.lt USING DESKMATE 3 MORE BUT ENJOYING IT LESS? If so--or even if you just want to learn more about DeskMate--you'll want to know about GETTING THE MOST OUT OF DESKMATE 3, by Michael A. Banks. This illustrated book covers every aspect of DeskMate 3 (both versions 3.2 and 3.3), from installation to accessing DOS. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF DESKMATE 3's features include: * A hands-on guide to installing DeskMate 3 on your computer system. * Step-by-step instructions on customizing DeskMate and its applications to suit your computing needs and work habits. * "Quick Tips" on using DeskMate applications and accessories more efficiently, and in ways you didn't think possible. * Techniques for saving disk space, importing and exporting data, accessing DOS commands, and running other programs from DeskMate. * Comprehensive command, function, and file references for all DeskMate applications and accessories. * DeskMate "secrets" that you won't find in any manual. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF DESKMATE 3 is your complete guide to putting the power of DeskMate 3 to work for you. With this book and DeskMate 3, you'll leap into new dimensions of computing! GETTING THE MOST OUT OF DESKMATE 3 is now available at your local Tandy/Radio Shack store, or in Waldenbooks, B. Dalton's, and other bookstores. (Michael A. Banks is the author a number of books, including THE MODEM REFERENCE and WORD PROCESSING SECRETS FOR WRITERS. He writes the "DeskMate Tutor" column for PCM Magazine.) Interested in modem communications? Check out THE MODEM REFERENCE, by Michael A. Banks and published by Brady Books/Simon & Schuster. Recommended by Jerry Pournelle in Byte, The New York times, The Smithsonian Magazine, various computer magazines, etc. If you're a Reflex 2 user (or a Reflex 1 user looking to upgrade to Reflex 2), you'll find QUICK & EASY GUIDE TO REFLEX 2 of interest. Written by Michael A. Banks and published by Compute! Books in early 1990, the book provides everything you need to get Reflex 2.0 up and running now! Want the lowdown on getting more out of your word processor? Read the only book on word processing written by writers, for writers: WORD PROCESSING SECRETS FOR WRITERS, by Michael A. Banks & Ansen Dibel (Writer's Digest Books).