BASIC, the BEEP ON/OFF functions operate opposite to the way they are described in your Tandy 1000 BASIC Reference Manual (Cat. No. 25- 1502). BEEP ON turns off the internal sound function, and BEEP OFF turns on the internal sound function. If you wish to correct BASIC so that it functions exactly as described in the BASIC Reference Manual, perform the following steps on a backup copy of your MS-DOS diskette which contains Tandy 1000 GW-BASIC 2.02 (Tandy Version 01.01.00). Tandy Version 01.01.01 already has this patch applied. 1) Rename BASIC.EXE to BASIC.TMP by typing: A>RENAME BASIC.EXE BASIC.TMP 2) Debug the file BASIC.TMP by typing: A>DEBUG BASIC.TMP 3) Apply the patch as follows: -E 6AA9 74 4) Write the patched file: -W 5) Quit the DEBUG program: -Q 6) Rename the BASIC.TMP back to BASIC.EXE: A>RENAME BASIC.TMP BASIC.EXE The file BASIC.EXE is now patched so that the BEEP command performs as described in your BASIC Reference Manual. Radio Shack A Division of Tandy Corporation