DeskMate on One 720K Disk ------------------------- I recently bought a Tandy 1100FD Laptop Computer, As you surly know DeskMate is a very powerful and practical tool. The "only thing wrong" with it is that it comes on two disks. So I decided to slim it down to ONE Disk. Format yourself a blank disk and copy all the files listed below to your disk. Take note that I have not included the Worksheet, Telecom and PC-Link applications, because I simply don't use these programs. I use other applications that are a lot better... So here is the directory. Volume in drive A is DESKMATE W Directory of A:\ DMNOTEPD ACC 14029 DMTODO ACC 5832 DMACCESS ACC 7251 DMSERV ACC 23951 DMSETUP ACC 26651 DMPHONE ACC 20137 DMALARM ACC 14907 ALARM CFG 128 * Data File DMFORM RES 9872 DMOLDAPP MOD 7961 HANGMAN PDM 27001 FILER PDM 39495 CALENDAR PDM 72211 PERSONAL CAL 6144 * Data file for calandar ADDRESS PDM 53923 PERSONAL ADR 12288 * Data file for address book ALARM RES 12119 ALRMINIT RES 9607 DBUPDATE RES 15532 DBBUILD RES 11672 DESKTOP CFG 1009 * Data file FORMSET PDM 59673 DRAW PDM 57183 Eric Tremblay Montreal, Canada CompuServe I.D. 73117,460